<![CDATA[Estate Artistry - Homepage - Blog]]>Fri, 14 Feb 2025 10:21:42 -0500Weebly<![CDATA[Regarding Elizabeth Hart's Presentation for MD4CE on January 5th 2025:]]>Wed, 08 Jan 2025 05:04:16 GMThttp://estateartistry.com/blog/regarding-elizabeth-harts-presentation-for-md4ce-on-january-5th-2025Most of my readers know I have been an active participant in bi-weekly calls held by Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International.  A video archive of previous calls can be found here: https://rumble.com/c/c-1504535
My activities within that group, in addition to my own personal activism have recently subsumed my efforts to maintain a regularly updated personal blog space.
I was unable to attend this call due to serious equipment failures which have since been remedied, but I passionately wanted to be present, it was just not possible that day.  The following sentiments and opinions are my own.

Elizabeth Hart's topic was presented as a question:
 “INFORMED CONSENT: Is this the key to taking down the House of Cards?”
I could expound on this for hours, so please, just trust me on this: 

The best answer is VERY SHORT and VERY SIMPLE:
It is because there are a billion ways to get around informed consent… and they used ALL of them.  "Informing" people is THE LOWEST POSSIBLE BAR ANYONE COULD POSSIBLY SET.   It has never been whether or not anyone was ever "informed" it has always been about what, if anything, they were told.  The criminals we are up against simply legalize their own criminality.  NEVER FORGET, that "informed consent" has also been FLAGRANTLY AND COMPLETELY ABSENT and nobody hung for it, not just this time…  
It is for this reason, no matter who comes forth as a potential advocate on our behalf, that I personally feel seriously compelled to question, and vet, if I am in a position to do so, ANYONE'S integrity and ethics, as a duty. And you should feel just as confident as I do in that. 
Again… Why? 
Everyone must understand and accept that it is by USING people, many of whom could very well be completely innocent and well-meaning or misguided dupes, that the covid scam succeeded.  There are many people trying their level best to offer solutions, however:
If you have been watching us all fight this war over the last few years,
 it is time to use the knowledge and clarity you now have,
that we all paid so dearly to acquire though our own tireless efforts..

We each must choose our champions wisely.  We don't have time for those who would SLOW US DOWN, by begging our support and assistance with their virtue signaling and non-impactful causes, or who ask for our complicity in advancing meek or mild objectives, like this one, that WILL have no meaningful effect at all.  
Is 'Informed Consent' the key to taking down the House of Cards?
Allow me to provide a clear, authoritative, definitive, and well supported

Please, vet my logic here, you can do that, or come up with a better example than this one:  

​Hitmen and mobsters, THE WORLD OVER understand, as do their marks when the moment finally comes -- THAT MURDER IS DONE BY INFORMED CONSENT.  It is this very same LOW BAR that has allowed the scandalous lie, that "vaccines offer protection" to endure with such a long and storied history.  THIS IS THE MYTHOLOGY, that not only made so many doctors willfully dishonor themselves, by breaking their oaths -- It is their inexcusable acts, that continue, which makes all that do GUILTY… of crimes against humanity! 
The events that took place in Nuremburg closed all the loopholes, for all them.  For anyone that has overlooked or forgotten it, let me remind them now; that judgment applies, AND STANDS, to this day!  It was GUILTY, without exception, or forgiveness, in perpetuity, and with unwavering resolve, that was made all the more clear with the addition of what was, up until that time, a very unique and decisive sentiment with regard to non-consentual human medical experimentation: 


Today, all those people, who choose to continue to support this crime with their complicity after this particularly egregious, global operation, that is frankly just impossible to deny, makes all of those people, exactly and undeniably, what Chris Coverdale, who presented for us back in July of 2024 proved they were.  
And he read it straight out of currently codified, and applicable, International Law: 
By definition, they are all
Accessories to Genocide!

Chris made it clear; we have the highest possible legal and moral ground, that we can be no more confident  than we are, at this moment, in making such accusations, even to the extent of personally passing such judgment ourselves if we must.  Damn the all the haggling over their coercions, and pleadings over their excuses.  This crime would not have been possible without the complicity of everyone involved.  It is the support of these contributors that has also made this vile con as SUSTAINABLE as it has been.  So you can add to the already Mount Everest-sized pile of evidence you and everyone in this room and elsewhere has collected, if you so choose, a thousand more feet of documentation, that only further proves beyond any reasonable doubt, this crime has been repeated, somewhere in the world, and every few generations, for literally 3000 YEARS!


If we are to be taken at all seriously…
And if we get that , we can then proceed to convict the criminals however we wish, and do with them what we see fit, since their right to trial was granted ---80 years ago!

It is a reasonable and fair question that I put to YOU, right now.

In case it has not been completely obvious, mine is the FINAL AND PERMANENT ELIMINATION of not just covid jabs, but ALL vaccination procedures, and I mean worldwide if we can collectively accomplish that.  We need to, through our influence, do whatever is necessary to inflame enough people in our own respective countries, to induce an intolerance of this abomination, that has NEVER been so obvious as it is right now. 
If, through these replays, you have been watching all of us fight this war, then you can feel confident we have ALL become not just over-qualified. Together, we are now competent, and capable

And I mean that.  

Do you know of anyone else more qualified to take point on this and lead the way?
The job is ours to lose.
(every bit as cliché and pompous as it sounds, I know)
 of "Saving The World"
I'm all  in.  
Let's not just pass out more applications.


Let's finish what we started, while there are still people to save, yeah?

-J.E. Lukach
<![CDATA[My Meeting With Scott Schara]]>Sun, 13 Oct 2024 13:21:35 GMThttp://estateartistry.com/blog/my-meeting-with-scott-scharaToday I want to showcase an exceptional individual, one I can appreciate a great deal.  Scott Schara lost his daughter in an extraordinary example of medical malpractice.  While the way this occurred departs a little from the usual vaccination related cases I cover extensively here it is no different if you look at it from an angle that affects us all, which is medical tyranny. 
This is a form of legalized criminality that has become increasingly widespread, I would even say to the point of being commonplace, where the medical establishment has been systematically and radically transformed into a cult of death by means of a slow process that began over 100 years ago with the advent of Rockefeller medicine in the 1920's.
This of course has never been as obvious as it became during the fake pandemic, but Scott's story, which he relates in a recent Medical Doctors of Covid Ethics conference call I attended, should remind everyone that the problem is not limited to topics that surround covid and the dangerous superstition of "vaccination as protection".
There is a recording of that call you can view on Rumble.  Here is that link:
  https://rumble.com/v5hzit5-scott-schara.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp  (My comments are at the 2:07 minute mark.)
Scott's daughter Grace was killed by St. Elizabeth’s Hospital (Ascension Health).  Since then, Scott has been on a mission to spotlight the crimes of the American medical system and has since become a nationally recognized expert commentator on the medical murder agenda in America, and the dangers of incentivized healthcare. Scott’s research proves that this practice of medical murder is intentional—and by design.
Listening to Scott's account brought back memories of all the emails and other correspondence I received when I first entered this fight myself, not out of personal loss, but out of outrage.  There were days when reading such letters left me sobbing at my desk, and I found it difficult to hold back the emotion as Scott related his story.
People like Scott and I attack this problem from different angles, but it is a problem that sooner or later will impact each and every one of us, usually from the moment some random circumstance forces us to have some contact with the medical community.  Increasingly, doctors are contributing more to our collective harm than our health, and the sooner we all begin to recognize that, the healthier we will all be.
Scott and I kept in touch beyond that initial call and agreed to try and align our efforts a bit.  To that end, I explained to him the reasons behind my crusade to extract Charles Richet from a historical memory hole in an attempt to preempt one of the biggest excuses being put forward as a reason to interact with doctors, that being fictitious viral diseases and their deadly answer to all of that which is, of course, repeated vaccinations.  I asked him to, in some way, add this argument to his own, and in return, I offered to carry his message to those people that frequent my blog.
Working to expose the dangerous errant ideas and medical practices that abound today, in all the forms they take, is a worthy cause we can all participate in, and should participate in.  I realize there are many caveats to doing so.  I have endured most all of them myself, but I am still here, and just as motivated as ever to continue.
Life is sacred.  Those that would destroy it or allow it's destruction though deference and inaction serve the evil every bit as much as those that carry it out.  If this continues, one day, it will be your life on the line.  Let's try to avoid that now, while we still can.
Scott's landmark lawsuit in the murder of his daughter, Scott Schara v. Ascension Health et al., is underway in Wisconsin Circuit Court, and will see a jury trial in June 2025.  You can follow the legal case by signing up at
https://graceschara.com .
Links to a range of resources, including Scott’s research, can be found at https://ouramazinggrace.net . The family set up a non-profit and uses donations for its extensive billboard campaign.  There’s a donation link on this main website.
Scott’s powerful story, is told through a selection of his appearances, which can be found on Social Media, particularly Twitter, Telegram, Facebook, and the “Deprogramming With Grace’s Dad” Podcast, found on all major podcast platforms.
You can watch the groundbreaking film from Director Jeff Wagner Breaking the Oath" and watch the powerful documentary series from Director Vera Sharav, Never Again", both featuring Grace’s story.  A CHD Film exposing hospital murders and the vaccine agenda was just released, Authorized to Kill, which also includes Grace’s story.
Scott specifically asked me to mention his Substack "Our Amazing Grace's Newsletter" and his most recent article, which can be found here:
https://ouramazinggrace.substack.com/p/what-is-the-secret-purpose-of-the Scott has a strong Christian belief which I have no doubt will resound with many of you.
Our common enemy has many faces, many of them have a lot of people fooled.  Many have faces we all know and recognize.  I encourage you all to lose any fear you may have of asking them the hard questions, the ones they mostly avoid. 
We are not powerless.  Truth, and justice, can prevail.
<![CDATA[The Solution Could Be Easy]]>Fri, 04 Oct 2024 13:14:44 GMThttp://estateartistry.com/blog/the-solution-could-be-easyIt's really hard, almost impossible really, to find anything coming out of big pharma that isn't a really bad poison, especially now.

Today, after the whole covid thing: If it comes in a syringe it is a vax.

NEVER, EVER let anyone near you with a needle.

They really are trying to depopulate the planet, and they are ALL IN on that plan, so every damn thing you can name is full of some adulteration, and it doesn’t matter if it is illegal to do that, they are doing that to everything now, it is not safe. Not at all.

We are all on our own now.

Not sure how long it will be this way either.  But I try to look on the bright side:
Now we know.

Right? I mean, it sucks, no doubt about that, but before this there was nothing to fix.
Now we got plenty.

The problem was worse for not knowing what it was. But now, after all that’s happened, you gotta be stone cold dead, or blind, to miss it, so we just gotta decide if we want this situation to change or not, and if the answer is 'yes', we can have it.

It could be real easy to fix. Doesn't take but a little common sense to see what floors need sweeping, since anyone unable to see this mess is part of it.

Practically solves itself, this one. We're even part way there with just adopting an attitude of "No more Doctors". I am always thinking about how easy this could all be, if only enough people just make a simple decision like:

"Fuck asking that guy for his advice."

Imagine just starting with a simple thing you just don't do anymore. It's reasonable, to do that out of a disappointment or loss of trust sort of mindset. And if lots of people did?  How would you see it going?
Just stop talking to them.  What happens?

No customers, no money. They can't make a living. Doctors go away.

Without doctors to get you the poisons you can't get without them, how does that then happen? Does it really even make much sense to want them? That may not have been how you got sick, but it is what makes anyone worse typically, more times than not by far and in more ways than one. Doctors chose that course of action.

Hell, only shit doctors getting shit educations in shit med schools need that shit… not you.

Some of those shit doctors went on to do shit research instead of treating people.  And they designed even more shit medicine that got more people sick and on and on that went until… a pause, that would come if everyone quit going to doctors.

That takes care of those shit researchers making new designer poisons.  They can't make a living now either. Because Big Pharma needs customers to pay them, and they have no more customers, because nobody wants their help.  Poison pill designers go away.

Intentionally so or not, doctors and drug chemists are part of the problem, not part of the solution. 

A Big Pharma monster truck just… runs out of gas, pulls to the side of the highway, with a huge load of product in tow.  Normally, they would be on a tight delivery schedule.  But not anymore.

Truckers stop making shipments, Factories stop making drugs, people go back to growing medicinal plants, and Big Pharma goes away.

Some people will complain and beg. But they're gone now. Doctors caused this because they harm people with those poisons... like whoever jabbed you.

Why on Earth would anyone feel like they were losing something valuable if they had no "doctor poison"?

Some things are actual medicine and are OK, but I hear you.  Even those can be abused or used wrong. That problem is easily solved with instructions.  It used to be that way!

Besides, everyone knows what the painkillers and antibiotics they needed once are. By name! And if they don't, or it is their first need? 
It doesn't take 7 years of schooling to follow instructions.  The practice of medicine is NOT hard.  It is very straightforward.  You have be misled into believing otherwise.

You or I can do that for an "out of it" neighbor.  Do it a few times, you become your own doctor. 

That is really the only way you will survive today.  It's not like anything is really different at all.

And I guarantee that without drug pushers with fake doctorates, or any way to train new ones fast, any drug still useful is gonna be on sale; like 90% off on sale. Collect that stuff if you want, or grow poppies and other medicinal plants. It's easy enough to do that.

When Big Pharma's shelves are bare of anything useful, just burn the building with all the rest inside. Now someone has a nice field to farm on if they want to .

That’s how you accomplish what everyone thinks is impossible.  You don't whine.  YOU ACT. 
You take responsibility, and act responsibly, like adults.

People were far healthier before 1920 in the US than now. Average life spans went up and down for different reasons, mostly war or bad depressions, but people were by and large healthy. And they had none of our modern 'medicinal wonders'.

No ADHD, no latex allergies, no autism, no cancer.

'Man-Splaining' wasn't a mental illness. It was 'how you kept women in line'. And look what's happened since men allowed themselves to be shamed out of providing such guidance!

Everything was a plague, 'over there'.

Losing a son in some way was a thing that happened, but he never came home with plastic tits and a vagina!

You couldn’t be locked up by a psychiatrist for "micro aggressions". Dueling killed more people than health practitioners, but only because pistols were still kind of new, and cool.

Cocaine, Opium and Heroin were cheap, plentiful, and sold over a counter. Nobody talked about drug problems or addicts because it wasn't polite.  We had them, it wasn’t a big deal, they lived how they wanted, or deserved.

Hysteria was a horny doctors excuse for having to fuck your wife… regularly. If you weren't doing it, doing it often enough or doing it poorly, you created that guy.

Occasionally someone got electrocuted to death in a ritzy health spa where you could buy that sort of experience. And because nobody seriously regulated or controlled anything, nobody sued and lost, or sued and won... or really sued anyone.

If someone got fucked up, THEY were stupid. 'Don’t be stupid' was a common sense rule, it was expected that you were supposed to have some. If you got scalded by hot coffee, you got scalded by hot coffee. Nobody owed you a billion dollars over it.

I'm not painting the past like it was a utopia or anything, it was what it was.

But compared to now, 
it was SAFE.

There was always bad advice, but effective healthcare existed, and the practitioners were usually relatives, like your mother, and her mother, that actually cared. Nothing wrong with homeopathy or natural remedies. They don't always work as fast as you might want them to, but they actually work great.

Back then snake oil salesman got reputations. Now they got power.

And once this Rockefeller Medicine profit model we have today got traction, well, its been all downhill since.

And look what WE got.
Had Enough Yet?
<![CDATA[Questions and Answers - About Charles Richet And His Findings:]]>Sat, 14 Sep 2024 23:20:45 GMThttp://estateartistry.com/blog/questions-and-answers-about-charles-richet-and-his-findingsMost of the questions I get about Richet and anaphylaxis are similar.  People frequently touch on the common points I hope to address below.  I have a friend across the pond who conveniently summed them all up in a recent email to me. 
(Thank you, Fred.)
In providing the clarifications I did, Fred also helped me to come up with a simple "keystone cops" type analogy to help simplify some of the commentary offered by Sasha Latypova since, that followed her and Katherine Watt's discovery of this information.  I thought that some of that commentary was at times confusing, even to me, so I offer my responses to my friend below as a better way to share this information with others.
Fred's Comment:
"I think his published accounts need to be transliterated into 21st century language, as what he wrote was in 19th century medicaleze which triggers a sense of incredulity. Perhaps one of the chatGPT tools could render it an easier task."
My Response:
Nah, you gotta be cautious about even using that at all, it dumbs people down and they become dependent on it.  That Is a whole other can of worms, and in my opinion, part of a larger plan and why the elites throw so much money at it.  All the paperwork involved in covid vaccine human trials were written by ChatGPT, I am convinced of that, then humans went over it all to clean it up some.  If they really used over 100,000 live people for that trial so many would have keeled over dead it never would have been possible to move ahead with it.  And they did use a lot of real people, but they came up with reasons to exclude the worst outcomes from the final report, and they used a shit research company full of Barney Fifes to conduct it.  What happened as a result is what we got.  
As far as Richet's old-timey language goes, that’s easy to translate, and I may do this live on air on TNT, talking to Charles Kovess about this now. 

Your body has cops that question anyone who doesn't live in the neighborhood, [ANY ALIEN FOREIGN PROTEIN] and because they know everybody that lives in the neighborhood that always happens.  [CONCEPT OF SELF VS. NON-SELF]  The first thing that happens when they see someone suspicious [FIRST EXPOSURE VIA NEEDLE] is an ID check, so its "license and registration please".  The cop then goes back to his squad car expecting to write a ticket for trespassing, runs the tags, and discovers the car is stolen, along with other prior evidence of all kinds of other crimes and he arrests the suspicious character, which is then jailed without bond, tried, convicted, and given a sentence by the judge.  [THE TIME IT TAKES TO DO ALL THIS IS THE 28 DAY ANAPHYLACTIC WINDOW]  The sentence imposed, that only seems to be a bit random, actually isn't.  [THIS INCLUDES EVERYTHING RICHET CANNOT DEFINITIVELY PROVE BECAUSE HE HAS A NORMAL HUMAN LIFESPAN, LIKE WHETHER OR NOT THE CRIMINALS RECORD WILL FOLLOW HIM FOR LIFE, BUT ALSO WHY ANY SENTENCE THE JUDGE GIVES IS HARSH OR LENIENT] 
Assume all convicted criminal trespassers go free at some point but have to live in exile with their felonies. 
If one of these criminals trespasses a second time with prior felony convictions [SECOND EXPOSURE VIA NEEDLE], the cop is required by law to destroy whatever the felon trespassed on and anything the felon saw.  If he was caught on the border next to the "Welcome to the Body" sign, the cops burns that sign. [ITCHINESS AND RASH]  If he was found at the courthouse, the cop burns down the courthouse. [MASSIVE WIDESPREAD INFLAMMATION, NEUROLOGICAL, AND OTHER SYSTEMIC DISEASE]  If he was caught after casing the entire the neighborhood, the cop breaks out the nuclear suitcase, mashes the big red button, and annihilates the entire place. [FOURTH DEGREE ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK]
Now consider the fact that it is not just vaccines, but ALL MEDICAL INJECTABLES, that can contain foreign proteins!  And they can, and do, cause anaphylaxis each and every time they are used twice, that is true, it's just that sometimes the judge lets the trespasser go with a slap on the wrist and other times you die.  

There is a good reason why everyone, including doctors, confuse and conflate allergy with anaphylaxis and anaphylactic shock.  It is because they are all the same thing. 
Richet attempted to divide possible outcomes into four categories.  But even today, over a hundred years after the causes of it were nailed down, there is STILL no agreement on what should be classified as first, second, or third degree anaphylaxis, and anaphylactic shock is commonly believed, even by doctors, to be to be a mysteriously extreme outcome that is distinct from other common allergic reactions. 
Ask yourself how that can be so, and why it is so, and you will find the evil intentions I speak of, along with all the evil people with those intentions.  It's obvious. 
Just as obvious, is the reason why Richet's Nobel prize winning discoveries were chucked down the memory hole:  It was to ensure that knowledge of this reliable pattern, of anaphylaxis, would never be used to finger a murderer!  Big Pharma is has been complicit in mass genocide!  Who allowed that? 
Break out the rope, all of it, we're gonna need miles of rope to hang them all.
Fred's Comment:
"A discussion should be had about whether such experiments could be ethically reproduced today, like with Stephan Lankas's et.al. replication of the virus isolation methodology to prove it fraudulent. It's bizarre how many medical claims today are shrouded in mysticism due to a premise that unethical medical experiments can't be considered viable to prove/disprove claims. Like how it's 'unethical' to deliberately infect someone with a 'flu virus' cause it might cause harm, so we just pretend all prior experiments disproving it even possible, are swept under the rug, and we can't try them again, cause we're not Racist."
My Response:
It's not necessary, the vaccines were the experiments.  Don't you remember that the vaccine rollouts were all listed in the Pfizer documents as separate experiments?  They even had end dates, officially, that nobody could explain.  THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING!  And all the manufacturers keep proprietary pharmacovigilance records you are not allowed to see, by law, because if you knew what was in them they could lose money to a competitor.  (Except they were never competing.) And the murderers control the evidence room! 
Who made that possible?  The politicians did. 
Who was supposed to catch this?  It was the murderers heading up the regulatory agencies! 
But it's worse even than that.  Everyone is going to want to go after Big Pharma, but they are not even legally responsible for the crime in the United States.  Because the actual murders were committed obliviously by common everyday people who were given immunity from prosecution by the politicians when the passed the PREP ACT.  And the murderers that made all of this possible were those at the top that run the US Department of Defense, who ordered the US military to execute the plan, AND THEMSELVES
This is what Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt have been exposing.
Fred's Comment:
"Richet's personal views on eugenics and race in an of themselves should be considered a major hurdle for a general western audience to get past (again, cause we're not Racist) before being willing to take his research seriously. He's basically a poster child for everything politically incorrect and 'literally Hitler' so that should be more carefully addressed than merely simply trying to brush it aside. Let's just unpack what he believed, tear it off like a band-aid."
My Response:
Richet was an asshole.  He did subscribe to racist eugenic philosophies.  In fact, I would even posit that he probably only did what he did as a way to impress the wealthy eugenicist elites in his own time and give them a gift.  So Richet was not a morally righteous historical figure at all, but none of that is relevant. 
What is relevant is the elites responsible for funding and driving everything you see going on today are the descendants of those same people, and their eugenic beliefs have not changed at all. 
They are the real murderers and that is their motivation!
Please download a .pdf file of "Covid-19 Vaccines and Induced Anaphylaxis"
A back-up .pdf book file is also archived here: https://sciarium.com/file/655450/grant/

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<![CDATA[On Restoring Charles Richet's Rightful Place in History]]>Tue, 10 Sep 2024 10:47:24 GMThttp://estateartistry.com/blog/on-restoring-charles-richets-rightful-place-in-historyThe most important reveal of our lifetimes is happening right now. 
It began just after Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova learned about, not me, or my book, which is not what anyone should be talking about, but about Charles Richet, who won the Nobel prize for his discovery of anaphylaxis in 1913.  I just happened to write a book about that discovery, in which I explain its relevance to today and current events, that they just happened to find, in the course of other research they were doing.
It is rare that any one piece of information directly affects every living man, woman, and child on the face of the Earth today.  But this is one of those rare instances, and it directly affects YOU. 
Please understand that any discussion of me, or the fact that it was my book they found, is a distraction.
I do not want to take center stage.  I don't need or want any recognition here. 
My sincere desire, is for the work of Charles Richet to be rediscovered.
I need your help with this. I need a favor from you, and from anyone who reads this.  I am literally, on my knees, begging and pleading, that all of you refuse to allow the conversation this book started to end.  I am asking that you refuse to allow Richet's discoveries to swept aside or ignored, by anyone.  And I am going to provide you with bulletproof arguments that will make any attempt you make unassailable. 
The thing that helps the cause the most is to just share my book, or a way to find it, like a free download link I will provide, that other websites can add to theirs, and this article which is also on my blog if you received it directly from me, or a previous one liked below, which explains why it is so important to read:
(EA BLOG POST ON 4/12/21: https://estateartistry.com/blog/order-my-book-april-13th-and-14th-it-is-free)
If anyone would like me to send them a free copy, my email address is ceo@estateartistry.com.  People can request a free pdf from me.  I respectfully request that you pass that around with any quotes made by either Sasha Latypova or Katherine Watt regarding the reactions they had immediately after they learned about Charles Richet, which may continue to show up in other ways in their respective substack articles.  I will provide some good ones in this post.
(The first mention was  by Katherine Watt on Bailiwick News on August 26th and forward)

(First mention by Sasha Latypova in Due Diligence and Art was on September 3rd, 2024 and forward)
It doesn’t matter what reaction or quote you choose, even if you use good ones made by others since, as long as they are thought-provoking, I just saw plenty in these first two articles by Sasha and Kat.  Jane Ruby and I don't get along.  I call her 'Fake Jane' but I she recently interviewed Sasha, there may be good quotes in that clip.  The quotes by either Sasha or Katherine are the best.  Their acknowledgement of the significance of this information is a form of endorsement that I have been waiting years to see.  And not to sell people more of my books either.  Clearly I don't care about that.
The minute they saw it, (Katherine reviewed an old post on 'Northern Tracy', which included incorrect conclusions made by Tracey (now deceased), but cited my book and a Richet biography) their reaction was one of shock and horror.   This was exactly what I intended to convey. It was my initial reaction as well.
A strange observation: When I first read Katherine's article on August 26th I was doing so from a hotel room at the beach on a cell phone, (not sure if that is relevant) but when I first read it there was something I saw that was part of the article then, something that is not there any longer, so I can only assume it was edited out after the article was initially published.  This is something I cannot explain, or prove, since I don't have a printout of it.  But what I saw that day were text bubbles of the kind you sometimes see in movies, where cell phone text messages are flashed on the screen like subtitles, to let you see what characters are texting to each other.  Upon reading the Northern Tracy post, Katherine immediately called Sasha to share her finding, and that is still a topic within this piece.  I clearly recall excerpts of a texting or messenger exchange between the two that were originally transcribed into the August 26th Bailiwick News post I read.  However, by the time I got home and re-read the same Bailiwick News article on my computer, I noticed they were no longer there. They would have made excellent quotes that amplified their reactions, but they are gone now. The rest of the piece seemed to me to be unchanged.
But putting that aside for now, the fact that this came as a surprise to both you them tells you right there that it was important.  It also demonstrates that it is not at all unusual for even very well informed people like the two of them, to be completely unaware of this crucial information.  There is no doubt in my mind that is the result of an covert agenda, the goal of which was to ensure people forget this, and to reduce any mention of it, in hopes that a piece of incriminating evidence would just 'go away'.
Richet's conclusions, and the ones I make, which apply his work to the present day are correct, shockingly correct.  Sasha is parroting some of those conclusions now, and what they mean for vaccinated people is as shocking and horrifying a reality as I state in my book that it is.  The realization that befell both Sasha and Katherine was one of "WOW" at first, followed by "OMG No!" shortly after, and everyone who is spreading this news is finding out everyone they show it to, if they understand the implications (which I will now reiterate clearly), is having a similar reaction. 
With Sasha and Katherine commenting publicly as they did, mostly because those comments come from two well-known and well respected, highly credible sources, who are both recognized as populist heroes for their activist work exposing the covid con and the dangers of vaccination, the information and conclusions made in my book just became credible facts!  And they BOTH further recognized what they meant, which is that:
This information sinks the entire CDC/WHO/Gates/Vaccine Insanity Ship!

These are facts that must reach people in all sorts of occupations, and they must look at it, but especially those in science and healthcare, because it came from one of their own, who was recognized with a high honor, which is proof our common enemy cannot take back.  It is:
  1. Proof that they cannot dispute.
  2. Proof that will never be overturned or revised.
  3. Proof that is fundamentally based on basic human physiology that has not, cannot, and will not ever change.
  4. And proof that there can be no future 'modified understanding' of.  Which also means you can be certain that any new 'updates' or additional 'qualifying factors' you may hear about after this, will be flat out lies.
​What Richet understood by 1913 was that these patterns and outcomes, which we now refer to as anaphylaxis, are hard-wired in people.  There are only variations in severity between individuals that have to do with secondary exposure timing, and to a lesser extent, the amount of primary exposure toxin that is present in the body when that secondary exposure occurs. 
Therefore, left with no other options, it was decided that;
  It MUST be hidden from view.  This was our common enemy's only choice.  They could not remove the predictability of this chain of events, so they attempted to effectively  'remove' Charles Richet, to 'memory hole' his discovery.  This is why my book had to be, and was, banned by Amazon.  My guess is my book was probably noticed after a prominent journalist, named Eliz VanHamelin, published a two page article on it that catapulted the title to number one in Amazons social sciences category.
As a way to intentionally increase mortality, the reliability of this anaphylactic pattern was useful, but knowledge of it was evidence.
Because of what Richet concluded, and I repeated, and applied to present day, in a very clear concise way anyone can follow was:
Richet's findings definitively provide the one simple reason, (which is the reliability of that anaphylactic pattern),  that is obvious to see and easy to confirm,
without any more vaccine experimentation…

That makes the whole concept of  "vaccination as protection" clearly impossible,

That repeated vaccinations are only capable of harm and nothing else.
That explain WHY a severe anaphylactic shock is NOT "rare and unusual" at all.
Because it always happens, and that is KNOWN FACT!
PEOPLE AT THE TOP KNOW, that it is extremely likely that any vaccination
can cause death suddenly.


This realization is rippling across a sea of audiences, right now,
and that must become a TSUNAMI,
or we are all DEAD.

Below are some of the quotes I thought were telling in more ways than one:
Main takeaways are in red.
If I disagree with any of them, my rebuttals follow the quote in blue
"I did not know that anaphylaxis is all allergy to foreign proteins.  I thought it was only very an extremely severe reaction. Richet basically explains how any protein, if injected is detrimental to the body (and I believe to the microbiome)."   -Sasha Latypova 2024

"I would agree with this - no "biologics" should ever be used based on his research and based on what he said in this speech."   . - Sasha Latypova 2024

"In general, I think this self-non-self differentiation is a fundamental law of nature".  
- Sasha Latypova 2024
"The protein info was interesting to me too, as a piece of evidence about how long the vaccinators have known that what they were doing was always harming the recipients, to a greater or lesser degree based on unpredictable aspects of the mix of stuff in the vial and the unique biology of the specific living organism. "
- Katherine Watt 2024

"And I was interested in Richet’s account of the etymology of
the word anaphylaxis, as the opposite (ana) of protection (phylaxis) = deliberately rendering an organism hypersensitive."  -Katherine Watt 2024

"Weaponized proteins." -Katherine Watt 2024
Quotes from my book included in various posts:
“Charles Richet’s speech, and all of his findings, are murder mystery clues that are now more than 108 years old and, from what I can see, either long forgotten or completely ignored. This is why Richet’s work provided a perfect way to plan billions of perfect murders. Until this very moment, no one has been knowledgeable or observant enough to put it all together, connect the dots, and come forward to expose this clever deception”
 - John Lukach in 2021
“To my knowledge, I am the only person, outside of this eugenicist cabal, who has been able to recognize that anaphylaxis accurately describes exactly why ALL mRNA VACCINES WILL LEAVE ALL RECIPIENTS OF THEM EITHER PERMANENTLY DISABLED, TERMINALLY ILL, OR IMUNOCOMPROMISED AND SUSCEPTIBLE TO DEATH AT ANY TIME – especially the ones created to combat CV-19 and its mutations, which offer no viral immunity protection whatsoever”   [because all mRNA are alien foreign protein sequences]
- John Lukach in 2021
“Richet’s experiments proved that hypersensitivity was an immune phenomenon. His work in anaphylaxis helped to elucidate diseases such as hay fever and asthma, as well as others that arise from massive allergic reactions. Further analysis by other researchers demonstrated the reasons for the dual toxic effects of ctinotoxin, immunogenicity and hyper-sensitizing at the same time.  What Richet learned was how to induce allergic hypersensitivity. This hypersensitivity is permanent.
This is the eugenicists’ weapon.
- John Lukach in 2021
“Proteins are the building blocks of the body and the body creates them all the time as needed. Any protein created by the body is considered “self.” Any alien foreign protein that is mechanically introduced is  considered by the body as “not self.”
It is really that simple. Vaccine antigens are alien foreign proteins. This is why vaccines elicit an immune response. In fact, all attenuated vaccines contain one or more proteins. This is what constitutes the attenuated viral material, but repeatedly introducing the same foreign protein causes hypersensitivity and the result of that second exposure is anaphylaxis”
- John Lukach in 2021
Please understand that I am COMPLETELY BANNED from using Substack, that it is an unusual form of censorship, in that that I have yet to find anyone else that has been banned by Substack in the same way I have been.  Not only am I not allowed to comment on anything platform wide, I do not even have the basic functionality that the platform offers regular readers.  Any comments I have ever left on any authors stack have been COMPLETELY PURGED.  It is as if I never visited the Substack website EVER.  I had but one prior block, that was limited to a single author's page, that was initiated before this platform-wide restriction happened.  That block was a initiated by Dr. Ana Milhalcea after I left comments that contradicted some of her claims about EDTA chelation therapy, based on valid, factual information I confirmed with other doctors.  Ana used to be a friend. We both attended MD4CE standing calls together.  She sent me her books, I sent her mine.  I have her email address, her personal cell number and her office number.  I tried numerous times to reach her and discuss her reaction.  No correspondence was ever answered, no explanation was ever given.  I had extensive conversations with others on multiple stacks prior to this punishment, that was never explained by anyone. Those discussions were never nasty or abusive.  Every thing I ever said there was completely professional and polite to a fault.  Yet, even instances of COPIED COMMENTS, if they were originally left by me, HAVE BEEN COMPLETELY REMOVED!  Thus, I am forced to express my opinions and rebuttals here. 

"I would like to acknowledge that I knew not much about anaphylaxis other than it is a dangerous, life threatening allergic reaction."  -  Sasha Latypova
"I witnessed it in a local grocery store pharmacy that administered covid vaccines. A young apparently healthy man (in his 30s) dropped on the floor immediately after the injection and was lying there when I walked in. Everyone was behaving like it wasn’t a big deal. I wanted to be let off this planet."  -  Sasha Latypova
"Katherine Watt pointed me to Charles Richet’s Nobel Prize acceptance speech and to a couple of articles by this author (Northern Tracey links removed). I suggest you read them. The author was way ahead of all of us on this topic. "
-  Sasha Latypova
NO DON’T!  While Northern Tracey may have been ahead of Katherine and Sasha, I am STILL way ahead of everyone speaking, even now. The Northern Tracey article on Richet is extremely bad.  It is a poorly assembled mash up that is confusing, misleading, and even incorrect.  You will not be able to figure out who said what, which citations come from my book and which ones belong to the other biographer, and whoever this second author is we may never know, because he is not even identified in this. Someone may know, but I could not find it in this piece, and all throughout Northern Tracy is typing out her own mental gymnastics, which are very easy to confuse with either me or the other unnamed author, because all three sources are conflated into a disorderly puzzle.  What's worse, is that many of the conclusions in that article are Northern Tracy's, not mine, and all of those are WRONG!  -John Lukach (a bit disappointed that  Sasha would suggest this)
"poisons made by people like Richet and now CDC/pharma. They do not transmit by air or casual contact. 
No labs" - Sasha Latypova
"What becomes apparent from reviewing Richet’s 100+ year old research - the only thing you really need to worry about with respect to “viruses/poisons” is an injection of biologics (proteins) for the 2nd time within the anaphylaxis window that starts typically after 20 days and lasting anywhere from months to years to the lifetime." - Sasha Latypova
NO! This is inaccurate, and a horribly misleading statement!  DON’T GET ANY.. because you may already have a hypersensitivity.  You have no idea what proteins are in any injectable, not to mention they ALL contain as yet unidentified crystalloid structures as well that grow inside your blood.  They have been seen and pointed out by countless other microscopists and doctors doing live blood analysis since the jabbing began.  Sasha herself has also repeatedly made the point that vaccine manufacturers are not being held to proper standards, or even their own standards, in the manufacturing processes. 
Additionally, Researchers from La Quinta Columna have been testing every kind of medical injectable out there, for years!  And what they have been screaming about is this: They found that everything they looked at was adulterated, and using Ramen Spectrography to identify their contents, they determined they all contained graphene.  Last I checked, which was about a year ago, they had managed to examine samples they obtained of over 750 commonly used products, all medical injectables, and THEY WERE ALL BAD. 
-John Lukach 2024

This can happen in nature from the 2nd bite of an animal/insect carrying same biological toxin (a very low probability event nowadays), or from what is now forced by the government policy - from the needle wielded by a brainless money whore masquerading as a healthcare provider who is doing it for the 90th time in your or your child’s life “because science”.  - Sasha Latypova
While mostly true, I would argue with what I think I understand Sasha's assertion, or assumption to be here.  It sounds like she is saying there is a very low probability you may already have a hypersensitivity that could become triggered by an insect or animal bite, which can be set off by a vaccine, or vice versa.  I would not automatically assume that is true just because you live in a first world country, and given the opportunity, I would remind her of this very strange thing going on that Bill Gates has been behind, that involves the release of millions of what Gates claims are "genetically modified mosquitoes".  Gates, as usual, explains this effort to be a benevolent means of combating mosquito borne diseases that are rarely seen in the places he is doing this, but then I see reports of occurrences of those same diseases that cite numerous cases in cities like Boston. 
I checked to see if the places these reports are coming from and the locations of GMO mosquitoes I could find line up.  I could not find any examples where they did, but I don't trust Bill Gates and I don't believe anything he says about the things he spends money on.  You will have to decide if these cases are even real, if he is dropping mosquitoes in populated areas to increase the chances a vaccinated person will go into anaphylactic shock and die as a result, or if these insects are really genetically modified, because I really don't know. 
But what Bill Gates is, or is not doing, is neither here nor there, because there is nothing uncommon about bees and mosquitoes, or a bunch of other common stinging and biting creatures.  What I can assure you of is this:  If vaccines and other medical injectables are being laced with sensitizing proteins, that match any of the ones you are exposed to in a bite or sting, the effect could very well be the same.  I think it likely that you and I will start noticing many more vaccinated people 'dying suddenly' this way, that previously had no idea they were, or had become, susceptible.  -John Lukach 2024

I frequently attend standing calls held by Medical Doctors of Covid Ethics International.  I have a well established reputation amongst the seventy or so regular attendees on these calls, as a valuable contributor.
I recently attended a call in which a trauma surgeon from United Kingdom gave a presentation which was about the view from his chair of what went on during the pandemic.
Before the recording started I had an opportunity to explain everything, all of this, to him and all the attendees present before he began his presentation.
As you might expect, this presentation was a recollection of how everyone involved, himself included, were caught up in what I would describe as a ScoobyDoo mystery in which the old man in the mask wasn't even wearing one.  It wasn't clear to me at the time if what I was hearing was a case of vaccine blindness or fact avoidance, but either way, they were all searching like detectives for a reason that would explain all the death they saw, all the while failing to notice, as a good detective would, what they all had in common.  They considered every possible cause and factor except the most obvious one:  They were all vaccinated.
In the question and answer period that followed I could tell the doctor was monitoring the activity and sentiments expressed in the chat log that everyone participates in during the meeting.  His eyes kept darting to the log display.  I could tell he was affected by the angry comments, many of which were my own, and they were coming at him fast and furious.   

Upon seeing this I reassured him in that log, that nobody present expected him to grovel or apologize, that we understood, and that nobody present was blaming him personally.  But by the same token, what we wanted to hear, was him explicitly state that a hard lesson was learned.  And that he would never forget it. 

We never got exactly that, but I think he understood.
I only mention what took place on this call to offer you a suggestion, not to beat up any more on the surgeon, who I believe is now aware of the nature of his mistakes then.  I appeared to me that his reason for being there at all, giving this presentation, was his way of explaining what occurred.  I think it possible this was his way of atoning for those mistakes -- of implying that such mistakes would not happen again while he was on watch.
I had the last question. 
I gave him my book, 'Covid-19 Vaccines and Induced Anaphylaxis' and the important parts of this very article, and I said to him directly:
Now that you have this information, now that you understand how valuable it is:
The poor guy was speechless.  I floored him with that question, and I could tell that, at that moment, he had no idea.  I let him off the hook, because duty called and he had to get back to doing his job.  But later on I emailed him with a few suggestions.  I advised him to share this with his colleagues, that he organize them, and that they band together to defeat the pressure placed on them by medical boards and administrations that keep them all in line by threatening them with losing their livelihoods. 
While the meeting was going on, one of the things I shared in the chat log was an observation that I have always thought odd.  That despite all the time doctors in hospital settings spend with each other, it seems to me a strange thing, that no camaraderie develops.  One would think that an impossible thing.  Nobody commented on that observation.  But it must be true, because they live and conduct themselves in fear of repercussions that are swift and decisive whenever they question anything.
What this doctor did freely admit, was that they are all trained to not question what they are taught, that to do so is death for them.  I challenge that assumption, and I think all doctors should challenge it as well.  That is a decision I would hope many of them will make in the days ahead, and I hope they decide it to be the MOST important ethical responsibility they have, and something they are honor bound to do.

I credit this last bit to my good friend, Gordon Groves, who brought this to my attention, and who was kicked off a livestream given by "Fake Jane"
for leaving this comment about the last person
to be awarded the Nobel Prize:

"Compare [Charles Richet]with the Nobel Prize given to Drew Weissman for Covid 19 vaccines:"

​Drew Weissman
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2023
Born: 7 September 1959, Lexington, MA, USA
Affiliation at the time of the award: Penn Institute for RNA Innovations, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Prize motivation: “for their discoveries concerning nucleoside base modifications that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19”
Work:  A vaccine prevents diseases by stimulating the body's immune system to develop a defense against the infectious agent. One type of vaccine uses mRNA, which transfers genetic information from DNA to stimulate protein production. In 2005, Drew Weissman and Katalin Karikó discovered that certain modifications of the building blocks of RNA prevented unwanted inflammatory reactions and increased the production of desired proteins. The discovery laid the foundation for effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 during the pandemic that began in early 2020.
"This is the exact opposite of what Richet said in 1913, but go ahead and give the same prize to a murderer and liar.  All Hail The New World Order !!!"

​Weissman could not possibly have done this.  The prize motivations section even uses the word "effective" in its description of vaccines.  Gordon is exactly correct to point out this debasement of the Nobel Prize and the corruption within the Nobel selection committee.  Honoring Weissman with the Nobel on this basis, was blatantly FRAUD.
Weissman was given that award to create a fallback position that could be utilized should people begin to re-discover Charles Richet.  They may say he was wrong, that the Nobel committee back then made an error, or they may double down and say Drew Weissman proved Richet wrong.
None of that matters.  We see what they have done here.  They cannot prove it.  Drew Weissman cannot prove it.  They lose.

Game, Set, Match.

​In my follow-up email to the trauma surgeon I told him what I would do is challenge that award, and I reminded him that he now had everything he would need to mount a challenge and succeed, because Drew would not be able to prove his case and be worthy of it. 
I suggested the possibility that if he was ballsy enough to do such a thing, maybe the Nobel committee would have no other option that to let him hang onto it.
I told him I would check up on him in a few months to see what, if any, efforts he had made, and to get an answer to my original question that he could not give me before:


I closed the email with this:  "Don't make me swim over there and kick your ass!"
This is what I suggest you should do with every doctor you run into.  Provide them with this article, a copy of or link to my book "Covid-19 Vaccines and Induced Anaphylaxis" and demand to know what they intend to do to protect you.  Don't let them squirm out of their obligation, out of their oath, to:
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Thank you all, for reading, for acting, and most of all, for refusing to allow this to continue.
Be Well;
John Lukach

<![CDATA[The Way All Good Things End]]>Mon, 26 Aug 2024 08:13:21 GMThttp://estateartistry.com/blog/the-way-all-good-things-endDonald Trump ends up standing in front of the pearly gates. Saint Peter looks at him for a second, flicks through his book, and finds his name. "So, you're a politician..." "Well, yes, is that a problem?" "Oh no, no problem. But we've recently adopted a new system for people in your line of work, and unfortunately you will have to spend a day in Hell. After that however, you're free to choose where you want to spend eternity!" "Wait, I have to spend a day in Hell??" says Trump. "Them's the rules" Says St Peter, clicks his fingers, and WOOMPH, the guy disappears...
Trump awakes, curled up with his hands over his eyes, knowing he's in Hell. Cautiously, he listens for the screams, sniffs the air for brimstone, and finds... Nothing. Just the smell of, is that fabric softener? And cut grass? This can't be right. "Open your eyes!" says a voice. "C'mon, wakey wakey, we've only got 24 hours!". Nervously, he uncovers his eyes, looks around, and sees he's in a hotel room. A nice one too. Wait, this is a penthouse suite... And there's a smiling man in a suit, holding a martini. "Who are you??" Trump asks. "Well, I'm Satan!" says the man, handing him the drink and helping him to his feet. "Welcome to Hell!" "Wait, this is Hell? But... Where's all the pain and suffering?" he asks.
Satan throws him a wink. "Oh, we've been a bit mis-represented over the years, it's a long story. Anyway, this is your room! The minibar is of course free, as is the room service, there's extra towels next to the hot-tub, and if you need anything, just call reception. But enough of this! It's a beautiful day, and if you'd care to look outside..." Slightly stunned by the opulent surroundings, Trump wanders over to the floor-to-ceiling windows through which the sun is glowing, looks far down, and sees a group of people cheering and waving at him from a golf course. "It's one of 5 pro-level courses on site, and there's another 6 just a few minutes' drive out past the beach and harbour!" says Satan, answering his unasked question.
So they head down in the lift, walk out through the glittering lobby where everyone waves and welcomes Trump, as Satan signs autographs and cheerily talks shop with the laughing staff. And as he walks out, Trump sees the group on the golf course are made up of every one of his old friends, people he's admired for years but never met or worked with, and people whose work he's admired but died long before his career started. And out of the middle of this group walks his wife, with a massive smile and the body she had when she was 20, who throws her arms around him and plants a delicate kiss on his cheek.
Everyone cheers and applauds, and as they slap him on the back and trade jokes, his worst enemy arrives, as a 2 foot tall goblin-esque caddy. (Rosie O'Donnell) He spends the day in the bright sunshine on the course, having the time of his life laughing at jokes and carrying important discussions, putting the world to rights with his friends while holding his delighted wife next to him as she gazes lovingly at him.
Later, they return to the hotel for dinner and have an enormous meal, perfectly cooked, which descends into a food-fight when someone comically throws a bread roll at the next table (where Gandhi is having a game of truth-or-dare with Marylyn Monroe). As everyone is falling about laughing and flinging breadsticks at each other, his wife whispers in his ear... after which the couple return to their penthouse suite, and spend the rest of the night making love like they did on their honeymoon. After 6 hours of intense passion, Trump falls into the 100% Egyptian cotton pillows, and falls into a deep and happy sleep... The next morning he is woken up by St Peter.
"So, that was Hell.  Wasn't what you were expecting, I bet?" "No sir!" Trump says gleefully. "So then" says St Peter "you can make your choice. It's Hell, which you saw, or Heaven, which has choral singing, talking to God, white robes, and so on". "Well... I know this sounds strange, but on balance, I think I'd prefer Hell" says Trump. "Not a problem, we totally understand! Enjoy!" says St Peter, as he clicks his fingers again and WHOOMPH!
Trump wakes up in total darkness, the stench of ammonia filling the air and distant screams the only noise. As he adjusts, he can see the only light is from belches of flame far away, illuminating the ragged remains of people being tortured or burning in a sulphurous ocean. A sudden bolt of lightning reveals Satan next to him, wearing the same suit as before and grinning, holding a soldering iron in one hand and a coil of razor-wire in the other. "What's this??" Trump cries. "Where's the hotel?? Where's my wife??? Where's the minibar, the golf-courses, the pool, the restaurant, the free drinks and the sunshine???" "Ah", says Satan. "You see, yesterday, we were campaigning.
But today, you voted..."

(Patriots... consider yourself warned.)
<![CDATA[Lesser Evil is Still Evil]]>Mon, 05 Aug 2024 16:17:13 GMThttp://estateartistry.com/blog/lesser-evil-is-still-evilWhy does this boring trope never get old with certain people?

In terms of choosing the lesser of two evils in yet another US Presidential 'selection', it seems to me as if the show runners have probably run out of ideas on how to make the process more attractive than the annual Superbowl. 

I am reminded of an old South Park episode that ridiculed Hillary vs. [fill in the blank] cause I've lost count, between 'Turd Sandwich' and 'Giant Douche'.  But they never disappoint, so even if their show has not been cancelled, I am sure if you pay them enough they will conjure up whatever sort of thrilling eye candy you will pay to see next time around.

Let's take a moment and review this years choices shall we?

WASHINGTON, July 27 (Reuters) – Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told Christians on Friday that if they vote for him this November, “in four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not gonna have to vote.”

It was not clear what the former president meant by his remarks... 

Really?  I am clear on it.  

Somebody help me out here:  What do you call that system of governance in which there is no voting?

But for Trumpers 'fingers in ears' has become traditional and patriotic, right?
Things like this ADD UP.  Ignoring them is better though?
What else we got?  (to pick on a recent few)
-No injury to the mans ear.  No scab, no scar,… but all that fake blood, wow.
-He lies to your face in a press conference or speech where he specifically states, with added theatrical emphasis, that his right hand was covered in blood, the same hand we got a picture of as he raised it in defiance… clean a whistle.  (You go find it, I won't waste anymore time on this.)
One shooter, two shooters, three shooters, not a bullet but glass from a teleprompter, Secret Service don't like him, they were in on it, they were incompetent, and all the rest.
I am inclined to agree with Farrell that this does smack a bit like chasing the dragon in terms of the extent of housekeeping that seems to be associated with floating a plausible narrative, (something along the lines of 'Make Trump Great Again").  

​But I would explain that a different way.
This is what they use AI for mostly...  War gaming the shit out of everything!  for example; Say I wanted to supercharge Trump, kick Biden to the curb, and to get this done I wanna know if I stage an assassination attempt.  Trump becomes a hero, Biden shows his senility, Kamala is easy to beat.  How does that plan play out?  You tell me, if you are watching that bullshit. 
I think this is another example of machine learning falling on its face in a real world application.  The reason AI chipmaker Nvidia is the biggest company in the world now is obvious to me.  Who's got the money to invest?  Yep.  What do they do with AI?  Yep.  Because AI is a golden goose for transferring wealth that leaves you and I with nothing but rotten eggs full of fake bird flu, but they also believe in it for this reason.  It is the false idol they worship that bestows power on whosoever controls its use.  But because such people are also inbred and stupid, they appear at least to take whatever it spits out on a ticker tape in answer to their questions about how best to game the world a bit too seriously. 
I am sure "How do I pillage and clean sweep the US and use whatever it still has to my advantage?" was a recent ask.
Either way, more twists and turns than the DaVinci Code!
Are you not entertained?

Israel to kick off WWIII "Within 72 hours"  as predicted by Joseph Farrell On August 2nd in an interview with Dark Journalist, based on actions and announcements made by Israel that day, which he recounts in the interview. 

Is this what we are seeing?  I dunno.  Possibly.  If you are like me, with eyes to see and ears to hear,  you are just quietly watching and taking some notes.
I admit I do like Farrell's thinking, he is very good at seeing through deceptions, and for the most part, if you have been a fan of him over the  years, you will most likely agree.  However his take on the Trump assignation being a screw up on the part of the Deep State is one conclusion I take issue with, because I do not see Trump as a populist rebel, as many seem to, and I think its possible Farrell is in that group.  That is all stagecraft for the cameras, but I can see why it plays to such a large audience that has become exhausted by four straight years of non-stop 'poly-crisis'.  But they should have expected all of that, Col. Klink over at the WEF said as much. 

About the only thing we have not seen yet is the large scale destruction of the internet, which is what I think he was referring to.  Although we have seen a bunch of possible test cases, like the 'Web of Destruction' in France:

Net Nazis: "No soup for you!"

And the recent Microsoft glitch that I barely even noticed, but that apparently made a mess of a whole lot of things:
With all due respect to Dr. Farrell, it just seems to me to be more simple, and likely,  that if Trump is any sort of rebel I would say he has eyes on a throne others that have been pulling the strings behind the scenes do not want him to sit on. 

This is the 'King of the Hill' squabbling I always saw coming, as the real power players are defined as people (psychopaths) who do not like to share.  So as they conduct their pretense of dividing up the hill, they will only grant a slice of this pie to those who can be trusted to 'self-emolate on demand'. 

​I don't think Trump will do that, he's way too greedy, and he still has some tricks up his sleeve you can expect him to use.  He wasn't really officially 'read-in' on certain tech, but he got into that file anyhow through a relative.  (Vanover Bush)
I will add something Farrell never said, but that seems obvious to me:

Trump is Israel's VP, (behind father Bibby), that will be SELECTED as the next person to pretend to be a US president.  If you cannot see that, you are BLIND.  The 'Trump Show' is a reality program that has a basis in reality.  In this case, Trump is the Apprentice'.  And he will eventually get fired.
In case you have not been following along and reading for comprehension, the coop taking place in the US already happened.  In terms of significant events I would cite:
  • The passing of FASB-56 that took the ENTIRE US Gov't budget black while Clarence Thomas entertained you with things he did with his cock.
  • The stealing of 21 trillion dollars with no accountability.
  • Four years of Biden puppet distraction while duck were lined up.
  • The first annual 'pandemic games"
  • The proxy war in Ukraine to funnel the rest.
  • Vaxxing the military, to make them weak.
  • Swift replacement of the Biden Puppet followed by the apotheosis of Trump to messiah in a faked assassination con.
  • (Kamala puppet to cover during transition)

Still to come:
  • ​The Great Taking
  • "Emergengcy-A-Paloosa" (Food production destruction ala Bird Flu, with more vaccine side benefits, economic excuses to enable damn near anything, .
  • Installation of Zionist leadership under Trump.  No election needed, but we'll pretend.
  • WWIII in earnest, by any means necessary, with Trump at the wheel.  Lets 'genocide' everybody!  Because reasons.
  • 'Removal' of Trump, because he's not a Bonesman and will never be a Bonesman, and because his ambition is getting in the way of the plan.

Yeah, its all quite the show, but remember to also watch what continues to go on in the wings.  The brighter the stage the darker the curtains need to be.  The larger agenda still creeps ahead with pawns that can be easy to miss, like...
Oh, come on!  It's compensation!  Take a dive bitch.

Cause ID is a basic human right... Obviously?

Here we go again...

Vax em, hang em, doesn't matter, ends justify the means. 

Cause it's just money...

Whatever happens, just maintain your objectivity. 
There are no 'trends'. 
​There are only clues.

<![CDATA[12 minutes...]]>Sun, 14 Jul 2024 17:17:54 GMThttp://estateartistry.com/blog/12-minutesThat's how much time I spent writing this commentary, just a few minutes after I heard someone say Trump dodged a bullet. and that is ALL it will get from me.
Once again I see it is up to me to "Go First" again.

Trump shot eh?  Yawn.  Not buying it. Don't react.
This happened so you would not notice that 40 banks in China just VANISHED at the same time, (all absorbed into larger ones.  But China appears to be just pretending all their confused customers simply have dementia.) I have read that China's economy is about 13% of the global total.  If true, let's just say 'not a good thing'.
Also, the fences are back up in DC.   I live nearby.  It's a thing.  Either they are nervous or they think we are.
I have been saying for a week or so now that the plan has always been to just skip having another 'selection'.  The hubris these people are capable of is nothing if not impressive.  Maybe from their perspective, elections cycles are a waste of time when 'Full-on-Hitler' is where you really wanna be. 
And shut up all you psychics.   This 'event' was pretty foreseeable even back when Chump was playing a President on another reality TV show some of you still like a whole lot.  "It's gonna happen" does in fact become a bit anti-climactic after hearing the same people repeat that for ten years ya know.  (Much like heat waves in the summer.)
And we also have had certain 'people', (I'll call them social influencers), predicting a July 'event' for a month or so now. But before that it was an 'November surprise'.
And before that it was a 'black swan event'. 
Umm, hello? 
They all happened.  (In case you didn't notice while you have been 'cliff-hanging'.)
We also heard Biden saying some really stupid things, (comparatively speaking) that some folks now believe is proof that implies 'Sleepy Joe' put out a hit on some Chump. (because people who cannot recall not being a black woman voter recently do shit like that constantly.)
Then there is Elon Muskrat giving a Trump SuperPac a boatload of cash just prior to this, (because it is a fashion thing that makes everyone with a 600 billion net worth want to sign a head-wound bandage.) Masons have cornerstones, Jews have weeping walls… I get it.
Does anyone know if getting you ear pierced in this manner qualifies Chump for a Purple Heart? 
Because if it doesn't well, it damn sure ought to!
Although its not all that prestigious a distinction as it once was, since everyone running the clown show lethally injected, (in some cases eight or more times), have been walking around (if they can still walk) with purple hearts since 2021! 
But as an idea, purple is the new gold, which means;

"That ol grey mare just ain't what he used to be,
ain't what he used to be,
ain't what he used to be…"
Yep,  If I actually thought of a publicity stunt before he did, I'd wager that means the Chumpster, should he become president, is likely to be showing more familiar signs that he might also become rather "Biden-like" himself next year.
Finally, not to be left out, is idiot Tucker Carlson, with his weirdly adolescent, somewhat chipmunk-like face and the same bad haircut he's had since his high school yearbook photo was taken.  Mere minutes after the shot heard round the internet, Tucker was popping up on every screen I saw, where he was claiming credit for accurately 'predicting' this.   

(Because saying such things is not at all stupid, nor incriminating in the least if, on occasion, you also happen to go out in public wearing a doily on your head.)
Oh come the fuck on -- you wall worshiping… guy, you.  Whatta...  (you know).
I'll make my own news, thank you.  And as far as real intel goes, I will be considering anything BUT the ghastly glow of gaslight!
I am going with fake shooter, fake blood, fake attack, and I will pile that opinion on top of fake medicine, fake news, fake political savior, fake Biden, fake jobs, fake inflation reduction, fake flu, fake virus…[gasp]… artificial intelligence, fake war in Ukraine, fake eggs, bananas and watermelons, fake climate change, fake pandemic, fake meat, fake regulatory agencies, fake First 'lady' Michael...
Need I go on?
I hope at least some of you also noticed that of the 8 shots being reported, none of those 'sound effects' hit anyone BEHIND Trump. EIGHT. Last I checked, bullets fly in straight lines everywhere except that one Angelina Joliet flick. There was a crowd around him, behind him, same level as him…, just not any Secret Service dudes, (where they would just be in the way I'm guessing) But I am supposed to overlook the fact that with so many targets, any sniper close enough or good enough to graze him once, can't hit anything, or anyone else nearby with the rest of that clip?   Ya, right.  Pfft.  Whatever. 
Would someone just cue the disaffected Palestinian shooters domestic terrorist manifesto story and just get it over with?  You know, the one that neatly explains why this happened, that the intel guys always draft up flawlessly, that they always find scribbled on a cocktail napkin literally minutes after any bullshit stunt like this, in which any active shooter involved collapses instantly, stone cold dead, the instant any 'rigger' pulls any 'trigger' in any ''Breaking News' episode you can still name, in any of the Gilligan's Island re-runs we have been watching the last 20 years since I gave a shit enough to become as vocal as I am today…  
So the pirates and 'CON-gressmen' can start locking some shit down again?  (Like gun owners, gun shops, gun manufacturers, etc. )
If anyone cannot see this pattern by now, after all of the over-the-top shit, that has followed THE EXACT SAME PATTERN the last few years, then perhaps you never will.  I believe it just may not be possible for such people. 
But for those that do see this for what it is -- Remember to duck and cover when the ones that can start the hot civil war the 'Capitol Hill Gang' want, who will provide a reason to cue the use of military [you-name-it] to kill Americans MORE effectively, and even faster than 'warp speed'. 
Everyone remembers 'Operation Warp Speed'  riiight??? 
(I'm talking to all you Chumpers, out there right now, giving thanks to whoever you bribe for results.)
I got a trivia tip for you.  The headliner in that op wasn't Captain Kirk, but he did have some familiar mannerisms.
Had Enough Yet?
<![CDATA[FAKE NEWS ALERT: THE WHO PANDEMIC TREATY WAS NOT SHOT DOWN!]]>Sat, 06 Jul 2024 04:57:29 GMThttp://estateartistry.com/blog/fake-news-alert-the-who-pandemic-treaty-was-not-shot-downThe WHO treaty was NOT defeated. Games ongoing.  Explained by James Roguski. 
This includes all the state to state announcements by their respective Governors and Attorney Generals that concern their bills and resolutions that pertain to state and national sovereignty being upheld by such actions.  These are pre-meditated distractions that are intended to make you believe this outcome is well in hand and being supported by legislators, when in fact it is not. 
Not in the least.
What these fools at the WHO are doing, with the complicity of certain elected officials, and in some cases their respective governing bodies, is working to set aside what is effectively a no man's land BETWEEN countries, that only becomes relevant when you attempt to travel across borders. 
Doing so requires contact with commercial travel carriers, and the red tape that such people can encounter includes actions those carriers and the various port authorities they use have agreed to take which, in turn, support WHO resolutions and intentions. 

These are PAID agents of chaos, that are being PAID by the WHO.
In other words, the WHO will NEVER stop trying to enact these control measures, and it is not backing down from attempts to cedes powers to itself an an attempt to usurp control over your right to bodily autonomy.  And they way the WHO is doing this is to effectively take control of what they can, which in these cases involve all the parties that facilitate travel across borders. 
When you are in between countries you are not under the protection of laws observed by either, or so you will be told, such that these parties can and will, (so expect this) attempt to bully you into taking a jab to allow you passage through one gate or another.

​They do not have the authority to force inject you, but some may go so far as to do exactly that.  The alternative for them, is to bully you into compliance by ruining your travel plans with delays and other red tape.
Always Remember:

The WHO does not want the public to have the correct perception that they are an organization that supports depopulation, or that it supports the enactment and enforcement of health policies which result in the polar opposite of public health. 
Similarly, these state Governors and Attorney Generals, who are all psychopaths trying to profit and benefit from WHO policies at our expense, have decided that the recent and prolific public outcry against the WHO treaty, a term they also sidestep using by calling this document they are attempting to draft an 'accord',  is a development they must somehow water down or even quash.
To that end, they want the public to think the WHO has lost this battle to draft and gain the support for this power grab, by introducing various bills and legislation, with lots of positive sounding mass media fanfare, that effectively have no impact on the WHO's continuing efforts to come up with plausible sounding excuses to 'protect' public health by creating situations you may one day be faced with, that include you strapped to a chair while some health official force vaccinates you under the auspices of protecting the general public.
Just because Ron DeSantis, or someone like him, says no to the WHO infringing on state or national sovereignty, such proclamations, even if they are codified into law in the form of legislation, to the extent these people are able to pass, will effectively do nothing but convince the grass roots, who are focused on the real threat, to become convinced those efforts are no longer necessary.
Those efforts, which I wholeheartedly support, must not cease until the WHO is completely disbanded, their assets and agents scattered to the winds, and all evidence of their previous influence effectively neutralized!

My message to all freedom fighters is simple and direct:
<![CDATA[The CORRECT Free Speech War Strategy]]>Mon, 24 Jun 2024 21:26:46 GMThttp://estateartistry.com/blog/the-correct-free-speech-war-strategyRadical censorship efforts have advanced the efforts of those forcing medical tyranny upon us all, and that has escalated the fight for free speech to the fight of our lives, literally... and AGAIN.

In terms of flawed reasoning, one can plainly see that these days, nothing has been left off the table.  Any reason is being pushed as a justifiable excuse to shut you up. 

And in places like the United Kingdom, the stakes are already very high, as penalties keep ratcheting up.  There we are seeing not just social cancel culture and public shaming, but the shocking enforcement of gag orders, excessive fines, even the imposition of criminal sentences that include jail time!

Wales is currently attempting to take it a step beyond that even.  

Read the following article CAREFULLY, and make sure you comprehend what the focus of the complaint is.  Because you might miss it if you don't.  This is NOT a piece anyone should skim over.
I think it is important that everyone out there read a conversation thread that just happened between me and a friendly academic who has been an extremely valuable resource to me for years now.  It is for this reason I never reveal who this person is and redact any mention of her name or contact information.

The conversation is critical to understanding my side of this debate, and it resulted in the clearest statement I think I have ever made about what needs to happen.  This is advice for any and all town criers out there, and to that end... 
I am ready, willing, and able, to stand before any crowd and debate any academic who thinks they can beat me.  I will go first.  


​Please scroll to the bottom and follow this discussion:

From: JL [mailto:ceo@estateartistry.com]
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2024 2:48 PM
To: xxxx
Subject: The REAL war strategy.

Well, the 'they' I think we are talking about  are not really in charge.  What the 'BOSS THEY' do is push that story AND the opposite of that story, or a totally different  story. 

The do or die part, that is always agreed upon, is always confusion and cognitive dissonance That is what makes the next lie they tell acceptable. 
Lies are the "troop transports" that raise the stakes and enable scams to escalate.  
Because…  Psychopaths are compulsive gamblers.
Overtly sowing confusion, and maintaining or reinforcing it, is the one point of coordination that can always be found, you can bet the farm on that. And the bosses get mad and go after  anyone who is able to effectively collapse a narrative, because what Jordan Peterson said once of psychopaths is very true: "Deprivation of an expected reward is a punishment." 
So they will create any situation that deters academics from taking on challenges, while they simultaneously suppress people like me, who are willing to risk embarrassment by picking fights with their champions in the public square.
I could complain about the academics being weak, and lots of people do that, rather meekly, but because they are also wrong I attack the academics directly. 

If their story is better than mine I want… No, I DEMAND they 
publicly embarrass me with it. 
That is a win/win.  Because it is the truth I am after, but they will not fight me.  They cower behind their credentials.  I don’t know if it's because they think they might lose, or because they are simply weak debaters, but what I am very clear on is -- it’s their bosses that don't want to see a showdown
This war has two fronts, the bosses always fight on two fronts.
Whatever can be found that prevents a direct confrontation, like the fist in mouth variety, whatever that obstacle is, it must be removed or ignored to take control of one of these fronts and that will allow the victor to focus on what remains.


From: xxxxxx
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2024 7:35 AM
To: JL
Subject: Re: Sasha agrees with me...

"They" are do or die about perpetuating the myth of a lab-leak replication-competent GoF virus, so they do limited hangout-sounding revelations about Wuhan still. 

On Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 1:48 AM JL <ceo@estateartistry.com> wrote:

I agree, but I would also add to that the one qualification all those guys tend to leave out, which is these constructs do not pose a serious threat to a healthy individual.  It is frequently this glaring omission that effectively makes their message just as negative as the fear porn they rail against. 

I get why they do it.  They are unwilling to abandon certain things they learned in their education.  I certainly do not expect them to ever, as you said, abandon it entirely.  But you cannot tell me that knowing the exact location, dimensions, and contents, of room 385-B on deck A of the Constitution Class Starship in Star Trek the Next Generation, is a practical and useful piece of information that is required to solve real world problems.

I hate hearing myself talk, I know for someone like you it comes off just so insulting, but I have to get this difficult point across any way I can.  I am not faulting anyone for doing or saying anything they genuinely believe to be so, but the rest of us have to face the insidious nature of certain aspects of our, mostly artificially engineered, modern information-dependent society, and one of those things is the negative impact indoctrinated experts have. 

The frequent proclamations of these card carrying academic people can cost you and I our very lives, [redacted].  And they will place their professional careers over just about any potential damage they may cause, whether that damage was intentional or otherwise. 

We simply cannot allow that.  Some of these children need parents.


From: xxxx
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2024 3:14 AM
To: JL
Subject: Re: Sasha agrees with me...

Well this is what I said, they cannot make a replication-competent virus out of a pseudovirus, but they can put together mRNA to make a protein with various sections which wreak havoc. Techniques such as chemical synthesis can produce shorter RNA sequences reliably, but longer sequences are more prone to errors and degradation. JJ Couey says the same thing, that the mythology of GoF making a biological type zoonotic virus which causes a pandemic, is just that, a myth. 


On Sun, Jun 23, 2024 at 4:47 PM JL <ceo@estateartistry.com> wrote:

excerpt from a recent substack post by SashaLatypova:

"Side note: if you need another confirmation that it is not possible to make weaponized pandemic-causing viruses via gain-of-function molecular engineering in a lab, this is it. You are looking at the current, technological cutting-edge, state-of-the-art precision capabilities of making RNA viruses in labs!

The GOF uses the same non-functioning biomanufacturing tools to allegedly build even larger very precise RNA constructs (full genome SarsCov is ~30K base pairs), reproducibly, in quantity, without a single error! They can’t make an RNA strand of ~4000 nucleotides to specification, even when it’s stabilized and encased in LNP, yet the fear porn producers tell you they can certainly make a “live virus” with scary-sounding features like “HIV insert” and “furin cleavage site”.  This is when even 1 nucleotide error/change renders a potentially lethal virus into a dud. 

Yet, we must believe this is a world-ending scenario and demand banning this dangerous activity everywhere, but conveniently forgetting Fort Dietrick, because they are just poor confused soldiers following orders from bad Fauci, and also forgetting that this activity is already internationally banned.

I agree, let’s ban this some more… "


From: Sasha Latypova from Due Diligence and Art [mailto:sashalatypova@substack.com]
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2024 10:38 AM
To: ceo@estateartistry.com
Subject: "Pre-medication", or how to sell $50 worth of generic drugs for $600,000!
<![CDATA[HOW TO SILENCE YOUR SMART METER - PLEASE SHARE WIDELY]]>Fri, 21 Jun 2024 09:11:40 GMThttp://estateartistry.com/blog/how-to-silence-your-smart-meter-please-share-widelySomeone has finally created a vaccine for these dangerous smart meters, the installations of which have been completely non-negotiable for a reason we finally understand, and which are spreading or shedding the only ACTUAL kind of hazard that could, even that loosely, be seriously referred to as the only variant of 'pathogenic cootie' that has ever existed at all, but definitely since any part of this entire covid fiction was first uttered out loud.
Please, I need every capable 'Johnny Appleseed' out there to start planting the seeds of freedom and rebellion everywhere they possibly can, by sharing this critical discovery, made by someone I know, a guy by the name of David Case, who will not only explain to me in this interview you can share, just what he figured out, but he will also provide all the instructions you will need to construct the one thing that everyone who uses electricity absolutely needs.  

You are about to learn how to silence a smart meter,
and prevent it from harming you,
as well as spying on you.
​If we all did this, it would completely stop their bogus 'fourth industrial revolution' and replace it, with REAL REVOLUTION.  I can't do it alone, but I know how it can be done.  So I am asking for your help. 
I even put our video interview out there already on a bunch of platforms so you can mirror it on your own channels.


This is an electronic  device that anyone can duplicate and install, that effectively prevents the weaponized smart meter operational signals that report the critical power consumption stats, along with all the other information, like all manner of consumer product usage information that this completely disingenuous global 'Green Energy" movement absolutely requires to effectively punish everyone that opposes it. 
All of which, filters up to the top of a global energy industry in all kinds of ways really, but the job they rely on smart meters to do is a mission critical aspect of the entire Corona-Con, the Carbon-Con, and every other You-Name-the-Con. 

​The collection of energy usage data is but one facet of smart metering systems.  We are also seeing this data being used to justify fines as well as throttling, and even outright denial of utility services.  These are all functions that are literally made possible by these horrible smart metering devices. 

And it just so happens that this data also forms the very foundation that a system of carbon credits will come to be based upon.  Just as journalists like Whitney Webb have learned, warned, and written extensively about, and guys like me will explain, as simply as possible, in the rest of this post.

If we all get behind this one easy thing,
this entire Bond villain style world domination plan,
that took a very small number of infuriating psychopaths decades to create,

Will go up in smoke in less than a week!
We can bring it all down with this.
A defensive strategy as effective as this rarely, if ever, comes along in time
to avert the situation that usually follows.
If you ask me, we lucked out, so let's not allow this advantage to go to waste.

(that's right, I said YOU),
need to share this interview with everyone you can,
as fast as you possibly can.

Link to the correct capacitors you need:


(The only footprints I leave behind are on the seat of Bill Gates' and Klaus Schwab's britches!)

Second Interview with Randy Stewart - FAQ's Answered
What I am going to do now is REALLY explain why you should get in this boat.

This very simple trick will prevent all high frequency inbound and outbound communications that involve smart metering systems… WORLDWIDE!  This is a home run for 'We the People' that didn’t just clear the fence, it crossed the ocean!  This will sink the entire carbon credit financial system they want to universally adopt, which is the 'solution' that has been ginned up to replace the way we do everything now. 
There are lots of names going around for this consolidation of power trend that we see happening all over the world today like;  'The Great Reset', or 'The New World Order' or 'The Fourth Industrial Revolution'.  These are all names that describe what follows the era of Anubis, or Isis, or something in one of their silly cult stories.  It is an epoch that they are leaving.  To you and I, this is the civilization we are all familiar with, but to them, it is a way of life that needs to be destroyed utterly, to make way for something new. 
It is this technocracy culture we see all over, the peeping AI, radical environmental reasoning, wealth transference and medical tyranny.  It is a massively interconnected system designed to enslave and impoverish you.  It is a feudalistic system that will define you as a parasite, and exact revenge upon you for consuming air, water, and food.  This system will tax you mercilessly for each breath and gulp… but it cannot function or operate as they intended it to without granular consumption data
Every bit as good as another Carrington Event, for them, this discovery is a katana in the heart. And for once, they are the ones that do not know they are dead yet, because by telling you how to do this,  I already slipped them a 'safe and effective' solution of my own. 

Figuring out how to get their lethal vaccines out of people was my first huge score, one they did not like one bit.  But the ability to undo that damage turned out not be much of a threat to them really, only those who have tried it know it works, and almost nobody will allow me to even talk about that.  But you wouldn’t think the oligarchs knew that with all the shit I have to put up with still, harassment that has only gotten worse.  But when the people who have gotten this new intel from me early, my carrier pigeons, release this information to everyone that follows them, the Men in Black are gonna be really pissed off. 

I am gambling they will also be too busy with damage control to snuff me out for a surprise attack that will quickly begin ruining a farcical world domination gambit they were frankly, impossibly stupid to build with such a fragile global surveillance system as its basic foundation. 

I could not stop laughing at the fact that everyone who understands who the so called Illuminati are, are also scared of them, because they also recognize how dangerous they have always been, but it is also a laughable concern.  They are also the same retards that spent the last 65 years, at least, constructing their entire spectacular temple; 'Castle NWO' -- on a lake of quicksand! 

That mis-step was a "Thanos Level" fail that belongs in the next fictional Avengers franchise, not out here in the real world.  Rich but dumb, that’s what I see.

Due to the health problems they cause, these meters are pretty scary all by themselves, unless you really understand how they are doing what they are doing, and once you do, then they instantly become the answer to the same big problem they create, as well as all the problems that come as a result of the data they collect.  There is no replacement for that data, so without the smart metering systems and the AI systems that will parse it, all that will have to be faked.  What a job!  They won't be able to do it, they of course will try, they always try, but it's gonna be like stopping a bullet with crepe paper vest.

First our common enemy tried to destroy entire populations with some very tall tales and a whole lot of poison.  I managed to find a way to stop that plan, seriously, it is totally possible to stop that.  Vaccine Injury could be a thing of the past RIGHT NOW, if only people were allowed to use all this communications gear to actually communicate for a change.  If we just did that, the entire criminal pharmaceutical syndicate and the equally awful rotten fruit it bore, (we'll just call that 'Hethcur'), has got to be THE single largest failure ever, and probably the most destructive thing people have managed to do since lighting off atomic bombs indiscriminately simply to impress each other.  

Then came all matter of self loathing narratives designed to make us believe we were the cause of every existential problem they fed us their propaganda about.

Most people would consider it 'reasonable', NOT to even dare consider they could possibly be personally capable of wounding, or possibly even destroying, such a monster.  But if you wanna be 'that guy' you must also decide that failure is simply not a possibility you can waste any of your valuable time considering.  [hint]
With this new thing Dave Case invented, I can now double down on the vax injury reversal gift, and even top it, by telling you how to use this little discovery.  IF YOU DO THAT, then together we got more ammo than we have guns to fire it with, and what's even better, is we can win this war without even needing to fire our weapons more than just this once. 
If everyone just gets busy making these little plugs for their own house, we will effectively REMOVE AND DISABLE a key component in this 'own nothing and be happy' flim-flam bullshit of theirs.   

Follow this link to replacement plug products to see what they look like and simply choose one.  There must be enough space inside any product housing or case to add at least two of these tape capacitors.  
​Obviously, there must be enough space inside any housing or case.  This is why the basic multi-outlet power strips Dave converts and sells on his website are ideal for making even more powerful versions with six of these capacitors.  Plenty of extra space for additional components.


All you do is connect each prong that carries current separately (the two rectangular ones at the top) to the ground prong (the rounded one at the bottom) by placing the capacitor in the middle, so that current must pass between these prongs and through the capacitor. In the case of a power strip these capacitors are placed inside on the actual wires that lead to those prongs.
DO NOT connect the two current carrying prongs at the top together.  Doing that will create a short and possibly shock you when you plug it in.  That will also definitely blow a fuse or trip a breaker.
Let's not forget it was the very same bad guys that manufactured this global cancer clinic we're now 'all in together'.  The same one that we all finally recognize we have been suffering in for so long the sheer embarrassment of that is terminally embarrassing to think about. 
These awful oligarchs promised us access to the world of information, and dangled an endless number of intangible carrots before us along the way, but they only sold us costly toys, imbued with a "barely there" sliver of THEIR 'total global information awareness' level.   All these toys do is feed us to their lions.

​Say it with me:
"I Have had Enough!"
This is your chance to do something that will count.
None of those insane people that hatched this scheme, who currently hide behind lofty sounding foundations and institutional store fronts that are every bit as vacuous as their concepts, cannot tally as taxes and levies of all kinds even one thin sliver of digital wampum, if we take away their smart meter calculations. 
And this is because by making fictitious hash marks in their non-fictitious ledgers, marks that they euphemistically call 'Carbon Credits', that they invented out of the same thin air they conjured paper fiat, provided for yet another hidden way to charge any amount they wish to us, and assign any amount of blame they wish, for the part they accuse us of playing in the destruction of a world they are parasitically choking to death. 
Once they pillage us into poverty, we will remain there, with to a chronic case of 'Carbon Cough'.  That will be the reason they give later, for driving you so insane that you will beg for 'death by vaccine' just to escape the lunacy of Ray Kurzsweils's singularity.
That is what this carbon credit idea is, you know.  It is how they have chosen to  'count anti-globalist type offenses'.  It is also infinitely malleable in terms of accounting practices, which is a feature that is pretty desirable when the best replacement they can come up with for worthless paper is digital paper. 
We cannot allow this 'carbon calculator' to be normalized in the same way they normalized covid, and that annoying habit so many people picked up along with that, of ignoring without question, practically every last reasonable bit of common sense that ever existed. 
Once they have people thinking these hash marks are currency, then one side of this ledger adds up the maximum amount that can be squeezed out of you, while the other side tallies how much more you still owe after every possible speck of tangible wealth you ever possessed is in their pockets. 
But it won't stop there, oh no…  Because with  a system like that in place, anyone that still has a pocket and something to put in it becomes capable of deciding that you are GUILTY. 
The question of whether or not you did whatever they accuse you of will not matter at all.  Your side of the story will not be information worth collecting.  It will not even have a practical use when all some fashionably pocketed globalist has to do is pass along any random, meager, most likely temporary privilege as a favor, to buy off whatever guy they assign the task of murdering you to. 
But after reading all this, you may be thinking about, concluding, and possibly forming a reasonable basis for a skeptical opinion that will ultimately lead to you asking me:  

"C'mon man, aren't you exaggerating a bit with all this colorful language?
 It's not gonna get that bad, is it?"

Not if you do your job, but if it does,
​can you afford to risk losing the fight of your very life? 
Because that is what this will be.

Taking all your stuff is going to feel exactly the same as taking your life when they actually go and do that. 
People need to understand that they don't really need to kill you outright once this transition occurs.  If murdering you is too much of a hassle, someone will just slap a random discriminatory label on you, a label that will provide all the proof anyone will ever be required to accept as evidence, that you are as deplorable as they insist you are. 
It will also justify an opinion they will no doubt have, that death is too good for you, that the right to even have a place in such an abusive and inescapable caste system, as a hopelessly indentured debt-slave, is a fate you should be grateful for!

If that is not you,
If you have

Then join this effort, and let's bring down the beast.

​-J.E. Lukach

CONSTRUCTION:  The replacement plug has two prongs and a ground pin.  The capacitors connect each prong separately with the ground pin.  That's the whole setup.  You can use this all by itself or actually attach the plug to the wire of any electrical item in your home.
INSTALLATION: All you do is just plug this device into an active outlet and any frequency that is over 60Hz coming in on that power line is directed to ground,
THIS DEVICE IS TECHNICALLY A FILTER:  But because of what it filters, it will be considered a jammer, and I guarantee someone will try to make using this a crime --but laws can be ignored, and ANY plug can have this hidden inside it.  Even the outlet you plug it into can be hidden as well inside a wall. 
USE STRATEGY: This is how we beat them back, this is 'safe and effective'.  The device itself does not interfere with anything else, so the power company cannot find it or even figure out why this is happening. 
DO NOT ADMIT TO INSTALLING THEM:  Even if they begin to become aware of people using this device, and they will eventually, they cannot prove you are causing the problem as long as you do not admit you know anything about this trick.
FUNCTION:   This device works because it has never been the actual meter that is broadcasting, they lied, and continue to lie about that and many other things.  The power company's smart meter has always been using the existing wiring inside your home to perform its surveillance functions, which is a criminal act because:

If you do not want to build your own devices, Dave Case can sell you power strips he has covertly upgraded to include even more powerful filtering capacitors for $25 dollars each.
ORDER HERE: https://antitinnitusv2k.com/smart-filter/
You only need two of these to protect your whole house, one to cover each side of your breaker panel.
​Install as I explain above.

Please direct questions, orders and payments to Dave Case at:
Case Electronics PO Box 394, Van Buren MO 63965
Email: kefpembp@protonmail.com
Phone: +1 (573) 300 1579
<![CDATA[Would You Like To Meet Me?]]>Tue, 28 May 2024 01:41:46 GMThttp://estateartistry.com/blog/would-you-like-to-meet-meOne of the items on my checklist has been to meet some new people, hopefully make some new friends, possibly even find a few teammates to ride out the storm with should things get rough.  This is something I have been thinking about for quite some time, and I think the time has come to open my door and invite you in.
If you share my views, or even if you don't, I would like to extend to whomever is able, a unique opportunity to meet me in person, and enjoy a fun outing where we can freely exchange information and ideas:

This is
"The Unwashed Mastiff"

Clearly not a filthy scow.  Bigger than she looks, in tip-top condition, and able to carry a dozen people.  This is where I propose we meet up.
The Mastiff is slipped on the Potomac River in Lorton, Virginia, and is available any time I need it.  If spending anywhere from a few hours to a whole day out on the Potomac with other non-crazy, sensible, intelligent, hopefully like-minded people sounds appealing, this is your chance to do that, and probably for the low cost of simply getting yourself here.
Obviously this cruise does not include travel or airfare, you have to be able to get here, but if that is not a problem, a trip like this can be arranged any time around the clock with just 24 hours advance notice.
Sound like fun to you?  If it doesn't, you should probably pass.  Just stay inside your safe space, where you can pretend to be safe.  But if you would rather step into a time machine and go back to whatever you were doing in the summer of 2018 or earlier, then this is for you.

A lot is happening right now, so much in fact that I have well over 70 pages of unpublished commentary culled from various sources in just the past four months.  I have not stopped following events.  I just have not been publishing much about them this year.  I have explained why already.  That will change soon, I do have an idea for something that needs to be done.  It's just that, for me, the time finally came to circle the wagons so to speak.  I am getting my own house in order as best I can, since I am no good too anyone if the now imminent 'poly-crisis' washes me out to sea.
I have enjoyed being an jolly, outgoing and approachable person all of my life...  up until the corona-hoax began. 
Since then, and as a result of my response to it all, I discovered that most of the people I used to like and hang around with socially the last ten years or so make better slaves than foxhole buddies.  Over the last few years, outside of virtual environments, I have become progressively more isolated, I am pretty sure many of the readers can relate, and have had similar experiences.  I find myself missing the ability to be myself these last few years.  That has been a negative.
But all this drama also came with an upside. Because of my efforts I gained far more sympathetic and professional colleagues, than anyone could possibly wish for, but its not the same thing.  For the most part, people have basically ostracized me locally, either for my views, or for the way I chose to handle encroaching tyranny, and I just let that happen, because mindless drones that all reliably trigger on cue are all useless liabilities, and few would even lift a finger if I needed a solid anyway, despite years of peaceful co-mingling prior to 2020.
If I do see them socially, they ask me; "
Where is Johnny? And who is this over-educated scientist guy that replaced him? 

My answer to all of that is:  
"I am standing right here.  I never changed.  You did."

The new 'Johnny' is here to stay, unfortunately, but he isn't as dry and serious as he appears.  This 'change' they are talking about was not a personal preference, it was necessary, for survival.  I will still be here after they are all gone.

My policy has been very straightforward since March of 2020.  
- Always act in honor. 
- Do no harm.
- Don’t bother me, and I won't bother you. 
- Don't be a pussy.
- If I see something wrong - I call it out on the spot, and in the face of whomever is the source of that problem.
- If somebody does me wrong - I refuse to take any of their shit, and I will steamroll right past them like they are not even there. 
- I do not comply with any tyrannical over-reach, EVER, and I have bullied the tyrants and their stool pigeons right back any time they dared to try and walk all over me, and no matter how bad they outnumbered me.  And I have yet to lose a fight.

If this invitation attracts attract the right sort of people, they probably know who they are, this might turn out to be a good idea.  But I have no clear expectations.  It is just an impulsive Hail Mary sort of move, to allow the universe an opportunity to present something of value, if there is something of value out there.  If there isn't, it may fall flat, but if I am able to host a few events like this over the course of the summer I would call that a win/win. 
Assuming that is how it goes, I would like to propose a few ground rules, just to lower any 'blind date' type concerns.
1.  No fighting -- unless it is strictly intellectual and entertaining for others.
2.  Bring your best positions and arguments, about anything.  I want to hear them, but be prepared to either defend any controversial or dissenting views you have effectively, because you will be expected to do that with anyone who disagrees with you, or don't bring them up.  That is what this sort of meet up is for:  We are pooling skills, and hopefully educating each other.  Learn one new thing and it  was a success.
3.  I can be a very diplomatic moderator, but disagreements are to be expected, and par for the course. 
4.  Expect that nobody in these meet-ups has met anyone else before.  I am not doing any background checks. 
5.  You are allowed to leave with the same opinion you walked in with, no pressure, no shaming.  We are there to hear each other, not win.  Stalemates are completely ok.
6.  Be open to the possibility that, you may be completely wrong about something, and even open to changing your mind about a long held belief.  No matter how convinced you are of a thing, someone else may not be.
7.  Don't expect the evidence YOU need to settle a debate will be available.  The Mastiff is a casual atmosphere, not an ivy league lecture hall. 
8.  Remember we are all there to have fun too.
9.  No smoking.  (Unless you want to do it standing on the transom, I have no problem with that so long as we are parked and the engine is off.)

Finally, and please understand, I HAVE to say this:

​As the Captain, I am responsible for your life while at sea.  I take that responsibility very seriously and am very experienced and very capable of doing that.  Just because this is a river trip, it is no different than being out of sight of land.  I am prepared for any problem that might possibly arise including anything that might go sideways.  I have been in tiny boats in the middle of a hurricane more than once, lost an engine, made it back to a dock even while sinking with a giant hole in the hull.  I have not had to use it much, but I also maintain active tow insurance.
Please just extend to me a few courtesies in return:

  1. Please do not be that drunk guy that falls off the boat.  If I have to go in after you, and I have had to do that before, expect to be dragged back to the dock covered in life vests and tied to a raft.
  2. Please be ON TIME.  I will leave port without you if you are not.
  3. Please don't cancel two hours before you said you want to go.  I understand emergencies, but if you do that twice I will never invite you again.
Ok lets see if there are any takers.
Details are minor, we'll figure it out.

Please contact me directly by email first ceo@estateartistry.com if interested.  Include your name and phone number and how many people and the rest is TBD.  Advance plans are frequently hosed by inclement weather, we want a nice day.  Be prepared to do this a bit impulsively.  It is really only possible to make any plan about a week in advance and still keep it.

<![CDATA[Too Hilarious to Waste]]>Sat, 25 May 2024 17:22:24 GMThttp://estateartistry.com/blog/too-hilarious-to-wasteIf you are one of my regular readers, please don't feel slighted by this.  Like you probably, I have a short list of friends and colleagues that I chat with on the regular, and injecting a bit of humor into their day is something I like to do.  So with that in mind I sent out a bit of my usual humor this morning:

From: JL [mailto:ceo@estateartistry.com]
Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2024 11:59 AM
Subject: Laughter is THE best medicine.
YAWN... What a surprise.  They sure do their level best to add 'inclusiveness' to the known benefits that come with being a 'conspiracy theorist', don't they?
Well, the word's out in humans now I suppose.  Moving on.  

​I have a message for all house cats:  It's not 'cat-flu'.

One of the recipients of this email, who I dare not name, emailed back a bit of what I am sure was well-intentioned helpful advice:

To: JL
Subject: Re: Laughter is THE best medicine.
.....TOO true - but, do need you to explain (for XXX's benefit as much as mine): what was intended by that notice to felines?

To which I responded:

Did this catch you off guard before your morning cup of joe?  Ok, you’re a pal, so you get a pass.  But just to show you some much needed love I will spell it out, explicitly, for you. 
(And also because I can't resist a decent opportunity to pen a bit a satirical jagged glass.)
what was intended by that notice to felines?
If you read the article you will notice:
"Meanwhile, we just learned that H5N1 is responsible for the deaths of four more cats…

Four more cats have died of H5N1 bird flu in the United States, including two pets in South Dakota with no links to poultry or dairy cows, according to state and federal officials. At least 14 cats have recently died of bird flu.

Of the newly reported cases, two were domestic cats which died at a property in Campbell County in South Dakota, according to a state official and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Beth Thompson, the state’s veterinarian, said there was no livestock on the property where the pets died. “No other details regarding how the cats were infected are known at this time,” Thompson told BNO [Buy Not One Line] News."
Followed by instructions for 'Dummies' on the key takeaway they should remember from this article:
"This is not good.

If cats start getting sick and dying on a widespread basis, it is probably just a matter of time before the same thing starts happening among humans."

How was this 'detected'?  Um, not important, hush now, authority is talking.
Zoonotic transfer is a biological impossibility.   Yo, you are still talking…
The psychopath's stool pigeon then continues, MUCH LOUDER:
"Since 2003, more than 50 percent of the humans that have tested positive for H5N1 have died." *

*So you used an intentionally unnamed, invalid, non-conclusive 'test' (commonly known as a PCR) to 'prove' some unidentified dead people, the existence of whom I cannot verify in any way, were 'infected' by a fictitious illness you made up, that was 'caused' by a fictitious virus you also made up, which you call H5N1 (notice this is the 5th time you pulled the exact same stunt), and referenced an un-referenceable statistical survey you probably made up as well, and concluded that HALF (cuz we like big reveals) of that almost certainly fictitious cohort, are dead because of this.  Got it.

"Can you imagine the fear that will erupt if millions of people suddenly get infected?" *

*Sure.  I can still remember what happened to the entire 'whirrled' the year that the largest con job ever in human history was successfully pulled off.  It was, after all, just 3 years ago, and the reason I remember is because I didn't fall for it, didn't let you poison me, and as a result still have a relatively normal functioning brain!

"Global pestilences will play a major role in the era of great chaos that is coming." *

*Yeah, yeah, I know what the WHO's opinion is, Bill Gates re-states it to them each morning as he opens the board meeting, and you are the corporate stenographer that also heads up the pandemic news correspondent's bureau.

"Just think about the panic that we witnessed during 2020, 2021 and 2022."*

*There you go again, telling me what to think and what to do.

If the next pandemic has a far higher [fictitious] death rate, the panic that we will see will be so much worse, and that is really bad news for all of us.*

*Umm, one question:  Who exactly does 'us' refer to?  Because if by us you mean YOU, then I whole-heartedly agree. 

And stay the fuck away from my cat, this ain't China, and even cats know a trip to the vet is bad JuJu.
How's that?  Was that an adequate explanation?  ;)

<![CDATA[What A Clever Movie!]]>Wed, 15 May 2024 11:46:24 GMThttp://estateartistry.com/blog/what-a-clever-movieI promise not to start using this blog to play movie critic, but given the dismal state of "entrainment entertainment" these days that forced me to totally ignore pretty much every form of modern day video refuse, so anything with a screen that is not part of my computer, if I even still have it, has been collecting dust for several years now.

But yesterday, a friend came by wanting to waste a couple hours on a flick and I obliged.  I was running out of old Cheers episodes anyhow.  So I grudgingly chose this low budget indie title out of desperation and apathy. 

I can never find anything worth watching, but if I ever do find a gem in all the crap movies it is usually dreamed up by a filmmaker that is too damn broke and unknown for some producer to bother ham-handedly inserting a bunch of deviant shit into it, like climate change affirming plot lines, tranny sidekicks and kissing men.  As it turns out, this was a lucky pick that, astonishingly, I really enjoyed, so I am sharing it with a thumbs up, since I know if you like my usual content you are probably as fed up with 'tube tapes' as I am.
It was also three bucks on Cox-On-Demand.  (I'll risk giving Kill Gates three bucks, but never seven, LOL.)
My buddy and I had a ball heckling it like the muppets on Mystery Science Theater 3000, and we kept pausing it to try and guess what would happen next and bet on a crass prediction.  It's obviously a pandemic based sketch out of the gate, but that’s pretty much the only thing the film seemed to be pushing in terms of inverted propaganda narratives.  I picked up on a bit of Ray Kurzweil promo, but that went right over my friends head.  He's a bit slow tho, so not surprising. 
The plot is sort of like Groundhog Day, but not really.  It's what you would get if Bill Murray had been a brooding philosopher rather than a comedian, but even so, I found plenty of scenes to satirize and the witty wisecracks were just flowing out effortlessly from both of us. 

In this movie the protagonist is reliving the same day over and over for some weird reason, but he's not in a time loop.  Instead, he is hopscotching from one alternate reality to the next.
I joked that the one reliable thing about alternate universes is they always seem to have pandemics.  Haha!  But other than that it was very creative, and I thought it had a fabulously unexpected ending.  Just a one-liner, but you gotta watch the movie to really appreciate it: 

"May your quarantine …  End."

No Tomorrow [2023]

And you might want to check back here more often.

I know I haven't been posting much thus far this year, but behind the scenes, 
I have been on one wicked 'discovery' roll.

And I am going to be dropping some bombs that blew my mind this past month.  
<![CDATA[Pay Attention - We Are Now In The Dreaded "SHTF Moment" We Knew Was Coming.]]>Wed, 08 May 2024 23:05:33 GMThttp://estateartistry.com/blog/pay-attention-we-are-now-in-the-dreaded-shtf-moment-we-knew-was-coming​I hope my regular readers can understand my decision to back away from quarterbacking every little thing the enemy does this year.  Its been a hard habit to break.  I have been privately archiving the usual articles for my own reasons, I just have not been posting my opinions about them since it is all, as I have said before, "wash rinse repeat" in terms of tactical moves.  I want people to recognize all of that conforms to a very predictable pattern, but you have to be able to discern that from recent history all by yourself.  The ability to do that is a survival skill you won't survive this without.

I made plenty of accurate predictions over the last few years, accompanied by plenty of supporting evidence.  I can see from the site traffic numbers that people are rather enthusiastically pouring over my archives.  I see that as a good thing.  It means you all recognize the value of all that effort.  Its time to leave the nest and fly on your own now that you know how.  You can do it.  I believe in all of you.

That said, I am piping up today with what I feel is a new development worthy of your attention.

I want to encourage you to take a moment and familiarize yourself with the next three extremely significant signs and portents.  This is the evidence that "The Great Taking" has begun.  Everything that David Webb laid out in his book of the same name is unfolding exactly as he said it would, and these three articles bear witness to that.

If you have a large sum of money in a bank right now, take it out.  Once the run on banks begins this will not be possible.  This is already happening in Australia and Canada.  Remember how those countries were used in the pandemic, their populations were attacked first, terribly hard too.  They failed to react effectively and in time, so they took a terrible beating.  Property rights were tested in Scotland and Ireland.  They fought back and had some success.  These countries are sandboxes for gauging the public response, they are being used to war-game our responses and plan counter moves in advance.

Don't wait for a run on the banks.  Start the run now.  Force the hidden hand now, before they are ready, or expect to lose your shirt later.

This 5% line in the sand is the point at which the US becomes unable to service interest on the federal debt.  When the bond rate exceeds 5% that is the tipping point, after which the body (meaning this US) is officially economically dead, along with its dollar currency.  Not a walking corpse, which has been the case for some time now, but certifiably dead.

Dollars are dying.  Once the trigger is pulled a new debt clock starts ticking.  If we use Weimar Republic in Germany in the early 1900's as our historical reference, it took just FIVE MONTHS from that trigger pull for the German Mark to go from a tradable exchange currency to kindling, literally.  People were burning the currency to keep warm, that’s how valueless it became in that brief span of time.

This is the "wink, wink, nudge, nudge" signal to co-conspirators that the fix is in.  If you have a hard time with numbers and macro economics, if finance topics make your eyes glaze over, just play this over and over again until it sinks in.  David Webb's book is dense with financial language, but you should try to read it.  Even if you miss a lot of the nuts and bolts he does do a good job at clarifying what's going on for lay people, and he has been giving interviews all over.  Many of those offer plain spoken explanations I am sure even terribly finance illiterate people can understand easily.
Here are my 2024 predictions, in this order:
  1. The WHO Treaty will be ratified in July - (Makes way for more pandemic games and Digital ID)
  2. Bond rates will continue to rise.  (They went up two basis points just last month and are currently at 4.7%)  So I predict we will see them exceed 5% in June or July.
  3. Key elections going on around the world will be mostly out of the way by Labor Day.
  4. The current US presidential election farce will wrap up amidst some kind of messy dispute.
  5. Clearing houses will fail and trigger the fall.
  6. A massive US economic meltdown will follow, and this effect will reverberate globally, just like it did with covid.
  7. Forced war mania will foment the same historical effects we have seen before in world wars.
  8. Attempts to introduce a Digital ID will bully people with mandates, accompanied by carrot and stick inducements, etc..
  9. With the WHO policies in place they will immediately use the new powers they gave themselves and begin trying to enforce that "One Health" agenda, and this will be kicked off with some sort of Disease X stunt or similar excuse - Either this Summer (cause they did that last time), or just in time for Flu season, regardless of who is still in the game on Nov 5th.*
  10. CBDC or some usurped crypto currency is offered as 'optional' digital currency first.  We will all need to vigorously reinforce our right to use cash and written checks, otherwise the digital replacement will become the only option.
  11. All Gov't aid/economic relief/tax refund or carbon credit will be gratuitously offered in this new digital currency but it will require a digital ID to get or use any.
*WILDCARD:  Because this is all an elaborate protection racket, think of Biden's function the same way you think about a condom.
All the major objectives I list above need to achieved for the oligarchs to succeed in this attempt to enslave the world in the way they imagined, and each one has been tracking along, right on schedule beside the others such that each win, if they get it, will happen in rapid succession.  All these goals are non-negotiable.  They need these wins to proceed, and ultimately to succeed.
I expect to see numerous, less important but no less dramatic calamities of every description going on constantly throughout this year to serve as distractions that will keep the major wins out of the 24hr mainstream news cycles.  Things like a Boeing plane disaster, another barge disaster, internet outages, fires, protest incidents, deliberate power outage dramas, cyber crime, climate chaos, active shooters, election fraud, declarations about unsafe foods… this is a long list.  We might see encores of any act they have done before, and lots more of them, to ensure nobody can focus their attention on the collaboration going on. 
Nothing we see this year will be coincidental, it has all been carefully premeditated.
The way I see it, the main reason Biden is part of this mix at all is to provide the oligarchs with a fleet footed pivot point.
So anything that happens that involves this clown will affect the pace of the overarching agenda.  He can be used as a pressure point, a pressure relief valve, a scapegoat, any excuse, or any justification.
They love Biden, but to me, they seem to hate Kamala, so if Biden runs and wins they will have 'more muppet time' for 'protected' shenanigans.  I could be wrong, but I don't see Kamala replacing him as a possibility, even if he dies.
The election doesn't matter in the least, but Trump may "win".  I know a lot of people seem to believe Trump will save them, but they are all kidding themselvesPlease don't vote at all.  Win or lose Trump is obviously just a red herring.  He will just create chaos and stall the wheels people count on him to turn, play war hawk, etc.  The man is there to mislead you every bit as much as Biden, RFK Jr., et.al.  


I doubt they are dumb enough to trigger the fall prior to the election, but if we hear the MSM start saying a Trump landslide is likely I think that may be a sign they are considering that, but what I believe to be more likely, is it all comes crashing down after the presidential election sideshow concludes.
If Trump wins, the fall is all but guaranteed to happen before he can take a bow or transition in.  I mean, just stop and think about how seamlessly that plays into their bullshit narratives: 
A populist guy wins and the swamp punches back by scuttling any chance he might have to correct anything.  It’s a great plotline that also allows Trump to throw up his hands in futility, or fail understandably, like he did last time, which ensures yet another future chapter in the "Trump Means Well" pulp fiction novel.  His cabinet picks were all evil swamp minions  last time, and they will be again, which makes his choices either materially irrelevant, or prophetic, depending on your perspective.   Just like last time, his administration will be comprised of people who have been, and will continue to support and encourage the destructive track that has been laid out for them all to follow. 
This is why I am telling you, whether you want to hear it or not, that the winner of the election is completely irrelevant.  Either way, the trigger for the "Big Red Button" will be primed and ready in July, right after the WHO announces this abhorrent 'health treaty' they have been drafting has been approved, all without any regard for dissenting opinions.

I realize all of this might lead you to believe I expect a total disaster.  While that is one possibility, I don't think its all going to come off as planned.  I cannot see how this ends well for the oligarchs. 

There is plenty of room for optimism.  I know the MSM routinely deliberately shows you a different, more demoralizing picture.  Expect to see them continue to show you one which reinforces the idea that the war we are fighting has already been lost, and report ad nauseum that you are almost certain to be the loser. 
But that is not reality.

The sane are completely fed up with the insane. 
That is reality. 

​And the volume level of the so-called 'silent majority' is steadily increasing. 

Add your voice to it. 

It's now or never.
And no, that is NOT the "Homo Rainbow"

As examples go, this one is a bit silly, but it illustrates well this gap I see,
between the enemies best laid plans and expectations
​and how they will actually play out. 

Pray to all your sacred goats and owls all you want, boys. 
​What we say goes in the end.