(Thank you, Fred.)
In providing the clarifications I did, Fred also helped me to come up with a simple "keystone cops" type analogy to help simplify some of the commentary offered by Sasha Latypova since, that followed her and Katherine Watt's discovery of this information. I thought that some of that commentary was at times confusing, even to me, so I offer my responses to my friend below as a better way to share this information with others.
Fred's Comment:
"I think his published accounts need to be transliterated into 21st century language, as what he wrote was in 19th century medicaleze which triggers a sense of incredulity. Perhaps one of the chatGPT tools could render it an easier task."
My Response:
Nah, you gotta be cautious about even using that at all, it dumbs people down and they become dependent on it. That Is a whole other can of worms, and in my opinion, part of a larger plan and why the elites throw so much money at it. All the paperwork involved in covid vaccine human trials were written by ChatGPT, I am convinced of that, then humans went over it all to clean it up some. If they really used over 100,000 live people for that trial so many would have keeled over dead it never would have been possible to move ahead with it. And they did use a lot of real people, but they came up with reasons to exclude the worst outcomes from the final report, and they used a shit research company full of Barney Fifes to conduct it. What happened as a result is what we got.
As far as Richet's old-timey language goes, that’s easy to translate, and I may do this live on air on TNT, talking to Charles Kovess about this now.
Assume all convicted criminal trespassers go free at some point but have to live in exile with their felonies.
If one of these criminals trespasses a second time with prior felony convictions [SECOND EXPOSURE VIA NEEDLE], the cop is required by law to destroy whatever the felon trespassed on and anything the felon saw. If he was caught on the border next to the "Welcome to the Body" sign, the cops burns that sign. [ITCHINESS AND RASH] If he was found at the courthouse, the cop burns down the courthouse. [MASSIVE WIDESPREAD INFLAMMATION, NEUROLOGICAL, AND OTHER SYSTEMIC DISEASE] If he was caught after casing the entire the neighborhood, the cop breaks out the nuclear suitcase, mashes the big red button, and annihilates the entire place. [FOURTH DEGREE ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK]
Now consider the fact that it is not just vaccines, but ALL MEDICAL INJECTABLES, that can contain foreign proteins! And they can, and do, cause anaphylaxis each and every time they are used twice, that is true, it's just that sometimes the judge lets the trespasser go with a slap on the wrist and other times you die.
Richet attempted to divide possible outcomes into four categories. But even today, over a hundred years after the causes of it were nailed down, there is STILL no agreement on what should be classified as first, second, or third degree anaphylaxis, and anaphylactic shock is commonly believed, even by doctors, to be to be a mysteriously extreme outcome that is distinct from other common allergic reactions.
Ask yourself how that can be so, and why it is so, and you will find the evil intentions I speak of, along with all the evil people with those intentions. It's obvious.
Just as obvious, is the reason why Richet's Nobel prize winning discoveries were chucked down the memory hole: It was to ensure that knowledge of this reliable pattern, of anaphylaxis, would never be used to finger a murderer! Big Pharma is has been complicit in mass genocide! Who allowed that?
Break out the rope, all of it, we're gonna need miles of rope to hang them all.
Fred's Comment:
"A discussion should be had about whether such experiments could be ethically reproduced today, like with Stephan Lankas's et.al. replication of the virus isolation methodology to prove it fraudulent. It's bizarre how many medical claims today are shrouded in mysticism due to a premise that unethical medical experiments can't be considered viable to prove/disprove claims. Like how it's 'unethical' to deliberately infect someone with a 'flu virus' cause it might cause harm, so we just pretend all prior experiments disproving it even possible, are swept under the rug, and we can't try them again, cause we're not Racist."
My Response:
It's not necessary, the vaccines were the experiments. Don't you remember that the vaccine rollouts were all listed in the Pfizer documents as separate experiments? They even had end dates, officially, that nobody could explain. THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING! And all the manufacturers keep proprietary pharmacovigilance records you are not allowed to see, by law, because if you knew what was in them they could lose money to a competitor. (Except they were never competing.) And the murderers control the evidence room!
Who made that possible? The politicians did.
Who was supposed to catch this? It was the murderers heading up the regulatory agencies!
But it's worse even than that. Everyone is going to want to go after Big Pharma, but they are not even legally responsible for the crime in the United States. Because the actual murders were committed obliviously by common everyday people who were given immunity from prosecution by the politicians when the passed the PREP ACT. And the murderers that made all of this possible were those at the top that run the US Department of Defense, who ordered the US military to execute the plan, AND THEMSELVES!
This is what Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt have been exposing.
Fred's Comment:
"Richet's personal views on eugenics and race in an of themselves should be considered a major hurdle for a general western audience to get past (again, cause we're not Racist) before being willing to take his research seriously. He's basically a poster child for everything politically incorrect and 'literally Hitler' so that should be more carefully addressed than merely simply trying to brush it aside. Let's just unpack what he believed, tear it off like a band-aid."
My Response:
Richet was an asshole. He did subscribe to racist eugenic philosophies. In fact, I would even posit that he probably only did what he did as a way to impress the wealthy eugenicist elites in his own time and give them a gift. So Richet was not a morally righteous historical figure at all, but none of that is relevant.
What is relevant is the elites responsible for funding and driving everything you see going on today are the descendants of those same people, and their eugenic beliefs have not changed at all.
They are the real murderers and that is their motivation!
Please download a .pdf file of "Covid-19 Vaccines and Induced Anaphylaxis"
A back-up .pdf book file is also archived here: https://sciarium.com/file/655450/grant/

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