Every shot reduces your lifespan considerably.
The best estimates that are possible suggest this number is SEVEN YEARS PER SHOT,
and today that probably includes ANY VACCINE, not just covid jabs.
This is due to the graphene content in them alone,
which is potentially lethal IMMEDIATELY!
For more information on how vaccines create vulnerabilities please read this post:
Also, Tom Cowan explains here why you should not fear genetics and virology claims.
The information that follows can UN-VAX you.
I did this because after everything I have done and seen and read, and after all the discussions I have had with every credible researcher or doctor on up to PhD level expert, and that includes everyone with a product or claim I could possibly contact directly, which I can assure you probably includes everyone you know about…
This technique works, but it takes three months to complete the therapy,
and you have to do all of it.
I have ordered from this supplier myself, it is in India, shipments will make it through US customs.
Alternatively, you can also substitute Equimax brand 1.87% Ivermectin horse paste. https://www.amazon.com/Bimeda-Equimax-Ivermectin-Percent-Praziquantel/dp/B019JK1IS4?pd_rd_w=El0TU&content-id=amzn1.sym.724fac2e-0491-4f7a-a10d-2221f9a8bc9a&pf_rd_p=724fac2e-0491-4f7a-a10d-2221f9a8bc9a&pf_rd_r=9EDZEWDV05271PGT7JPG&pd_rd_wg=oxnFZ&pd_rd_r=282f207f-072d-4045-88cf-4a66bf75b907&pd_rd_i=B019JK1IS4&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_d_grid_rp_0_14_i
This is the same drug in a different form, and it is perfectly safe for humans provided you do not exceed a safe dosage level. For adults, Ivermectin paste can be easily measured by dispensing an amount from the tube that is the same size as the visible portion of eraser on a standard #2 pencil. It tastes terrible, but it won't hurt you. The reasons for taking Ivermectin are many but the main benefit that is important to this effort is it will eradicate pathogenic parasitical infestations which commonly become out of control due to a severely compromised immune system, which is universally the case with all toxic vaccine recipients. Even beneficial symbiotic bacteria can over proliferate as a result of vaccine poisoning. Ivermectin should not be overused. The idea here is NOT to sterilize the microbiome! It is to normalize it. A 5-6 day course, taken once, is plenty and will accomplish the intended job nicely.
2) 1200mg/day NAC and a minimum of 500mg/day Vitamin C
This combination will ramp up internal production of glutathione. This is a natural substance produced in the body that functions as a chelator and glutathione will purge graphene from the body naturally, but its slow going and takes at least three months to get rid of excessive amounts of this toxin.
This is a mitigation strategy, not a one time fix. With the ever increasing number of exposure vectors for graphene everyone should make a point of constantly supplementing to maintain high glutathione levels. This is the only known way of effectively purging this toxin from the body.
One common question people ask me has to do with over the counter glutathione tablets. People ask if this is the same thing or better. The answer is no. Glutathione is best produced naturally. Oral glutathione is not very bio-available, making glutathione tablets and supplements pointless. It is possible to feed you glutathione effectively intravenously, but trying to do it this way exposes you to the possibility of receiving adulterated injectables, so I do not recommend that.
The main reason for pushing so many vaccines on children is because you only find very high glutathione levels in young children and extreme athletes. It is comparatively low in everyone else, and normal levels diminish over time with age. ONE COVID SHOT destroys your bodies entire store of glutathione.
The amount of graphene required to kill you is not just well established, it is known how much it takes via multiple administration methods i.e. nasal, IV, oral, etc. If you reach the maximum toxicity level you will die. This is why vaccines are spaced out, why the batches have contained all kinds of amounts, and why subsequent shots contain more of this poison. They are trying to kill you while making it look like something else was responsible. The best way to covertly murder children is with multiple graphene-laced injections where the amounts of this substance that can be found in any given childhood vaccine are always increasing. Covid boosters are the WORST, with over 100 nanograms per dose! That is more than three times what they put in Pfizer shots one and two.
This can be purchased online here:
- Best - Use a willing nurse practitioner to professionally administer DMSO via IV in an appropriate dilution (% of DMSO in saline must be calculated individually by body weight). This should be done weekly the first month.
- Next Best - Use a 20% DMSO/80% tap water solution, and self-administer via enema. If you have concerns about toxins like fluoride in tap water use filtered water instead. Do this 3 consecutive times on day one and attempt to hold the solution as long as possible before expelling. This will be difficult because DMSO is a muscle relaxer. Holding the solution for about 2-3 minutes is good but it's hard to hold. 5 minutes would be awesome but almost nobody will be able to do that, which is why I recommend repeating the procedure several times. Self-administration via enema very closely approximates the effects of IV administration without any risk and without the need for a nurse practitioner. Repeat once weekly for at least the first month.
- 3rd Best - Oral Administration. Add pure DMSO, up to a shot glass per day, in some sort of juice or water and drink it. Apply topically to scalp, feet, abdomen, especially the navel. If using one of the two previous administration methods, my recommendation would be to also combine some amount of DMSO orally and/or topically on top of that to maximize the benefits. I explain what the benefits of DMSO are farther down and in more detail.
Purchase Capsules here: https://www.scalevitamins.com/
(Clinical trial case history with our test subject, Hanna, and capsule ingredients list below.)
The name "Aeon" was chosen because it wasn't used by anyone else, and 213 is the number of previous formulation attempts before #213, the one that worked. These capsules will vastly up regulate immune function. With immunological lab testing we observed a tripling in the production of killer T-cells and memory B-cells beginning at week three, Similar boosts were observed at regular intervals every three weeks thereafter for the duration of our observations. They must be taken daily in doses of 7 capsules. I recommend 3x/day dosage for at least one month for anyone that has had more than one vaccine. Its ok to taper off in month two or three to 2x/day or even 1x/day if results are still good.
In Hanna's case, which I verified the best I was able, after one month at the 3x/day dosage and then stretching the same amount of capsules out over the next three months she was able to achieve what she described as recovery results.
I do not have enough case observations to say if this should be considered a baseline for dosing that will work in every case. There are some things which can only be ascertained with a larger sample population testing this procedure. Conducting such a study was beyond my capabilities. What I do believe personally, because I directly observed this, is that the effects one can obtain are dramatic, and much more so at higher dosages. Since the capsules produced no observable side effects at the 3x/day dosage level I would consider that to be safe to continue as long as anyone wished to continue taking them. I have no data for higher dosage levels, but I do not have any reason to believe the effects would increase. From what I have seen, in my personal opinion, it should not be necessary to take any more than the 3x/day dosage.
5) Additional Recommendations (optional)
Buy a case of either Volvic or Spritzer brand mineral water and drink it every day. Both brands are high in natural silica. This will chelate and flush out toxic aluminum build up in the body via the urine. This works beautifully and is a completely natural process based upon simple organic chemistry. These are the only two brands sold that I am aware of that have natural silica. Neither are sold in the US but Spritzer can be ordered directly from the company and Volvic can be purchased on Amazon.
Now that I have laid out the therapy I recommend for those with vaccine injuries,
which I believe includes every vaccinated individual,
I want to say something up front to address what I expect will be a fair amount of skepticism.
As an author, I have mixed feelings about the content in that book. On the one hand it contained a lot more valuable information than just that protocol. On the other hand, the protocol was most likely the reason people read it.
Once you publish a book its out there forever in one form or another probably. You cannot take it back and because I cannot do that, knowing I created something that is only partially correct bothers me. It was the best effort I could make then, but in hindsight, it was a stepping stone to the greater understanding of this problem that I have today, one I would not have had I not made that initial attempt.
Also, publishing books put me on the map, so to speak. They gave me a global reach. They opened doors and provided me with credibility and gave me access to the people I needed to meet and speak with to take another step in the right direction. Each book was necessary to get me here, a place I had always hoped to be.
I am a skeptic myself, and I can be pretty mean when I want to be. Scammers infuriate me. Arrogant know nothing talkers and profiteers anger me. It's bad enough to have to fight a thing like this without so many other people making the problem worse with their uneducated opinions and what seems like hundreds of remedies that I see them promoting that I know do not work. These people are sharing their BELIEFS with the public and many of them are selling those beliefs.
I am sharing my RESULTS.
There have been a dozen or so doctors and speakers that have risen to the level of household names since the summer of 2020 when this all began, and from my perspective, as a guy having to watch events unfold with the rest of you, it seemed to me like it was just a matter of time before every damn one of them started promoting or peddling some form of health product garbage. This is just commerce going on really, but many of these people should know better than to push some of these products and I question their ethics.
I studied every one that I could to see if there was anything credible to any of those products or claims. Many of you know what sorts of things I am referring to so I won't name them and attract lawsuits I don't need. I will just tell you my opinion of all that stuff: With the one possible exception of medically supervised EDTA therapy, I do not believe anything you can buy at the time of this writing, does anything to help those with vaccine injury.
There are all kinds of vitamins and medicinal substances that have health benefits. I am not arguing any of that. But vaccine injury is the result of is a highly specific type of poisoning. Until people fully understand that problem they won't be able to offer you anything helpful. The people that comprise La Quinta Columna are the closest any of them have come to getting this understanding correct. I personally don't buy everything they claim, but I can confidently get behind most of it.
The thing that makes my recommendations different is my understanding of the problem. I stripped away all the conjecture, all the rubbish, all the lies and baseless fear-based nonsense. All that remained after that was the problem at hand, and thankfully, I found a way to address that effectively. I tested it to make certain it worked, and now I am sharing that information with you.
I am not producing anything, nor am I selling anything.
I don't sell mineral water, DMSO, Ivermectin, or herbal capsules.
I don't earn a commission from the sale or promotion of any of this stuff.
So skeptics can just take a walk if they accuse me of profiteering.
I don't earn any money from doing this.
although its been a long time since anyone donated anything to me
and I have been freely giving my books away to anyone that asked me for them.
This story begins with an introduction of sorts, because this is likely to be the closest you will ever get to meeting or speaking to my unique, very private, friend. I have an amazing colleague, Emmanuel Stone, I would describe him as an exceptionally gifted naturopathic compound pharmacist.
He spent the last ten years experimenting with combinations of certified pharmaceutical grade herbal powders to see how various combinations impacted the degree of medicinal benefits one can obtain from all kinds of medicinal plants. He was impressed by the conclusions I made in my first book on the work of Nobel Prize winning French physiologist Charles Richet, which I published under two titles; "Curious Start the Conversation" and later "Covid-19 Vaccines and Induced Anaphylaxis." Emmanuel told me he thought my work was brilliant and reached out to me personally. That is how we first met.
Over the next year I would come to learn all about his work, and I became equally impressed with him. I cannot thank him enough for his expert naturopathic knowledge and the significant contributions he made, which have greatly improved upon my original efforts to find an effective therapy that would help those afflicted with toxic vaccine injury.
Emmanuel packs herbal capsules with a manual capsule machine licensed by the DEA, and he precisely measures specific ratios of multiple ingredients. What he knows how to do is unique in the world I think. He can get anywhere from ten to thirty times the medicinal benefits that are commonly possible to derive from taking the same substances separately as supplements. He can tune out common high-dose side effects like nausea and dehydration. The physical effects he can produce with various combinations just amazed me.
As an example, he made me some eye drops. With just one drop in each eye, my vision was instantly 20% better. I gained 2.5 lines on a standard eye chart both with and without contact lenses or glasses, which was nice, because normally my vision is just terrible, but they had other beneficial effects as well. The drops allowed my eyes adjust instantly to bright glare and back again. I have yet to confirm this will work with actual people, but the same drops appear to be able to completely dissolve cataracts in about a week. As an experiment they were used on a blind dog with totally cloudy eyes and after a few days the dogs eyes became clear and normal, the dog's vision apparently restored. I did not do this experiment myself, so that’s all I know about it, but I did manage to find someone with a cataract problem and if it clears that up I will share that result in the future with everyone.
I have suffered with a terribly painful gout condition the last few years. As anyone who has experienced acute gout pain will tell you, this is not something that is easy to endure. I would find myself bedridden and unable even to cover the afflicted foot with so much as a blanket without a level of pain that would make me cry out. It felt like my big toe joint was packed with broken glass, and no matter what I did this happened to me every month for a while. It was just intolerable, and as insane as it sounds to people, pain like this made me actually think about amputating my damn foot to be rid of it! Doctors had nothing to offer but analgesic creams or tablets and recommendations I subsist on a diet of basically straw and sawdust. Apparently, once you have this, as far as doctors are concerned, all you can do about it short of invasive surgical interventions is try to avoid foods that aggravate the condition. They tell you to drink tart cherry juice and there are tinctures you can buy, but none of that worked at all for me. Emmanuel concocted a custom herbal blend just for me that stopped this condition cold. I would take his capsules as directed and these regular flare ups would begin to subside immediately. I began to take them every day for a while, then only when I felt a twinge of gout pain starting. Today I do not even need to take them at all but I have some just in case. As of the time I am writing this account I have been gout free since October 17th of 2022, and I eat whatever I want to without any adverse consequence. I will be eternally grateful to him for that.
Over the first few months of our friendship I began to see why he has been so interested in naturopathy and I tried all sorts of combinations he has created over that time, as he has done over the years, to see what effects various things had on me personally. I have to admit, this exploration was a lot of fun.
I can honestly say, having personally sampled a number of his custom creations, there is probably nothing naturopathy cannot remedy. I don't mean to imply he has a fix for everything, but with enough trial and error I am pretty sure one can be found, and I realize that is probably something you should not say [legal reasons] but until I experienced what I did for myself I never knew herbal remedies could be so effective, and I have never even heard of anyone else that is able to get the kind of results he can extract from simple herbal substances. That is all we are using here. There are no drugs involved, just all natural substances, purchased as certified pharmaceutical grade powders.
Before we met, the only people who even knew about Emmanuel were people he ran into personally somehow, and he would make and sell various remedies to just that small group of personal acquaintances. Making herbal capsule products was just a hobby of his that he shared with people in his immediate circle of friends and family. All he has ever been interested in is helping people he knew, and he has absolutely no interest in giving talks or lectures or explaining anything he does. I cannot argue with this, since doing so attracts a world of abuse anyone with a brain would be wise to avoid. But because his own mother had been fooled by this covid scam and seriously vax injured herself, outrage at that atrocity and a desire to do something about it was an impulse we had in common.
I brought Emmanuel up to date on all the research I had done prior to this and my desire to find a way to help all the vaccine injured people that were desperately seeking a way to turn back the clock, many of whom were dying. I shared some of the tear-jerking letters I receive from all over the world, and I shared one particular request that I received from a severely injured person overseas that seemed like a good place to start.
We immediately went to work adapting one of his general health products to address the specific problems caused by covid vaccines, with the intent of reversing the condition they violently induce.
I am proud to say I believe we were able to accomplish this.
In addition to the personal communications I receive I have also personally reviewed over 20 thousand VARES reports as research for my first book. At the time it was every vaccine injury case in the database, so I know what's going on out there, and I have witnessed first hand the terrible toll these toxic injections have taken on people in every country on Earth.
Hanna Jennings was our vaccine injury test subject. You can find her back story here: https://fakeologist.com/blog/2022/07/01/fak565-hannah-vaccine-injured-mancunian/ Ab Irato interviewed us both for his show right around the time I began trying to fix Hanna's health complaints.
We began with recommendations I made in my second book on vax injury; "What Now? Recovering from a Tragic Mistake". They helped a bit, but overall she was not very responsive and I wasn't sure why, but it appeared as if her ability to absorb various nutrients had become impaired as well. We we began trying other therapies and approaches. Some of these so called remedies actually made her condition worse. Nothing seemed to really help her all that much until Emmanuel and I began formulating a custom herbal combination we could give her.
There are 20 different herbal powders in this mixture, a few of them are medicinal mushrooms. Because I think people should know what we put in these capsules, in case there are any allergy concerns, I provide the complete ingredients list below. Although it may appear to be a simple blend the actual recipe has to be meticulously measured and combined. It's not just this combination of ingredients that is special, but rather it is the specific dosages and comparative ratios to other ingredients that stimulate effects we observed. The story I relate here is simply what we observed, start to finish.
Devising an effective therapy.
All she wanted to do was see Spain on a vacation with her boyfriend, and to do that the travel visa required two vaccines. She had never had a single vaccine ever before this due to a familial allergy to cow's milk. (It was this fact, and her access to medical care, that made her a suitable clinical test subject for us.) To take this trip she unfortunately just happened to get her inoculations from the two most toxic lot numbers out of all the Pfizer lots available in Europe.
Over the course of my work I became friends with Albert Benevedes, who is an expert database guy. He has been saving and analyzing raw VARES data since the beginning and has a complete list of everything ever entered into the VARES database, even the reports that have since been fraudulently deleted. Albert publishes his findings here: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/HEpBeuAz9n9P/
I asked Albert to run a search on the two lot numbers Hanna received.
One batch had 958 reported cases of death and permanent disability at the time we ran this query. We found 105 cases of death and permanent disability for the other lot, so combined, given the reporting rate, the real number was in the thousands.
As I went about conducting my own research the last couple years, and because so many doctors had read my books, I had managed to assemble a sizable brain trust of medical professionals who were interested in my work. They also offered their help to me. Above all I wanted to help Hanna as best I could, and because I am not a doctor myself I had a team of maybe nine or ten doctors in all looking over her medical history with me as I collected more and more information. The prognosis wasn't very encouraging at all, and after reviewing her blood work and everything else I had, based on what they were seeing, everyone involved felt Hanna would not live out the year. That summer I had to talk her out of suicide almost every morning.
She would see doctors available to her at home and the most they would do is send her packing with a shit diagnosis like postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome to write off obvious clotting issues, which is basically dizziness when standing due to a sudden loss of blood pressure. They were all useless and utterly lacking as medical professionals, completely without ethics. They refused to order tests I told Hanna she needed to get, made abysmal diagnosis, and fought me on everything, even to the extent of delaying the transfer of critical medical records I needed to review until I had Hanna withhold payments to force them to comply.
The case was heartbreaking.
We started her on our best creation. We dialed down the dosage of herbs with stimulant effects to make it safe for her heart condition, and after a month we adjusted the amount of several other ingredients a second time based on her feedback. (Hanna had already been through the Ivermectin regimen, which did ease some of her symptoms.) She was instructed to eat 7 capsules as a dosage, three times a day, and I combined this with an aggressive DMSO therapy.
Dimethyl Sulfoxide
There is a better resource I think everyone should read called "The DMSO Handbook for Doctors" by Archie Scott. I have emailed a pdf copy I have to several people I worked with on this, but because it is still for sale it's probably best not to post it here as a download, but for anyone wanting a copy they can get it here:
You can read all about what DMSO can do, the list is impressively lengthy. It is a vasodilator, so DMSO basically opens up the body's plumbing. DMSO enables circulation, even with existing clotting. It accomplishes this by enabling blood to flow around obstructions in vasculature, leaving the vessels where it engorges tissue. Circulating blood then re-enters the vessel beyond the blockage. This effect tends to baffle most doctors who just refuse to believe it. DMSO can stop a stroke instantly and prevent stroke damage if it is administered immediately. It is also the best universal toxin chelator known to medicine and a potent scavenger of free radicals.
All mushrooms, for example, detox heavy metals, it is something that fungus is good for. Any fungus thrives on acid and metals, but DMSO, and its derivative, MSM, grabs anything that is toxic to the body and ferries it out via the usual excretory routes: skin, breath, urine, stool, mucous, and saliva. In short, DMSO expertly cleans the body of anything toxic and flushes it out, while providing instant pain relief commensurate with morphine and alleviating circulatory issues.
The best administration choice would have been IV in a sterile saline dilution appropriate for her body weight, but that was not an option. Hanna could not find a nurse practitioner in Manchester willing to put her on a DMSO drip, so we did the next best thing. We had her mix up a 20% DMSO solution in plain water and had her self-administer that as an enema, which very closely approximates the effects of an IV drip. I had her do this 3 times in a row one on day one, holding the solution as long as she could before expelling it. This is hard because DMSO is also a muscle relaxer, so holding this solution for even 5 minutes requires a Herculean effort.
The procedure is not all that much fun and a bit messy. You have to sit in a tub, clean up the mess after and all that. She just did it that one time for this reason, despite our recommendation she do that weekly. We also had her drinking DMSO, about a half a shot glass a day in some juice or whatever. (DMSO is classified by the FDA as an industrial solvent, and it is, it smells and tastes just like paint thinner, so it's pretty hard to put down.) But it is not a poison, and its is very hard to hurt yourself with it. Archie Scott based his book primarily on the actual case work of Dr. Stanley Jacob M.D., the real father of DMSO therapies. Stanley Jacob went on record saying he personally ingested a shot glass of pure DMSO every day, and he was perfectly healthy up until he finally passed in 2015 at the ripe old age of 91. https://www.docgriffith.com/post/2016/09/14/-father-of-dmso-passes-at-91
The DMSO information I provided in my second book is wrong, and far too conservative. I got that chapter from a special meeting with Amandha Vollmer, but I later learned I probably know more than she does. What you must be careful about when handling DMSO is it makes almost anything transdermal. DMSO allows anything to pass right through the skin, like magnesium Epsom salt can, only better, so you don't want to go handling anything toxic with DMSO on your hands. But as a medicine you simple rub it where it hurts, at full strength if you can tolerate that. Some people itch or rash out a bit, but it is not a big deal. Another side effect is this will likely make you stink and it might leave a bad taste in your mouth, but that’s because when you flood your body with this you will begin prolifically expelling toxins every way you can.
We did not have complete immunological panels prior to the trials, but we did have white blood cell count, T-cell count, basic readings from lab testing/blood analysis. We had the results of a hair follicle analysis. What all that revealed about Hanna was that she had extremely high levels of heavy metal poisoning, and I mean REALLY high. Her body contained substances you should not find in anyone in even trace amounts. Hanna was under the care of several doctors in a private medical hospital where she lived so she was constantly relaying the results of any testing they did to me. I shared these lab results with other doctors in my brain trust.
On day one, immediately following the enemas, her brain fog was gone. After three weeks on the capsules we sent her, her immune system sprang to life again, vastly up-regulated. Her liver and kidney function was normal again. Her T-cell counts tripled. After two months she told me she felt completely recovered and she bailed on my clinical trial.
I have only received a couple emails from Hanna since the trial but she assures me she is still doing fine and she conveys her gratitude to both me and Emmanuel for helping her. I think the whole vaccine ordeal is a bad memory she prefers to put behind her. That is the reason she gave me, apologetically, for not continuing further testing with either of us.
In all honesty, without additional testing and observations I hesitate to say how long a person needs to take the capsules, but it's not forever, and based upon several immunology lectures I attended that were given by J.J. Couey PhD, I am inclined to interpret the information he provided to mean the time required is three months.
To repeat, given how dramatic Hanna's recovery was I would guess, and it's only a guess, 3 months minimum is required, but it is possible that an extreme case might require a bit more time. I cannot be sure without hearing from more people who are taking the capsules.
Since Hanna there have been others who have tried the procedures I have explained here that I have heard from. I have only received positive comments, but these are less formal communications, and not enough to infer much more than I have already shared. When I have more I will convey those reports and anything good or bad that comes from them, so I encourage people who undergo this therapy to report back to me whatever they are comfortable sharing openly. If there is anything people would not want me to write about they need to tell me that. I will not publish actual names or other contact info, but anything else is fair game unless otherwise reserved by the sender.
Beyond the intended purpose, unvaccinated people love these herbal capsules. I love them. The very first dose gave me some mild euphoria that did not repeat, but as days went on I felt like they took 10 years off my age. I have never known what "healthy" felt like before this. As far as vaccine injury mitigation, all the evidence I did collect is very encouraging, and Emmanuel has finally managed to create an order website
to enable people to order this product and try it.
Cost of these capsules is going to seem high for some people, but it's not that bad given the cost of these powders. Bulk purchasing arrangements allowed him to get it down from $800 dollars for a month's supply at the 3x/day dosage, to just $450, and you can order as little as $250 for a 1x/day dosage level. My advice would be to copy what we gave Hanna, but I know it might be a financial hit for some. Still, it is either this or a premature death.
Vaccine injury is progressive, it only gets worse, and most of the vaccinated will suffer right side heart failure within 3-5 years. That is what is going on internally with their clotting issues. It begins capping off capillaries and ends with pulmonary arterial hypertension, which has a 90% mortality in 3-5 years.
Here's the bottom line: The vaccinated have committed slow suicide any number of ways. If people die fast it is typically within the first 7-14 days due primarily to an over exposure of reduced graphene oxide. There are also some people who have acute anaphylactic reactions to PEG and other toxic vaccine adjuvants and excipients.
If they don't die quickly in this initial period from strokes and allergic complications it's anyone's guess how long they have. This poison will seek out the weakest part of your body and destroy that first, but it attacks everything causing runaway inflammation in every tissue and internal organ and total immune system collapse. It is not how anyone would wish to go, this is a miserable slow burn and people will die from any one of at least 1309 different reasons publicly disclosed by vaccine manufacturers like Pfizer, not the least of which is aggressive onset cancer.
Reported instances of "turbo-cancer" skyrocketed up 66,000% as of last summer over annual cases reported in 2020. I do know how to reverse terminal cancer and eliminate malignant tumors in a matter of days, but that is a separate issue. I posted an article on my blog page in December of 2022 that explains how to accomplish this with the accompanying medical explanation as to why it works and how, along with a published study from 1984 by A. Keith Brewer who used this technique on 30 terminal cancer patients with a 100% success rate. http://estateartistry.com/blog/cure-your-cancer-by-christmas
I have been pressured to promote a few things myself. Maybe "promote" is a strong term, it's more like constant nagging by people who think they have a solution, to accept whatever they believe about such solutions. I expect, now that I have finally made this long anticipated announcement that it will no doubt be looked at the same way. You will just have to decide for yourself.
If you have a choice about which direction to go in all I can tell you is you might want to try this one first. I am constantly amazed how much more I know than anyone else I run into or talk to and I am a regular attendee and contributor on bi-weekly standing conference calls held by Doctors4CovidEthics. Over the last three years I have met and spoken to almost everyone working on the problem. I even have some of the doctors I cite in my books on speed dial now.
I went into this not knowing a damn thing about medicine in March of 2020. Today I am re-educating PhDs from all over the world and major contributors respect me and seek me out because I can "out doctor them" and blow up their baseless beliefs, usually in 10 minutes or less, and support everything I say. I never thought that would ever happen, but it did.
I don't know everything, nor does Emmanuel. We will both admit we don't even understand all the biological mechanisms of action involved in Hanna's recovery. But neither does anyone else, and it is my personal opinion they never will. The body is an amazing work of art, and it can heal itself of anything, you simply have to feed it properly.
Every illness you can name has but two causes; malnutrition and oxidative stress. That’s it! What I can give you is not medicine, it literally does nothing, it is the body that does all the work here, and I cannot explain how it does all that, but what I will do is accept the results.
Finding out the rest of the answers is a job for someone that comes after me. This has been a long journey for me, and the hardest problem I have ever been tasked with, but with Emmanuel's help, I finally think I accomplished what I set out to do, which was find a fix for vaccine injury.
If you want Emanuel's herbal capsule product you have to order it from his website. Many thanks to my other friend Jason in Florida who generously created this product site free of charge for Emanuel. Everything else involved in my recommendations is easily obtainable online or in various specialty stores.
Again, I do not earn anything from the sale, or for my endorsement of this product, and Emmanuel does not answer questions of any kind. He just fills orders and ships them out. Please understand that we have to behave this way or the FDA will jail us for curing illness. That is what we have come to as a society.
Capsule products ship via UPS or US Priority Mail from Ohio.
Supplement costs are as follows:
- PLEASE NOTE: Shipping internationally carries some risk of product seizure by international customs. Emmanuel cannot afford to replace lost product. Just to ensure we got Hanna meds without such problems Emmanuel had to ship product to me first and then I had to contract with a courier service (https://coolparcel.com/) that added an additional $90 dollars to the shipping costs, took me hours to process accompanying customs documents, and required me to personally hand off the package. For this reason, Emmanuel's capsule order page currently does not allow international orders to be placed, but this restriction will be lifted soon.
- We are working on adding an international shipping calculator to the Aeon-213 capsule order page. All the website development work is generously done for free by a freelancer in Florida who makes time for us as he is able, so we beg your patience while we get this done.
You can either find an intermediary, or email me directly to assist you.
If you email me an order request with your shipping information
I will coordinate with Emmanuel and make sure it gets processed.
(Recommended dosage is 7 capsules, 3X/Day)
1. Bacopa Monnieri - cognition, blood pressure, anxiety
2. Ashwagandha - anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and stress-relieving effects, reduces cortisol levels, improves total sleep time and sleep quality
3. Curcumin - reliably reduces markers of inflammation and increases the levels of endogenous antioxidants in the body. Improves symptoms of depression and anxiety, and pain and function in osteoarthritis.
4. Green Tea - reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, aid weight management, and soothes the skin. People used green tea in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine uses green tea to control bleeding and heal wounds, aid digestion, improve heart and mental health, and regulate body temperature.
5. Milk Thistle - detoxifies the body, aids digestion, protects the liver against liver disorders such as cirrhosis. Also, antioxidants present in milk thistle detoxify the liver and strengthens it.
6. Aloe Vera - <500mg/day has a massive effect on immune function! Too much many benefits to list. Curiously, taking anything less than 500mg/day does almost nothing.
7. Trans-Resveratrol - found in red wine. Often called nature’s immune system, resveratrol is a naturally occurring polyphenol that is produced in several plants. It is what is known as a phytoalexin– its function is to protect plants from illness or disease. So it protects [the plant] against fungal pathogens and bacteria. Used in treatments for neurodegenerative diseases, inflammation, cancer, cardiovascular health, diabetes, obesity. Https://www.lovelifesupplements.co.uk/blogs/love-life-health-blog/what-is-trans-resveratrol-and-what-are-the-benefits
8. Ginger - it has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps alleviate nausea, improves digestive function, retards blood clotting
9. Lion's Maine - (mushroom) reduces inflammation and oxidative stress, contains powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds. Protects against dementia, reduce symptoms of memory loss preventing neuronal damage caused by amyloid-beta plaques, promotes nerve growth. Speeds recovery from nervous system injuries. Help reduce the severity of brain damage after a stroke. Helps relieve mild symptoms of depression and anxiety. Protects against ulcers in the digestive tract by inhibiting the growth of h. Pylori and protecting the stomach lining from damage. Reduces inflammation and prevent tissue damage in other areas of the intestines. Reduces risks of heart disease by reducing oxidized cholesterol and other blood clotting factors. Lowers blood sugars, boosts the immune system by supporting beneficial changes in gut bacteria https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/lions-mane-mushroom
10. Shiitake - (mushroom) causes the immune system to become more active. Like all mushrooms, shiitakes produce vitamin d2 upon exposure of their internal ergosterol to ultraviolet b (UVB) rays from sunlight.
11. Reishi - (mushroom) boosts the immune system, alters inflammation pathways in white blood cells, increases the activity of killer t cells and increases the production of lymphocytes and improves lymphocyte function, which helps fight infections and cancer. Reduces fatigue, depression, aches, pains, dizziness, headaches and irritability.
12. Turkey Tail - (mushroom) packed with antioxidants including phenols and flavonoids which promotes immune system health by reducing inflammation and stimulating the release of protective compounds. Contains immune-boosting polysaccharopeptides krestin (PSK) and polysaccharide peptide (PSP) which have powerful immune-boosting properties that promote immune response by both activating and inhibiting specific types of immune cells and by suppressing inflammation. PSP increases monocytes, which are types of white blood cells that fight infection and boost immunity. PSK stimulates dendritic cells that promote immunity to toxins and regulate the immune response. PSK also activates specialized white blood cells called macrophages, which protect your body against harmful substances like certain bacteria. It has anti-tumor properties and enhances gut health by enhancing the growth of beneficial bacteria while suppressing harmful species. Also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/turkey-tail-mushroom
13. Cordycepts - (fungus) reduces fatigue, boosts strength and sex drive, improves memory, increases antioxidants which fight cell damage by neutralizing free radicals. Anti-tumor properties, reverses leukopenia (a decrease in the number of white blood cells), improves kidney function, significantly reduces heart injuries associated with chronic kidney disease. It also has anti-inflammatory properties.
14. Chaga Agarikon - decreases bone resorption and improves bone formation, inhibits bacterial biofilm formation by multi-resistant bacteria, stimulates immune responses and provides other immunomodulatory effects. Antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties, contains several phytochemicals known to support functional activities as either antioxidant or anti-proliferative.
15. Choline - choline is a nutrient similar to b vitamins. It can be made in the liver. It is also found in foods such as meats, fish, nuts, beans, vegetables, and eggs. Choline is used in many chemical reactions in the body. It's important in the nervous system and for the development of normal brain functioning. Choline might also help decrease swelling and inflammation related to asthma. People commonly use choline to improve memory and mental function.
16. Thiamine - Also known as thiamin and vitamin b1, is a vitamin, an essential micronutrient, that cannot be made in the body. Helps maintain proper nerve function. Used for inflammation of the nerves (neuritis) people with chronic liver disease often have low levels of thiamine. A staple in pre-natal vitamins, thiamine is important not only for mitochondrial membrane development, but also for synaptic membrane function.
17. Magnesium - involved in hundreds of biochemical reactions in your body. Energy creation, Protein formation, gene maintenance, aids muscle contraction and relaxation, regulates neurotransmitters, which send messages throughout your brain and nervous system, regulates inflammation and oxidative stress, reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure, helps with depression and insomnia, anti-inflammatory benefits, protects against bone loss
18. Sulbutiamine - a synthetic derivative of thiamine (vitamin b1), used to improve memory and poor concentration and reduce feelings of weakness or fatigue. A potent cholinergic anxiolytic, sulbutiamine is a popular nootropic, with users reporting enhanced memory, focus and improved mood and motivation.
19. Choline Bitartrate - Choline bitartrate is choline combined with a salt of tartaric acid. Used in many chemical reactions in the body. It's important in the nervous system and for the development of normal brain functioning. Choline bitartrate supplements can help provide support for absentmindedness and maintain memory recall. It also helps to maintain neuromuscular function as you age, since choline helps nerves interact with muscles. Supports good heart and liver health, helps to manage inflammation, especially in joints.
20. MSM - Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is an organosulfur compound also known by several other names including methyl sulfone and dimethyl sulfone (DMSO2). Decreases Joint Pain, significantly reduces inflammation by inhibiting the release of certain inflammatory cytokines, pain, stiffness and swelling in the joints. Has Anti-Inflammatory Effects, Increases Glutathione Levels, reduces allergy-related symptoms — including coughing, shortness of breath, congestion, sneezing and fatigue by reducing inflammation. Reduces oxidative stress. Beneficial for skin health by acting as a sulfur donor to keratin significantly improving redness, itching, inflammation, hydration and skin color in people with rosacea.
Emanuel will not answer anyone's questions, but I will try.
People may submit any questions they have to me via email at
[email protected]
I will be adding a bunch of FAQ responses, interview links,
product or website updates, and any feedback I receive from the public to the end of this,
so check back for those occasionally.
Last week Randy Stewart invited me to join him on an episode of his podcast series called "Living With Your Brain Turned On" to basically relate the story above live and in my own words. If you watch this clip you will hear a lot of detail that would have made the written version of this story impossibly long. Please understand that Randy has his own style of video editing so he added a some music and a fairly long introduction.
If you are pressed for time and prefer to skip ahead to the actual meat of the clip I suggest you fast forward through all that and begin watching at the 8:16 minute mark. My recount continues more or less uninterrupted until the 47:54 minute mark.
In the remaining time up through the end Randy and I got a little conversational and shared a few opinions with each other. There were some glitchy moments throughout the clip where we could not hear each other so the dialog overlaps a bit due to internet speed issues during recording, but as we became aware of this problem the instances of it decrease. I apologize for any defects in our attempt to make a good video interview tape.
Follow this link to Randy Stewart's Substack:
5/27/23 TNT Radio Interview Topic: Reversing Vaccine Injury This first interview for "Mind Medicine" with Charles Kovess on TNT Radio, which is the largest Talk Radio network in Australia and New Zealand, was thwarted. Once again my internet connection was cut off before the show, but we did manage to record 2 weeks later. This interview was to be aired live at 2AM Eastern Standard Time on May 27th. We were able to pull it off successfully on June 3rd. Here is the link to TNT Radio: https://tntradio.live/ I chose not to advertise the second attempt. If you missed the show live, you can listen to the replay here: https://tntradiolive.podbean.com/e/john-lukach-on-mind-medicine-with-charles-kovess-03-june-2023/ | John Lukach is an author, researcher, scientist, thinker and, like me, a provocateur. He has investigated major health dramas and has developed some successful protocols, solutions and strategies to solve such dramas. -Charles Kovess - TNT Radio |
7/22/23 TNT Radio Interview Topic: My Investigations Into "Anti-Nano Devices" On this show Charles and I discuss "Eric the FireMedic", aka FM8 and some simple devices that are startlingly effective for extracting synthetic nano particulate matter. I actually traveled out to meet Eric in person and see and use these tools myself. We go over the evidence I saw, and I explain how and why these devices work and what I learned about how to use them. Full show replay is here: https://tntradiolive.podbean.com/e/john-lukach-on-mind-medicine-with-charles-kovess-22-july-2023/ Eric also posted an edited clip of the full show, which is basically the first half in which I present my prepared material. In the second half of the show, Charles and I discuss this information and converse on related topics. JOHN LUKACH ON MIND MEDICINE BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/n2eA0Mn25hjq/ Telegram: https://t.me/FM81JOHN4_1/2513 Odysee:https://odysee.com/My-Movie-430:e71d5724d7c03dd0d83964e06bba64f0662f8741?r=GYmUjeiEnicyufBt4M3LLCN4DXxWqt4D Rumble: https://rumble.com/v31xphm-john-lukach-on-mind-medicine.html | John Lukach is an amazing man. I am delighted to again welcome him to today's Show John has continued his research since my June interview with him, and will reveal some fascinating outcomes. -Charles Kovess - TNT Radio |
Published On The World News:
Source, John Lukach, ( Straight Shooter and a good Man to boot).
Matt and I exchanged some email last week. After some back and forth with him, in which I explained some of the reasoning behind the way Emmanuel and I went about getting our vaccine injury products and information out to the world, and Matt posted a wonderful endorsement of our work on his substack, so I wanted to share that link with everyone. The article is from August 2nd, 2023.
I'd like to thank Matt for being so understanding and for taking the time to correspond with me, write these kind words, and for deciding to help Emmanuel and I spread the word. This is a daunting task and I do it alone mostly, so whenever someone else chips in as well the effect is measured in lives saved.
Thank you, Matt.
*Matt also recently examined a sample of Emmanuel's capsule content under his microscope to check for any traces of nanotech or any other contamination. His comment below:
"...unbelievably clean product in this situation. I don't know how he managed it, but an impressive feat considering the level of air contamination I see today." -matt
A little over one year after the show we did with Hanna (pre-treatment) (https://fakeologist.com/blog/2022/07/01/fak565-hannah-vaccine-injured-mancunian/)
I provided Ab with an update on what happened with her last summer and into this year.
Replay link here: https://fakeologist.com/blog/2023/07/30/fak741-john-lukach/
*The first ten minutes of hour 1 was a plagued by sound issues because I had to do this appearance on a cell phone, but the board operators overcame the problem after that.