I always thought Clinton supporters have a lot in common but who knew just how much eh?
This blog page, with all it's historical archived pages contains everything anyone would want to know about the pandemic crisis.
I have also written two groundbreaking books. The first was an international best seller that was BANNED BY AMAZON, making it necessary to re submit it with a bullshit cover and title to get it past their censors. After 3 months on the best-seller list they BANNED IT AGAIN AND STOLE MY ROYALTIES!
The original title was "Covid-19 and Induced Anaphylaxis." The covert title was "Curious?"
Inside I reveal information you won't hear anyplace else. I explain exactly why and how ALL VACCINES cause injury.
On April 9th, 2022 I self-published my second book, "What Now?" which includes a vax injury treatment protocol, but please DO NOT follow that. While the book contains other good information, I have since been able to test the protocols effectiveness and found it to be lacking, however I have since learned what DOES work and in testing that I saw, and documented, extraordinary results. The new approach reversed a terminal vaccine injury case.
You can review my results here:
Aeon-213 Capsule Website: https://www.scalevitamins.com/
If you or a loved one has had their health destroyed, I can help you.
PDF copies of both my books are free, just email me to get them. "What Now?" print copies are for sale here:
Proceeds from book sales funds my work. You do not have to buy one, but if you do it is the same as donating to me. I thank you if you do.
![]() Notice anything odd?
I always thought Clinton supporters have a lot in common but who knew just how much eh?
The day I published the piece below my ENTIRE WEBSITE was mysteriously ERASED! Now I discovered this about 20 hours later and was able to restore everything but nobody could explain how this occurred. Believe me, I asked a lot of questions of a lot of folks I pay good money to. I admit I am not the most brilliant website developer around but I am not a complete dunce and there is no possible way I could have accidentally round-filed three years of efforts to make the best possible site on the lousy budget I have for what amounts to my only form of advertising. I have also documented in previous posts plenty of instances of web censorship and blatant deceit, boldfaced trolling and other forms of cyber intimidation designed to discourage opinionated people with the motivation and ability to self publish and I am not embarrassed at all to say I don't think this was a random accident. Based on some of the well funded and highly organized internet censorship efforts I am aware of I think it's highly likely this was done deliberately so if you are reading this and happen to be the guy responsible, well, you ain't gonna shut me up that easy. As for the rest of my audience, you might want to read what possibly triggered this unusual event. Just scroll down to do so.
Why is it that if anyone opposes the outrageous support we give to Israel they instantly become a Anti-Semite? This conflict isn't going away. Anyone that examines the objectives of the Greater Israel Project can plainly see that Israel feels entitled to so much land they will continually expand and infringe on every surrounding country as long as they can and continue this festering financial extortion racket until the well runs dry. They are the 51st state it seems. I'm sorry to say this bears more resemblance to a parent enabling a opium addicted child to me. But in that situation nobody brands the parent as a perverse bigot. This odd relationship we have with Israel stinks to high heaven and to not look at it seriously is to, in my opinion, fall victim to the scam. It's funny to me most of the people reading this would not answer an email from some Nigerian dignitary that just needs to use your bank account to transfer 20 million dollars to you for safekeeping in exchange for a nice commission but those same people feel these aid packages make them proud apologists for the holocaust which had nothing whatsoever to do with them.
So lets have a look at this 30 BILLION aid package and put it in terms we can relate to shall we? "How Much Aid to Israel?" is a project of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, a national coalition of more than 380 organizations working to change U.S. policy toward Israel/Palestine to support human rights, international law, and equality. (To find out how from the individual to the state level,use the interactive map located in the links provided and ask how better this money would be served in your own back yard) How Did We Get These Numbers? In August 2007, the United States and Israel signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) outlining a ten-year (FY2009-2018) U.S. military aid package to Israel totaling $30 billion. We got the text of the MOU by submitting a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the State Department, which you can view by clicking here. To estimate each state's contribution to this $30 billion expenditure, we took figures from the Internal Revenue Service Tax Stats, Gross Collections, by Type of Tax and State for FY2008. This data enabled us to figure out the percentage of each state's contribution to federal taxes collected. State figures do not add up to $30 billion exactly because the IRS collects a small percentage of overall taxes from international sources and U.S. armed services personnel stationed overseas. To estimate the contribution of each Congressional district, county, and city to this $30 billion expenditure, we took figures from the U.S. Census Bureau's 2006-2008 American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates. Multiplying total population by estimated per capita income in the past 12 months (in 2008 inflation-adjusted dollars) enabled us to figure out the percentage of each geographical unit's contribution to its state's contribution of federal taxes collected. To estimate the budgetary trade-offs, we took figures from the budget justifications of the federal government agencies that administer these federal government programs. Dividing the cost of the program by the number of people served by it, we figured out how much each of these programs cost per person. We then took this per person program cost and divided it by a geographical unit's contribution to the $30 billion dollars in military aid to Israel to figure out how many people could have been served instead by this program with this money. To estimate the average tax-payer bill in 2010 of $19.19 for military aid to Israel, we took President Obama's FY2011 budget request of $3 billion in military aid to Israel and divided it by the number of individual tax filings (156,297,000) reported by the IRS in its 2008 End of Year End Report. How much military aid do you provide? From 2000 to 2009, the United States appropriated to Israel $24 billion in military aid, delivering more than 670 million weapons with this money. Organize to get your city council to pass a resolution to end military aid to Israel and redirect the money to unmet needs in your community. In 2011, the average taxpayer will give Israel $21.59 in weapons. "Offset" those taxes by making a tax-deductible contribution to the sponsor of these websites, the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation. From 2009 to 2018, the United States is scheduled to give Israel--the largest recipient of U.S. assistance--$30 billion in military aid. Through its illegal 44-year military occupation of the Palestinian West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip, Israel misuses U.S. weapons in violation of U.S. law to kill and injure Palestinian civilians, destroy Palestinian civilian infrastructure, blockade the Gaza Strip, and build illegal settlements in West Bank and East Jerusalem. How much of this total will your community provide? Is this a good use of your tax dollars? What else could your taxes be used for in your community? How to Interpret the Numbers: The amount of military aid to Israel is the estimated 10-year contribution from that state, Congressional district, county, or city. That same amount of money could fund instead each year one of the following programs for the number of people indicated: affordable housing vouchers for low-income families, green jobs training for unemployed workers, early reading programs for at-risk students, or primary health care for the uninsured. http://www.aidtoisrael.org/section.php?id=379 http://www.endtheoccupation.org/article.php?id=3016 http://public.tableausoftware.com/views/MilitaryAidtoIsrael/Dashboard1?:embed=y Just read a quote below by Kirby given on RT on September 30th, 2016: Now, if you trust your gov’t not to incite WW3, something you would be foolish to do, you might argue Kirby is warning Putin that he should not put any more beatings on these ISIS guys because they sure are dangerous and they will creep into Russia and create chaos. In other words, were worried about you, son. But it has become clear as day ISIS is a militant guerilla mercenary force the US funded, armed and that follows the directives of our own intelligence operations. If this is the first you are hearing about this it’s because you never source your own information or fact check anything. But let’s assume for the moment I’m making outlandish claims and consider that Russia’s border is defended a hell of a lot more seriously than ours, that Putin is not so stupid as the rest of the counties who are currently tolerating even condoning and apologizing for the deliberate ransacking of their populations by lawless criminals and rapists who are actively pillaging every country that gives them asylum. This is what the migrant crisis is people. Its people fleeing Syrian conflict but it is also the spread of Muslim extremism into every corner of the world by active proxy of the ruling class who vie for pole position in the contest to see who can take the most and publically admonish each other for not taking enough. If you buy Kirby’s ‘good natured advice’ you simultaneously ignore the fact Putin has plainly demonstrated he can mop the floor with ISIS on any given day and has been doing so deliberately to embarrass the US who peddles a constant narrative to US citizens that ISIS is so tough all they can do is try real hard. Putin has even PAID ISIS bigger fees to disrupt planned movements to prove they work for the highest bidder and did that earlier this year to prove Obama is behind their operations. He even announced in a public press interview before hand so ISIS movements would be unmistakable.
SO, if you missed all this news, well, that’s NOT accidental. Most things of importance that expose globalist fascism will never appear in the mainstream media except over a weekend when nobody is watching or reading anything but the shopping ads and fashion blogs. It’s a lot more likely Kirby is making a thinly veiled threat and putting Putin on notice he's that the US is ready to fight. Ya’ll ok with that America? Well then lets elect Hillary and send a girl in to do a mans work. (Go ahead Millennials, cry sexism, its what you are trained to do. )Not that there's any men over here anymore. You think Nazi Germany provided our troops trigger warnings before battles? Never mind, anything that happened before 1992 is so ancient it’s to be irrelevant. I mean there aren’t even any tweets to research so how can we know anything is true? PFFT! And then there is this story that just broke today about Hillary’s State Dept. who just got caught red handed selling weapons to ISIS which was discussed in 1700 of Hillary’s deleted emails hacked and leaked by WikiLeaks! WikiLeaks BOMBSHELL CONFIRMS what Hillary Clinton Sold Weapons. [TO ISIS !!!] <--- edited from the title because YouTube is now censoring clips with ISIS in their titles by demonetizing ad revenue, …WHICH IS A WHOLE OTHER THING AND JUST MORE PROOF THE MAINSTREAM PRESS IS MERE PROPAGANDA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLeODCg7He8 What's that you say? Fake News? Sensationalism? Alarmist Crap? YOUTUBE HAS MADE SURE THAT NOBODY IS MAKING MONEY SPREADING CRAP NEWS, THESE STORIES ARE DESPERATE ATTEMPTS TO WAKE YOUR FEEBLE ASSES UP! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLeODCg7He8 WHAT MORE PROOF DO YOU NEED TO SEE? sigh... ok fine take this: |
AuthorJohn Lukach - Former slave The information I provide here and in my book can save your life. If it did, or you just want to support my efforts, please download CashApp and send a cash donation to me with the hash tag:
$Had Enough Yet No pressure. But if you do that, THANKS! Categories |