Cancer has been cured many times by many people over the last century using a variety of techniques, and I have read about all such people. Most were ruined or killed for making this epic contribution by the shockingly corrupt nature of the world's wealthiest and most powerful industry. Of all the ones I know about, the method I share with you below seems to me to be the best, because it is the fastest, and anyone can do it.
My own father died of cancer years ago, before I was aware of this. Sometimes discoveries come too late. But the following therapy was proven as recently as 1984 in a clinical trial that involved 30 terminal cancer patients. In each case, the results were spectacular, and exactly the same:
THEY ALL FULLY RECOVERED! That is a 100 PERCENT success rate!
And I found proof you can dig up on the credibility of this information. The study I cite below is pay-walled, and memory-holed, but I found it for you, and you can download it for nothing here:

high_ph_therapy_for_cancer_tests_on_mice_and_human.pdf |
You need just 4 things and any cancer is gone in just THREE DAYS! Unfortunately, for those living in the United States one of those things is Cesium Chloride, and the sale of that is illegal domestically. What a shocker, right? Well, its not all that bad a situation because you can obtain it like any other common vitamin outside the United States and simply have it mailed to you. And before you ask, someone I know with cancer ordered cesium chloride from this German supplier and it arrived at his door two weeks later:
The rate of new and re-emerging cancers amongst those who have received covid vaccines has become astronomically high over the last year and half, and that fact is confirmed and reflected in medical insurance claims data that is publicly accessible. For those of you who are vaccinated, and now at risk, it appears to just be a matter of time before you become part of these statistics, hence the importance of the information I am sharing with you today. Chemotherapy will only hasten your demise. This is a proven alternative to that course of "treatment".
Cancer cells are anaerobic and acidic. Their outer membranes are often impenetrable from normal antibodies and from killer cells once the immune system is compromised. Cancer cells start forming when the outer walls of cells are inflamed by toxins and carcinogens. Those outer walls become hardened, making it difficult for oxygen to enter while still taking in glucose.
Then the cells resort to fermenting glucose for its energy instead of oxidizing it. The fermentation results in a decreased pH (under 6.5) in the cell with an increase of lactic acid, which overwhelms the cell's DNA/RNA capacity to control cell growth. Then uncontrolled growth of cancerous cells occurs.
The break though discovery Dr. Brewer made was a technique that raises the pH of cancer cells WITHOUT alkalizing the surrounding non-cancerous tissues. Cesium chloride is one of a very few molecules with a natural affinity for cancer cells that can also penetrate those cancer cells with the assistance of a transporter. Once inside a cancerous cell, cesium's high alkalinity raises the pH of cancer cell's pH to 8.0 or higher (normal is just north of 7) while the serum (blood) pH stays at or below normal. Such a sudden rise in alkalinity would destroy any cell in a few days. However, normal cells do not take in the cesium chloride. Due to a unique affinity, cesium targets and enters only the cancer cells.
The proper dosage levels of each item, along with their mechanism of action are below:
Cesium Chloride: (exactly like it comes out of the ground) 3-6g/day works, but the best results are achieved with ONE GRAM 3x/day with a full meal.
Vitamin C: 4g/day, you take ONE GRAM with each full meal and you take the last gram randomly in between.
Zinc: 50mg-100mg/day
--Cesium has an affinity for cancerous cells.
--Vitamin C and Zinc acts as a transporter and gets the cesium through the cancer cell membrane, where it alkalizes the cancer cell WITHOUT alkalizing the blood.
--Once the cesium is in the cancer cell, it raises the pH of the cancer cell to 8 in just a few hours.
--Cancerous cells prefer a pH of 6.5-7, if you can raise the pH of just the cancer cells to 8 they cannot multiply and they will all die very soon after.
Potassium is the 4th item, 800mg/day.
Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior, vol. 21, Suppl. 1, pp 1-5, 1984
"The high pH therapy for cancer tests on mice and humans" by A. Keith Brewer
All pains and effects of cancer will vanish in 12-36 hours. Tumors will disappear.
"Mass spectrographic and isotope studies have shown that potassium, rubidium, and especially cesium are most efficiently taken up by cancer cells. This uptake was enhanced by Vitamins A and C as well as salts of zinc and selenium. The quantity of cesium taken up was sufficient to raise the cell to the 8 pH range. Where cell mitosis ceases and the life of the cell is short. Tests on mice fed cesium and rubidium showed marked shrinkage in the tumor masses within 2 weeks. In addition, the mice showed none of the side effects of cancer. Tests have been carried out on over 30 humans. In each case the tumor masses disappeared. Also all pains and effects associated with cancer disappeared within 12 to 36 hr; the more chemotherapy and morphine the patient had taken, the longer the withdrawal period. Studies of the food intake in areas where the incidences of cancer are very low showed that it met the requirements for the high pH therapy."
Really, the best way to cure cancer is to
If we all just did that, the cancer cash spigot would run dry
and information like this would become widely known.