It is a basic human weakness we all have really. Whenever a person holds two conflicting or opposing ideas simultaneously they experience a bit of confusion and become suggestible. In other words, a person tends to not examine things critically, in the same manner they normally would and it is a trick that has been used by magicians and con men for ages, so its nothing new and it is a condition widely understood and recognized by psychiatrists.
cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance noun, psychology
The state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.
For example, when people smoke (behavior) and they know that smoking causes cancer (cognition), they are in a state of cognitive dissonance. Here you can see that despite knowing smoking is bad they do it anyway. Some might point out cigarettes are an addictive substance but the principle still applies.
Social Distancing is NOT a normal behavior.
Social Distancing IS
to assemble and associate how you wish with others!!!
People are doing this because they have been told a lie and the lie itself doesn't really agree with what they have always thought was reasonable practice, and these gatherings are not celebrating freedom.
They are celebrating THE LOSS OF IT !
How is cognitive dissonance resolved?
- Change one or more of the attitudes, behavior, beliefs, etc., to make the relationship between the two elements a consonant one. ...
- Acquire new information that outweighs the dissonant beliefs. (That's what I am providing here.)
- Reduce the importance of the cognitions (i.e., beliefs, attitudes).