Just to be clear, I will tell you, without hesitation, I can confidently look anyone in the eye and make BOTH claims.
But I get it, it can be very hard for many people to believe. Such an event is totally outside of their experience and the sheer inhumanity of it is breathtaking. They cannot fathom anyone would back such a thing let alone actually do it. And most people making such claims do not seem credible enough themselves to convince anyone nor can they really provide enough compelling evidence to make a case that would be entirely compelling.
What would you need to see?
The bar many set can be pretty high, and some people do a better job than others defending this opinion, but even when they have done their level best to prove it, most of the "proof" they offer involves events they see, and a gut feeling of distrust they have, which is not shared by enough people, and the evidence they produce does not always translate into the proof that is required to change many peoples minds about this if they doubt it.
I came across some actual documentation recently that I want to share with you. I would like you to give me an opportunity, right now, to convince you. I feel confident what I have to share will be enough to make an irrefutable case that this is in fact what we are witnessing right now. I feel this is an important effort, to try and prove this factually, because some of you are unwittingly contributing to this atrocity. Others are simply allowing it to continue.
I believe everyone I reach with this information believes whatever they are doing is the right thing to do. But if this is actually happening, nobody, not you, not your 80 year old parents, not even your kids, have any excuse whatsoever NOT to become rabidly active in obstructing it or even stopping it any way you are able.
I am SURE, that if it can be proven, that this is happening, you would fight it with me.
Because you are a good person, you have a moral obligation to speak up and to fight it, arguably, to the exclusion of any other activity you might be inclined to assign a higher priority to. To do ANYTHING else would be completely self serving, and I know that is not how many of you wish to be seen by those around you.
That said, just for the sake of argument, let's look at the possibility we are in a global genocide seriously for the next few minutes, and just consider a few pieces of evidence I would like to present you with which are NOT based on hearsay or emotion. Evidence I feel confident all of you will immediately recognize, but up until now, never really paid all that much attention to.
An Example Of Weak Evidence:
Clips like this next one are of the sort that typically causes most people to roll their eyes at the mention of global genocide. Watch it and you will see what I mean. A nameless guy provides testimony, sounding the alarm about something that you never heard about, something he will tell you went on in a smoky room, behind closed doors, that he just happens to know about, and details you would expect him to provide are not given. A plan was hatched, he tells us, that had some specific milestones, some with dates.
(The clip is rather short, just indulge me, please)
I do not know who this guy is, how it is he knows about this, or even if such a meeting happened, ok? So far I am with you, it is typical of dubious evidence you probably see often. Maybe he is lying, maybe its an old clip, maybe its not. Maybe it is a clever hoax made to look old so that the predictions he makes are not really predictions. This warning would be completely unimpressive if it was created yesterday. We are not that gullible here.
The plan they made, he says, included:
1 - Fluoride added to drinking water. CHECK!
(But this has been going on since the 60's, its not new, and you probably think fluoride being used this way is ok. You would also be wrong, but whatever..)
2 - Chemtrailing operations, to poison people gradually and induce sterility CHECK!
(everyone can plainly see them, but what they are spraying is a hotly debated topic and you personally, don't know)
3 - Man-made flu, to be deployed around 2018, to depopulate the world to 800 million.
Sounds like the pandemic, but yawn… not real exiting yet. Date is off a bit. Maybe they ran behind schedule? I'll give it a grudging CHECK!
4 - Fake UFO invasion in 2024… It's 2022. You ready?
Here's where it stops being convincing. Right? I mean, the guy claims that the famous Phoenix Lights UFO story, which was seen by lots of people, was really a hologram show to test military equipment. He can't prove that either way and neither can you or I. But.. it is an interesting claim. Now, put aside whether or not its true for a second. The larger point is that IF such a convincing light show was possible and most of Phoenix was fooled by it, you gotta admit, that is a neat trick, and it just might be possible to pull off given some of the advanced hologram product demonstrations I have seen myself recently. He says this trick, if it was convincing enough and done with some live fire would create a stampede of people demanding global government -- just stop and think about that for a second. A sky full of hostile alien motherships sounds pretty scary, and if this happened all over I can see huge populations reacting the way he claims they will. I have heard another version of this story in which the big ruse involved a killer asteroid too. All I really take away from this guy is a possibility and a good chance a convincing enough deception could provide a catalyzing agent that would make people go along with a world government of some sort, and I do believe that all they need. Everything else that such a group would need is already being put in place.
Moving on to better evidence…
In this example we see a serious amount of effort being invested in the creation of an info-graphic. These are signs the source is far more highly educated and informed. You will later find this is actually true, this was done by a serious researcher, since everything he mentions is included in my final piece of evidence, which is crazy specific. I will share that next. I consider it to be the best evidence available.
This diagram shown below, and in this video with accompanying explanations was created by Kevin Galalae, a naturalized Canadian born in Romania. Galalae successfully employed a hunger strike to encourage the Canadian government to regularize his status. While studying in the UK he stumbled across the government’s Surveillance and Censorship Program, and became determined to publicize it, gaining him notoriety and (arguably) tacit support from academia, and also possibly preventing the program’s Europe-wide expansion as the Stockholm Programme. There is a lengthy listing of Kevin's accomplishments here:
So here is the diagram he elaborates on in the video clip:
This is a great overview, but what is lacking in this are specifically referenceable examples of any of the things he mentions in each bubble or ring, and actual evidence they are real efforts that have, or are currently being undertaken. They all are, but for that proof we need to really dig into the place such evidence is compiled.
Let's now do just that… This is where it gets real.
What you are about to see next is REAL EVIDENCE!
operations I am sure everyone will immediately recognize, that have been
This is where one goes to learn about all such anti-human programs
and see exactly who is creating and promoting them.
Some of what I found outlined in this book even made my jaw hit the floor!
We are well past the point of no return now.
If you still have doubts after this, you are in active DENIAL!
The man in this video provides an overview of the massive tome of a book linked below. I don't expect anyone, myself included, will actually read this whole thing cover to cover. It would take me months to get through it all. I did skip around in it however, and I read maybe a hundred pages on various topics. That was enough, believe me.
If you watch the clip first, Dr. Tarpley pulls from this resource many of the most egregious examples and talks at length about the authors and their backgrounds, and he exposes just how psychopathic, misguided and emotionless they are. For those people reading this and trying to decide whether or not the idea of a coordinated effort to depopulate 98% of the world is real or not, here is the cold, hard evidence.
And these authors are not dead or contributing just paper. They are actively involved. It the case of one of them, John P. Holdren, he is the current science advisor for the Biden administration!!!
This is not conspiracy theory, and to characterize it that way not only displays one's lack of knowledge, it encourages willful ignorance in others they share opinions with. Over 1600 pages of dense analysis done by an army of think tanks, top universities, government officials, and other global elitist bureaucrats, in which every technique they can possibly imagine, to systematically poison, sterilize, and shorten the lifespan of an average person is weighed and war gamed out in minute detail, before almost every one of the strategies mentioned in this plan is actively deployed, and not even all that covertly, when you hear some of what is proposed.
Anyone not living under a rock for the last 20 years will immediately recognize many of these initiatives as just things we deal with, more or less outside our own control, that are the probable causes of cancer or something, but its far worse that that when you consider how many ways we suffer under such people. Trust me here, the topics of research being conducted and the proposals and active programs, funded by governments you think you elect, that you can find in this are grotesque and deeply offensive at a gut level, and the perverse need for oppressive control methods that are the basis for all the initiatives listed here, reduce all human beings and all responsibility for their well being, to a tiresome burden that is so repulsive to those entrusted with our safety, to carry it, they insist, is a waste of their time.
that the stewardship our entire race is in the wrong hands,
because it barely rises to the level of proactive pest control in the minds of these authors!
This book was originally published in 1970, with subsequent editions being republished every few years. The people and institutions that contribute their time and taxpayer resources to all these studies on how to kill you covertly are household names. They are people in positions of power, presidential advisors, cabinet members, and Senators. This work is being done by venerable educational institutions like ivy league schools, medical hospitals that are considered to be the top of the food chain in medicine, like Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins. Everyone guiding national public policy and global governance is named in each program and there are over 160 pages of acknowledgements at the end! It is a playbook of horrors -- quite literally, a who's who of demons, and a diary of their activities.
If ever you wanted to justify who goes to the gallows and in what order, this is your bible. I hope you have a strong stomach, this information is as vile as it is damming. It is here that I must slam the door shut on controversy over whether or not we are being exterminated. That was yesterday. What we all choose to do about this is on today's agenda. If you want my advice; Act now. You may not have a tomorrow.
This is a clip that gets into analyzing vaccine lots against incidences of death and severe adverse events, to show that certain batches are clearly doing an entirely different job than the one you were told about. This is how we can be certain covid shots have nothing to do with preventing illness.
As a footnote in all this, and for those readers that have strong religious beliefs, some of you may recognize Rob Skiba. He recently died, "officially" of covid. I have my doubts, given how insightful he was back in 2013 when this recording was made. What a legacy…
(If not, God help the rest of us.)
Trying to Answer the All Important Question of "WHY?"…
(Or climate change)
(Or carbon)
This is complete and utter horseshit. So is their faux compassion. The overpopulation myth and all its associated dangers, like many of the causes that originate in the minds of people inside elitist think tanks is junk science, supported by flawed reasoning and manufactured evidence every bit as thin as covid health policy, all of which is created by the same bunch of people. And all such arguments are sold, not with credible science, but with fear-based propaganda and marketing. And if you can somehow convince yourself these people are champions of the Earth just look at the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, or Japan releasing radioactive Fukashima waste water into the ocean, consider chemical warfare, or how governments allow more environmental disasters than they prevent by creating regulatory loopholes that support a pay to play lobbying game.
These examples, and a great many more, clearly demonstrate that these people have no problem shitting in every corner of their own house, and just because they can, they assign blame to someone else and charge you for the expense of cleaning it up.
Disproving overpopulation claims is so easy. I can destroy their entire argument by making any proponent of this dogma answer just two questions:
- What do you do with your trash?
- Can you name even ONE non-renewable resource?
Let's start with trash. Why ask where waste eventually goes? Well, my trash goes to a dump. From there it’s the dumps problem, and dumps solve that problem in lots of ways many people think are terrible. The ever-expanding Great Pacific Garbage patch, for example, a floating dump in the middle of the Pacific Ocean that is larger than Texas. Not a great solution, because there is nothing in that giant island of trash that could not have been recycled. I can name one place I guarantee everyone's waste is NOT going. Greta Thunberg is not launching her garbage into outer space, of that I am certain. And here's why that fact, which holds true for all earthly waste products, is important…
Many of you have probably seen a toy biosphere. This is a sealed plastic or glass ball, usually partially full of water, that has a few different living things inside as well. Usually they include a plant, some kind of tiny fish, a little algae -- the point is, this ball is an example of a closed system that is perfectly balanced, and for that reason it does not require anything to be added for it to sustain itself in a stable state with everything inside of it continuing to thrive. Nothing ever leaves it either. My high school science classroom had one of these on a shelf, and it had been there for a decade or more. It's probably still there. (Maybe some student from TC Williams High School in Alexandria VA. can tell me)
One thing you will never see going on inside this thing is the tiny fish killing each other, or committing suicide because they are all depressed over concern for the health of the glass ball, and the reason you don't ever see that is because there is no such thing as "The 24 Hour News Cycle on Fish TV."
The Earth is just like a toy biosphere. Yeah, is far more complex, but exactly the same as a toy biosphere, just on a larger scale. Consider that the Earth has been around, doing what it does, for billions of years, and in that time the entire span of human history is a blink. If we all vaccinate each other out of existence what we leave behind will simply be absorbed and the Earth probably wont even notice. You see, the Earth has never been a plaintiff in a human court case, it never complains, which is very convenient for all self appointed defenders of the Earth. The only thing they can defend is us… or each other.
Since they exempt themselves, for the most part, from vaccine mandates (they do, look it up) and from all sorts of rules they impose and enforce that limit what you and I can do, they clearly don't fear covid themselves and don't need virus protection. Most of the time we see them simply violate all kinds of laws right in front of God and everyone, with impunity, just because they can. So when they tell us that overpopulation is a dire problem its not a problem they made, it’s a problem we made. But the problem, as they go on to explain, has to do with natural resources. These resources, they claim, are finite and we are using them up and pretty soon there wont be enough. At this point I would ask, "enough for who?" Me?
Take the all the dry land on Earth and divide acres by people and you will get a number for a population of 7.8 billion people that provides something like 4.5 acres to each person alive today. Feel crowded? Maybe in Manhattan, but not in Montana. Don’t forget we can, and do, build up, not just out. Hell, we can leave the Earth if we really want to and go colonize another planet! How about instead of culling the herd we aim for that solution? Nah. They cant go giving the plebs anything from their special secret science toybox, let alone open up the starship hanger in Area 51 for tourists. Besides, its much more fun to abuse their power and kick the peasants faces in for sport. Vaccines are a serial killers best friend apparently, and this is a point driven contest they find entertaining.
But getting back to the problem of waste; What we never do is throw our trash away in space. Which means nothing we consume ever leaves the system. Out of water? Never. Clean water? Really the surprising answer to that is also, never. No clean water is ever pulled from the primary water table, its all secondary, and there's more fresh water in the primary table than there is in all the oceans combined. That’s called geology folks.
What about oil? If they let inventors actually create what is possible to create, instead of quashing a discovery because it disrupts their cash flow, we wouldn't need oil. But the truth is oil is a product that is not finite, its created continually by geologic processes. It's not made of dead dinosaurs. They only perpetuate that myth to create scarcity that allows for profits to be made.
What about food? And concrete? And cocaine? ARRRGH!! Don't ever touch their sugar bowl.
Not even nuclear waste, something I would argue we probably SHOULD eject off-planet, but even that just gets buried, and in a few million years, it will probably become arable soil for some future farmer. In fact, every argument they can make is simply a problem we could solve if we wanted to, but every problem is just another expense to our miserly overlords. They have no interest in providing us with any reason to achieve anything amazing, or have any reason to do it, least of all provide an opportunity for anyone other than themselves to share their stage, having earned the credit they would deserve for any discovery or invention that truly has a beneficial impact on everyone.
Just think of what could be accomplished, if someone with true genius and talent and vision, by some modern day Nikola Tesla or Leonardo DaVinci, was allowed to realize their dreams with all that wealth. But I digress…
If nothing ever leaves the planet in any significant amount there is not one thing you can name that not renewed in some way or that cannot be either recycled or made into something else that is useful. That’s the simple beauty of a closed system. You can't use it up, or fuck it up. The only thing you can do is consume what you require, and don't believe their lies, there is way more than enough. Remember what Dr Tarpley said, that long before this overpopulation sham was floated it was estimated that the Earth could easily support the needs of 35 BILLION people! And that one fanatic that came before John Holdren, the guy that preached the maximum number was 3 billion, that fool made that claim at a time when the current count was 4 billion. What happened there? Bad math or lack of staff? John Holdren now says the maximum number is a mere billion. Did the earth shrink since the last guy did that calculation and we all just didn't notice?
Here's the real problem;
Such people are not healthy mentally. They are rabid hoarders of wealth. They greedily sit atop a pile of gold coins like Walt Disney's Scrooge McDuck cartoon character, and they sit there clutching a gun, because they are consumed with paranoia over you seeing the pile, or worse, pilfering a coin from it. You can't even touch their gold. You get paper notes instead. This is the mindset that you, as a normal person, cannot really imagine. The sheer hubris, the degree of omniscience one with control over so much wealth can finance, the sense of being truly untouchable, and the fear of losing that control. -- and the lifestyle that goes with that? Even harder to conceive. But with such wealth, it seems, comes a terrible sickness, and lots of peers, with the same empty, soulless existence that eventually become your colleagues, and simultaneously, your own personal predators.
Take Elon Musk as an example. Imagine having enough wealth you could promise a car to someone you despise as a gift, then shaft him and launch that car into outer space in front of the entire world, just to be the ultimate dick head and humiliate the man in the flashiest manner you can possibly conceive. He did that. To me, that is proof nobody needs that much money.
If we whacked Elon Musk, confiscated all his net worth and used it to make asphalt, people would soon forget what a pothole ever was.
In their mind, you and I, as consumers, are a fearful plague. We are a 'human virus', one that is killing THEIR Earth. Because it is their Earth. They even told us we won't own anything soon. Why? Because we are not entitled to any of their stuff. Taxing you on producing carbon is probably the most ridiculous thing yet. You are made of carbon. The Earth is made of carbon. How are you producing it? And their claim that carbon dioxide is harmful? What do you think the food you grow consumes for life? Hell, even the insects they will feed you with eat plants!
We are supposed to just ignore every natural cycle that has ever been noticed. We cause climate change with our presence and our proclivities, we do this as a function of being alive. None of us contribute anything they want or need, except fresh organs and sex on the regular. And we are so plentiful scarcely a thought would be given to executing a guy if he was paid to paint their mansion and he missed a spot.
No, these people have shown us their true colors now. They are guilty unless proven innocent. They have the right to remain silent. Anything they do say can be considered misinformation. And they should be judged by a jury of vaccinated children. No appeals either. If found guilty the penalty should be a choice between two options: Death by repeated covid vaccinations, or planetary exile.
If they don't have a way off the Earth, one will be provided.