In terms of flawed reasoning, one can plainly see that these days, nothing has been left off the table. Any reason is being pushed as a justifiable excuse to shut you up.
And in places like the United Kingdom, the stakes are already very high, as penalties keep ratcheting up. There we are seeing not just social cancel culture and public shaming, but the shocking enforcement of gag orders, excessive fines, even the imposition of criminal sentences that include jail time!
Wales is currently attempting to take it a step beyond that even.
Read the following article CAREFULLY, and make sure you comprehend what the focus of the complaint is. Because you might miss it if you don't. This is NOT a piece anyone should skim over.
The conversation is critical to understanding my side of this debate, and it resulted in the clearest statement I think I have ever made about what needs to happen. This is advice for any and all town criers out there, and to that end... I am ready, willing, and able, to stand before any crowd and debate any academic who thinks they can beat me. I will go first.
Please scroll to the bottom and follow this discussion:
From: JL [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2024 2:48 PM
To: xxxx
Subject: The REAL war strategy.
Well, the 'they' I think we are talking about are not really in charge. What the 'BOSS THEY' do is push that story AND the opposite of that story, or a totally different story.
The do or die part, that is always agreed upon, is always confusion and cognitive dissonance. That is what makes the next lie they tell acceptable.
Lies are the "troop transports" that raise the stakes and enable scams to escalate.
Because… Psychopaths are compulsive gamblers.
Overtly sowing confusion, and maintaining or reinforcing it, is the one point of coordination that can always be found, you can bet the farm on that. And the bosses get mad and go after anyone who is able to effectively collapse a narrative, because what Jordan Peterson said once of psychopaths is very true: "Deprivation of an expected reward is a punishment."
So they will create any situation that deters academics from taking on challenges, while they simultaneously suppress people like me, who are willing to risk embarrassment by picking fights with their champions in the public square.
I could complain about the academics being weak, and lots of people do that, rather meekly, but because they are also wrong I attack the academics directly.
If their story is better than mine I want… No, I DEMAND they publicly embarrass me with it.
That is a win/win. Because it is the truth I am after, but they will not fight me. They cower behind their credentials. I don’t know if it's because they think they might lose, or because they are simply weak debaters, but what I am very clear on is -- it’s their bosses that don't want to see a showdown.
This war has two fronts, the bosses always fight on two fronts.
Whatever can be found that prevents a direct confrontation, like the fist in mouth variety, whatever that obstacle is, it must be removed or ignored to take control of one of these fronts and that will allow the victor to focus on what remains.
From: xxxxxx
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2024 7:35 AM
To: JL
Subject: Re: Sasha agrees with me...
"They" are do or die about perpetuating the myth of a lab-leak replication-competent GoF virus, so they do limited hangout-sounding revelations about Wuhan still.
On Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 1:48 AM JL <[email protected]> wrote:
I agree, but I would also add to that the one qualification all those guys tend to leave out, which is these constructs do not pose a serious threat to a healthy individual. It is frequently this glaring omission that effectively makes their message just as negative as the fear porn they rail against.
I get why they do it. They are unwilling to abandon certain things they learned in their education. I certainly do not expect them to ever, as you said, abandon it entirely. But you cannot tell me that knowing the exact location, dimensions, and contents, of room 385-B on deck A of the Constitution Class Starship in Star Trek the Next Generation, is a practical and useful piece of information that is required to solve real world problems.
I hate hearing myself talk, I know for someone like you it comes off just so insulting, but I have to get this difficult point across any way I can. I am not faulting anyone for doing or saying anything they genuinely believe to be so, but the rest of us have to face the insidious nature of certain aspects of our, mostly artificially engineered, modern information-dependent society, and one of those things is the negative impact indoctrinated experts have.
The frequent proclamations of these card carrying academic people can cost you and I our very lives, [redacted]. And they will place their professional careers over just about any potential damage they may cause, whether that damage was intentional or otherwise.
We simply cannot allow that. Some of these children need parents.
From: xxxx
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2024 3:14 AM
To: JL
Subject: Re: Sasha agrees with me...
Well this is what I said, they cannot make a replication-competent virus out of a pseudovirus, but they can put together mRNA to make a protein with various sections which wreak havoc. Techniques such as chemical synthesis can produce shorter RNA sequences reliably, but longer sequences are more prone to errors and degradation. JJ Couey says the same thing, that the mythology of GoF making a biological type zoonotic virus which causes a pandemic, is just that, a myth.
On Sun, Jun 23, 2024 at 4:47 PM JL <[email protected]> wrote:
excerpt from a recent substack post by SashaLatypova:
"Side note: if you need another confirmation that it is not possible to make weaponized pandemic-causing viruses via gain-of-function molecular engineering in a lab, this is it. You are looking at the current, technological cutting-edge, state-of-the-art precision capabilities of making RNA viruses in labs!
The GOF uses the same non-functioning biomanufacturing tools to allegedly build even larger very precise RNA constructs (full genome SarsCov is ~30K base pairs), reproducibly, in quantity, without a single error! They can’t make an RNA strand of ~4000 nucleotides to specification, even when it’s stabilized and encased in LNP, yet the fear porn producers tell you they can certainly make a “live virus” with scary-sounding features like “HIV insert” and “furin cleavage site”. This is when even 1 nucleotide error/change renders a potentially lethal virus into a dud.
Yet, we must believe this is a world-ending scenario and demand banning this dangerous activity everywhere, but conveniently forgetting Fort Dietrick, because they are just poor confused soldiers following orders from bad Fauci, and also forgetting that this activity is already internationally banned.
I agree, let’s ban this some more… "
From: Sasha Latypova from Due Diligence and Art [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2024 10:38 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: "Pre-medication", or how to sell $50 worth of generic drugs for $600,000!