and prevent it from harming you,
as well as spying on you.
I even put our video interview out there already on a bunch of platforms so you can mirror it on your own channels.
This is an electronic device that anyone can duplicate and install, that effectively prevents the weaponized smart meter operational signals that report the critical power consumption stats, along with all the other information, like all manner of consumer product usage information that this completely disingenuous global 'Green Energy" movement absolutely requires to effectively punish everyone that opposes it.
All of which, filters up to the top of a global energy industry in all kinds of ways really, but the job they rely on smart meters to do is a mission critical aspect of the entire Corona-Con, the Carbon-Con, and every other You-Name-the-Con.
The collection of energy usage data is but one facet of smart metering systems. We are also seeing this data being used to justify fines as well as throttling, and even outright denial of utility services. These are all functions that are literally made possible by these horrible smart metering devices.
And it just so happens that this data also forms the very foundation that a system of carbon credits will come to be based upon. Just as journalists like Whitney Webb have learned, warned, and written extensively about, and guys like me will explain, as simply as possible, in the rest of this post.
this entire Bond villain style world domination plan,
that took a very small number of infuriating psychopaths decades to create,
Will go up in smoke in less than a week!
We can bring it all down with this.
to avert the situation that usually follows.
If you ask me, we lucked out, so let's not allow this advantage to go to waste.
(that's right, I said YOU),
need to share this interview with everyone you can,
as fast as you possibly can.
Link to the correct capacitors you need:
(The only footprints I leave behind are on the seat of Bill Gates' and Klaus Schwab's britches!)
This very simple trick will prevent all high frequency inbound and outbound communications that involve smart metering systems… WORLDWIDE! This is a home run for 'We the People' that didn’t just clear the fence, it crossed the ocean! This will sink the entire carbon credit financial system they want to universally adopt, which is the 'solution' that has been ginned up to replace the way we do everything now.
There are lots of names going around for this consolidation of power trend that we see happening all over the world today like; 'The Great Reset', or 'The New World Order' or 'The Fourth Industrial Revolution'. These are all names that describe what follows the era of Anubis, or Isis, or something in one of their silly cult stories. It is an epoch that they are leaving. To you and I, this is the civilization we are all familiar with, but to them, it is a way of life that needs to be destroyed utterly, to make way for something new.
It is this technocracy culture we see all over, the peeping AI, radical environmental reasoning, wealth transference and medical tyranny. It is a massively interconnected system designed to enslave and impoverish you. It is a feudalistic system that will define you as a parasite, and exact revenge upon you for consuming air, water, and food. This system will tax you mercilessly for each breath and gulp… but it cannot function or operate as they intended it to without granular consumption data.
Every bit as good as another Carrington Event, for them, this discovery is a katana in the heart. And for once, they are the ones that do not know they are dead yet, because by telling you how to do this, I already slipped them a 'safe and effective' solution of my own.
Figuring out how to get their lethal vaccines out of people was my first huge score, one they did not like one bit. But the ability to undo that damage turned out not be much of a threat to them really, only those who have tried it know it works, and almost nobody will allow me to even talk about that. But you wouldn’t think the oligarchs knew that with all the shit I have to put up with still, harassment that has only gotten worse. But when the people who have gotten this new intel from me early, my carrier pigeons, release this information to everyone that follows them, the Men in Black are gonna be really pissed off.
I am gambling they will also be too busy with damage control to snuff me out for a surprise attack that will quickly begin ruining a farcical world domination gambit they were frankly, impossibly stupid to build with such a fragile global surveillance system as its basic foundation.
I could not stop laughing at the fact that everyone who understands who the so called Illuminati are, are also scared of them, because they also recognize how dangerous they have always been, but it is also a laughable concern. They are also the same retards that spent the last 65 years, at least, constructing their entire spectacular temple; 'Castle NWO' -- on a lake of quicksand!
That mis-step was a "Thanos Level" fail that belongs in the next fictional Avengers franchise, not out here in the real world. Rich but dumb, that’s what I see.
Due to the health problems they cause, these meters are pretty scary all by themselves, unless you really understand how they are doing what they are doing, and once you do, then they instantly become the answer to the same big problem they create, as well as all the problems that come as a result of the data they collect. There is no replacement for that data, so without the smart metering systems and the AI systems that will parse it, all that will have to be faked. What a job! They won't be able to do it, they of course will try, they always try, but it's gonna be like stopping a bullet with crepe paper vest.
Then came all matter of self loathing narratives designed to make us believe we were the cause of every existential problem they fed us their propaganda about.
Most people would consider it 'reasonable', NOT to even dare consider they could possibly be personally capable of wounding, or possibly even destroying, such a monster. But if you wanna be 'that guy' you must also decide that failure is simply not a possibility you can waste any of your valuable time considering. [hint]
With this new thing Dave Case invented, I can now double down on the vax injury reversal gift, and even top it, by telling you how to use this little discovery. IF YOU DO THAT, then together we got more ammo than we have guns to fire it with, and what's even better, is we can win this war without even needing to fire our weapons more than just this once.
If everyone just gets busy making these little plugs for their own house, we will effectively REMOVE AND DISABLE a key component in this 'own nothing and be happy' flim-flam bullshit of theirs.
Follow this link to replacement plug products to see what they look like and simply choose one. There must be enough space inside any product housing or case to add at least two of these tape capacitors.
Obviously, there must be enough space inside any housing or case. This is why the basic multi-outlet power strips Dave converts and sells on his website are ideal for making even more powerful versions with six of these capacitors. Plenty of extra space for additional components.
All you do is connect each prong that carries current separately (the two rectangular ones at the top) to the ground prong (the rounded one at the bottom) by placing the capacitor in the middle, so that current must pass between these prongs and through the capacitor. In the case of a power strip these capacitors are placed inside on the actual wires that lead to those prongs.
DO NOT connect the two current carrying prongs at the top together. Doing that will create a short and possibly shock you when you plug it in. That will also definitely blow a fuse or trip a breaker.
These awful oligarchs promised us access to the world of information, and dangled an endless number of intangible carrots before us along the way, but they only sold us costly toys, imbued with a "barely there" sliver of THEIR 'total global information awareness' level. All these toys do is feed us to their lions.
Say it with me:
"I Have had Enough!"
This is your chance to do something that will count.
And this is because by making fictitious hash marks in their non-fictitious ledgers, marks that they euphemistically call 'Carbon Credits', that they invented out of the same thin air they conjured paper fiat, provided for yet another hidden way to charge any amount they wish to us, and assign any amount of blame they wish, for the part they accuse us of playing in the destruction of a world they are parasitically choking to death.
Once they pillage us into poverty, we will remain there, with to a chronic case of 'Carbon Cough'. That will be the reason they give later, for driving you so insane that you will beg for 'death by vaccine' just to escape the lunacy of Ray Kurzsweils's singularity.
That is what this carbon credit idea is, you know. It is how they have chosen to 'count anti-globalist type offenses'. It is also infinitely malleable in terms of accounting practices, which is a feature that is pretty desirable when the best replacement they can come up with for worthless paper is digital paper.
We cannot allow this 'carbon calculator' to be normalized in the same way they normalized covid, and that annoying habit so many people picked up along with that, of ignoring without question, practically every last reasonable bit of common sense that ever existed.
Once they have people thinking these hash marks are currency, then one side of this ledger adds up the maximum amount that can be squeezed out of you, while the other side tallies how much more you still owe after every possible speck of tangible wealth you ever possessed is in their pockets.
But it won't stop there, oh no… Because with a system like that in place, anyone that still has a pocket and something to put in it becomes capable of deciding that you are GUILTY.
The question of whether or not you did whatever they accuse you of will not matter at all. Your side of the story will not be information worth collecting. It will not even have a practical use when all some fashionably pocketed globalist has to do is pass along any random, meager, most likely temporary privilege as a favor, to buy off whatever guy they assign the task of murdering you to.
But after reading all this, you may be thinking about, concluding, and possibly forming a reasonable basis for a skeptical opinion that will ultimately lead to you asking me:
"C'mon man, aren't you exaggerating a bit with all this colorful language?
It's not gonna get that bad, is it?"
Not if you do your job, but if it does,
can you afford to risk losing the fight of your very life?
Because that is what this will be.
People need to understand that they don't really need to kill you outright once this transition occurs. If murdering you is too much of a hassle, someone will just slap a random discriminatory label on you, a label that will provide all the proof anyone will ever be required to accept as evidence, that you are as deplorable as they insist you are.
It will also justify an opinion they will no doubt have, that death is too good for you, that the right to even have a place in such an abusive and inescapable caste system, as a hopelessly indentured debt-slave, is a fate you should be grateful for!
If that is not you,
If you have
Then join this effort, and let's bring down the beast.
-J.E. Lukach
CONSTRUCTION: The replacement plug has two prongs and a ground pin. The capacitors connect each prong separately with the ground pin. That's the whole setup. You can use this all by itself or actually attach the plug to the wire of any electrical item in your home.
INSTALLATION: All you do is just plug this device into an active outlet and any frequency that is over 60Hz coming in on that power line is directed to ground,
THIS DEVICE IS TECHNICALLY A FILTER: But because of what it filters, it will be considered a jammer, and I guarantee someone will try to make using this a crime --but laws can be ignored, and ANY plug can have this hidden inside it. Even the outlet you plug it into can be hidden as well inside a wall.
USE STRATEGY: This is how we beat them back, this is 'safe and effective'. The device itself does not interfere with anything else, so the power company cannot find it or even figure out why this is happening.
DO NOT ADMIT TO INSTALLING THEM: Even if they begin to become aware of people using this device, and they will eventually, they cannot prove you are causing the problem as long as you do not admit you know anything about this trick.
FUNCTION: This device works because it has never been the actual meter that is broadcasting, they lied, and continue to lie about that and many other things. The power company's smart meter has always been using the existing wiring inside your home to perform its surveillance functions, which is a criminal act because:
If you do not want to build your own devices, Dave Case can sell you power strips he has covertly upgraded to include even more powerful filtering capacitors for $25 dollars each.
You only need two of these to protect your whole house, one to cover each side of your breaker panel.
Install as I explain above.
Please direct questions, orders and payments to Dave Case at:
Case Electronics PO Box 394, Van Buren MO 63965
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1 (573) 300 1579