I suppose its the world we live in today, this sort of thing is the only thing keeping some of these people relevant and in front of you. There is more to look at than negative crap, however, but you have to look for it.
Some of you have probably come across Greg Hunter before. He produces an online program called USA Watchdog. I don't follow it very closely, but he has a decent size audience. I have offered to come on his show before and got shot down. Back then the reason was some sort of competition he thinks he has with another program I did appear on. So it was one or the other apparently and the other guy got me first so that was it.
Well, this time I had something new to talk about that I thought would interest him, since it involved a successful way of treating all the vaccine injured people Greg supposedly fights for, something I proved works by conducting my own testing. One would think this would be newsworthy enough to warrant a look.
Unless of course, Greg is a bottom feeder, which appears to be the case here.
I thought it would be interesting for his viewers to see exactly how he handles such opportunities. I was as polite as I could be with him, until my final comeback, when I had just had enough of his insulting responses.
I am posting the unedited exchange we had this week. I will let you be the judge of who did the right thing in this case.
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2023 12:53 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: ***SPAM*** Care to do a show on this?
Everyone is parroting doom and gloom and showcasing the horrors of covid vaccine injury. Is that the only thing you are interested in? How about something positive?
What if someone REALLY figured out how to restore those people to health and went to the trouble of actually proving it could be done?
Look this stuff over and let me know if it's worth an interview.
A Story of Recovery with John Lukach on Live With Your Brain Turned On - May 18, 2023
(FFWD to 8:16min to skip the intro)
John Lukach
Estate Artistry Inc.
Exuberance Abundance Excellence
5918 Oak Grove Street
Lorton Virginia, 22079
Mobile: 949-929-9151
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: www.EstateArtistry.com/blog
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2023 2:06 AM
To: 'JL'
Subject: RE: ***SPAM*** Care to do a show on this? <--Notice how Greg added ***SPAM*** to help him filter his emails.
If you do not understand how serious the mRNA gene editing injections are, then I have failed you. 676 million injections in USA alone. In 2022, 30% of the workforce, according to money manager Ed Dowd, have been killing or impaired in 2022--ALONE. That trend is increasing and won’t peak until mid-2024. Short of a nuclear exchange, this is the biggest story ever. Knowing this helps people prepare for what is come. There is NO CURE for permanently editing your DNA. That is what mRNA does as it is a self-organizing electromagnetic device. YES, Device. (This is in the patents that biotech analyst Karen Kingston has showed on my air in detail.)
I really don’t want to give people false hope and so far, there is no reversing this. There are treatments and that is why I have had people like Dr. Kory and Dr. Eads and Bio Tech analyst Karen Kingston on.
I deal in a world of facts and sources. It may look like “Doom and Gloom” to you, but it is the cold hard truth. I deal in facts and science, and not science fiction.
I was one of the very few people who told everyone from the VERY beginning NOT TO GET THESE CV19 shots.
I was kicked off of YouTube and AdSense and it cost me dearly. I was not going to cash a mcheck on killing and disabling someone when I knew the truth.
I guess that was “Doom and Gloom” too????? Telling people NOT to take the shots?????????
Again, If you think what I am reporting on, with all the data and experts I book, is nothing more than “DOOM and Gloom” I have failed you. You need to go some place else for your information.
By the way, did you get vaxed?
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2023 4:23 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: ***SPAM*** RE: ***SPAM*** Care to do a show on this?
Thanks for the response, Greg.
No, I did not get vaxxed.
Greg, I realize how difficult what I am about to say is for you to accept, but it's hard to deliver this information gently. You will doubt my expertise, you will attack the fact that I have no state issued credentials, you will throw up an endless list of people who say things that, to you and many others, are more believable coming from those people because of who they are than anything I am likely to assert, but imagine how drastically the dire threats they talk about change if the entire basis for those concerns is genetics research and all of genetics research is as much of a con job as anything else in the pandemic scam.
Now, this is something you can see for yourself if you care to just do a little homework. You can go to an online version of the encyclopedia Britannica and begin searching on the term "genetics". The way this website is set up is it will scroll down endlessly, defining term after term, and if you read with the intent of comprehension, you will find yourself reading very slowly, taking in every word and term, occasionally you might need to look up some jargon separately. And if you follow the history of advances in genetics you should notice something obvious after less than an hour or so of reading. It was obvious to me, anyhow. All those advances paralleled similar advances in computing power. Why is this important? Well, when you consider what geneticists study, it involves strings of DNA that are so long they are literally impossible to work with. This is where computers have been used, to organize and parse data, but when the data can look like a nine billion long sequence of just three letters, to find what they consider to be a pattern in all of that they have to create algorhythms that GUESS at answers they believe to be hidden on that string. This is the very start of a great many problems.
Let's start with a simple example. One of the things you have heard about are prions, right? What are they? They are, according to these same folks, "misfolded proteins". Now forget if that is true or not for the moment and think about what they are saying. They assert that there is a proper way a protein should appear, that they know what that is, (another bold unsupportable claim) and then there is an abnormal way. One is ok, the other is bad. DNA is a protein. By their own logic, DNA only functions properly, normally, when it is in a certain shape. Now, DNA is frequently represented as a cartoon image. This is not what it looks like. DNA is more like a string of pearls, billions of pearls long, and it is all balled up. It is this shape that gives it the properties and abilities it has. You have been led to believe that tools like CRISPER can not only excise a segment of this impossibly long chain but also splice in alternate versions of the excised sequence. You believe them when they tell you that they know exactly what segment to mess with, what that segment does, and what a replacement segment will produce in terms of mutations. That is a huge, completely absurd leap of confidence. The minute they unwind any genetic sequence to, as they claim, isolate a piece of it, it is no longer the thing they began with. So that is a type of experiment that can have no useful result.
The harsh reality about genetics is there are no tools in existance capable of precision replacement of any size string of code, nor does anyone know with any reasonable certainty what piece does what. How do we know this? Well, you can look at the results of attempts at genetic manipulation. If you do that in earnest you will notice a few things. One thing is all these experiments are done, not on the genomes of complex organisms, but on simple bacteria. This is because something like the human genome is impossibly complex and long. Far too big to do much with beyond counting the pearls. Another thing you will discover, something that geneticists hate to talk about, is the fact that they never get the results they are after without additional, frequently totally unrelated genetic effects they can neither predict, control or explain. Geneticists are attempting to "fix" a Swiss pocket watch with a screwdriver and a wrench, Greg. Ask the next geneticist you interview to precisely describe the tool he uses to pinch off a section of genetic code and replace it with another one in the same spot. When he gives you a one word answer press him as to how this tool accomplishes that. He will stutter and gaff himself to death.
The most impressive thing they ever managed to do was take an organism with a phosphorescent phenotype and transfer that phosphorescent trait into another organism. Think glowing mouse tails. But even this was not genetic manipulation, it was a process of transferring plasmids, which is not the same thing. In fact, much of this type of GMO experimentation is done the same way Edison experimented with different filaments to find that one that would not burn out fast. Tens of thousands of tries, hit or miss, trial and error, and it is the errors that occasionally find a use. One notable example was Mc Donald's French fry potatoes. Why do they never rot? Well, they actually do rot, but the fortuitous mistake had to do with the black pigment that shows up on rotting potatoes. In their mucking around they accidentally figured out how to stop that pigmentation from happening and it turned out that goof had a commercial use. Why are you always hearing that E-Coli is in yet another place it should not be? Well, that’s because E-Coli is simple enough to work with and just about everything they try to manipulate is used to try and manipulate E-Coli.
I am sure you are familiar with why the PCR is a crap "test". It says whatever they want it to say, because a positive or negative result is based on primers they define and those primers are usually selected because they are always present and can always be found if you run enough cycles. Now expand this idea to genetics research and you will see the same type of thing going on. There is a money spigot that funds this work and publishing papers that portend great future returns based on whatever someone just did is par for the course. What are they doing? They are creating vast databases of rubbish code and modeling "solutions" based on this meaningless information. This is the same rubbish data that supposedly gave us the never isolated SARS-CoV2 virus. That was a model of a thing that never was, based upon a vast collection of data that they could not possibly analyze without the immense computing power needed to parse all of that with algorithms people have to invent that take guesses at what they think they are looking for, and as you run down those historical entries in the encyclopedia that provide all the chronological milestones of genetics "advances" you will see, as time goes on, how more and more, those "advances" are little more than assertions that are based on assumptions that are, in turn, based upon the output of computer models that depend upon algorhythmic guesswork. In other words, there is no real science going on, certainly no biology. If you read the papers these folks write and understand the methodology they are relying upon, all you see is statistical mathematics, which, as you are well aware, can be manipulated to say anything. Bio-informatics has replaced pathology. Evidence-based medicine (a hugely misleading term) has replaced clinical diagnoses.
Please don't take this as condescending, but if have a guy in front of you telling you everything he knows about a dangerous zoonotic threat that derives from purple unicorns and all about how it presents a danger to you, what does this guy really know?
This may not be enough to convince you, but then you have never really looked at it that hard. You are listening to "experts". As for Karen Kingston, I like her, she is a legal eagle and an industry pit-bull, but she is citing patents mostly as evidence. Some of them might be evidence, but I can show you an actual US patent, several actually, that explain how to make a time machine. All one needs for a patent is a unique idea, it does not have to be viable. If you think that’s untrue, please show me a working time machine. (and no, not your wristwatch, LOL) I think the work Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt are doing is more real and relevant, but we need Karen doing what she is good at, which is attacking anything attackable state by state.
mRNA is not a threat to a healthy body. There is no free floating mRNA. mRNA is an instruction sequence the body makes, but if the body did not make it, it has a lifespan of a nanosecond, and the body knows "self" from "not self". Yes, there are lots of things you can mention like lipid nanoparticle envelopes that hide these sequences and all the rest of it, but there is no getting around the fact that mRNA is unstable to such a degree that if you really understood that you would laugh at the claims being made that mutant mRNA are capable of anything. The entire compendium of genetic fear porn is impossible, the concern over them attributable directly to decades of corrosive miseducation within the medical establishment, and the claims about the danger they present are absurd on their face. But you simply choose not to believe that. Everything of that ilk is a misdirection, but you choose not to believe that, because you maybe do not consider yourself qualified or up to the task of figuring out what's true and what's not. I would not sell yourself so short. It takes no special talent beyond patience to figure out what's real and what's bunk.
At the end of the day, everything you have been hearing, all the illnesses, the cancers, the symptomologies, are the result of people being systematically weakened. The only real weaponry in use is not biological, it is radiological. If you weaken people by poisoning them, eventually nature will do the killing for you, and that’s what they are doing in so many ways. The fear porn plays a role in all of that because oxidative stress makes every ill more likely to take root and fester. Health is simply the absence of illness, and there are only two causes of disease; malnutrition and oxidative stress. Humans are actually hard to kill. One of the things that most amazes me is how much poison people can tolerate and not die. But weaken them enough, disable enough of the natural functioning of the body, and the task becomes easier.
We are all being "softened up", and making us fear ridiculous cooties and bioweapons just helps with that, none of those fictitious things cause anything.
You might think I am wrong, but if I am you have to explain my results with this girl. How did I defeat all that genetic wizardry? Consider for a minute, the possibility that I didn't need to.
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2023 3:33 PM
To: 'JL'
Subject: RE: ***SPAM*** RE: ***SPAM*** Care to do a show on this?
The mRNA ingredient in the CV19 bioweapon vax is spelled out in detail in the patents. DOD classified mRNA as a bio weapon—period. This is yet another fact. I have gone over the actual patents with a screen share with biotech analyst Karen Kingston who used to work for Pfizer. You can believe all the unscientific crap you want. Stop bothering me with this nonsense that you do NOT know what you are talking about.
Go away.
I am very happy you did not get vaxed.
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2023 8:24 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: ***SPAM*** RE: ***SPAM*** Care to do a show on this?
I wasn't aware the DOD was loading stacks of patent paper into vaccines. go figure.
Greg, you are THE most condescending jackass EVER. You are just SO sure of everything aren't you?
All bow before the holy scripture of the US Patent Office, the only true word of God. (Geez, talk about mind control!)
FACT: All you do is repeat what others have told you. Probably never once got your own hands dirty.
FACT: You are special, unlike the other 9 billion people on the planet YOU possess the only infallible bullshit detector.
The whole world just got taken for a ride and you along with it and today you think you can outsmart these people because you cracked A LAYER of their baloney? Yeah pal, you are not on the ground floor, or the penthouse, or however you wanna look at it. You are wrapped up in a 9 layer cake of counter-intelligence planning that has been in motion for 150 YEARS! But you got it all figured out. [golf clap]
You have no idea what I did, won't even look, because… why? It bruises your pompous ego to entertain the notion that someone you look down your nose at could have possibly made a serious contribution?
Nah, I think it's because you have given up hope. Nothing I claim is right and nothing I say I did happened because it can't happen, it's not possible. The battle is over.
Or maybe that’s just the message your handlers insist you convey.
Whatever. It's hot in hell. Dress for the weather.
If that bothers you, drop him a line and let him know at [email protected]
Today's Positive Story:
Real men willing to drag the drag queens away from their kids by their fake hair.
The program being rolled out is:
"An Internet-age approach to political control that uses brute digital force to alter reality itself. "
"The thing that was horrifying about listening to my colleagues reporting on the state of things in their countries — or, rather, the thing that should be horrifying but is becoming a mundane fact of life — is that more or less the same totalitarian program is being rolled out in countries throughout the world."
- The censorship.
- The official propaganda.
- The criminalization of dissent.
- The pathologization of dissent.
- The manipulation of our perception of reality.
Hopkins describes this pattern as
"The coordinated transformation of the world into a smiley-faced neo-Orwellian police state in which politics no longer matters because society has been divided into two basic classes, i.e., “the normals,” who are prepared to mindlessly follow orders and parrot whatever official propaganda they are fed, and “the deviants,” or “extremists,” who are not."
"It’s clear that the idea behind the sweeping system of digital surveillance combined with thousands or even millions of subtle rewards and punishments built into the online experience, is to condition people to censor themselves.“