Though it may be seen by some as a measure of my own arrogance, I would go so far as to say that if I am silent on matters that attract the attention of the general public, it is because I deem such matters as yet another a distraction and feel they need not be examined to the extent many will expound upon them. To be honest, I see more than a manageable number of retreads in the sea of mostly balding used tires that comprises the bulk of the content in every form of media available to an active listener today.
When readers become concerned that I may be missing something significant they will frequently offer such material up for me to comment upon. Such a reader recently sent me the email below with some story links I had already seen:
From: xxxx
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2022 6:00 PM
To: JL
Subject: Time and times
Lots of information, some patents, some pictures, lots of information. Just thought I would share as Satan's plans seems to have many layers.. and he has all the characters in place to do it... US selections a manipulated mess... so sad, but such lawlessness was foretold.. we are in the days.
It is not Satan that is to blame, but the monotony and repetitive antics of idle men. It is not that anything was foretold, but that nothing is new under the Sun.
Be aware that just because a patent application is filed, or even accepted, only acknowledges its uniqueness. It guarantees nothing with respect to its usefulness, or even its function. For example, because I value awareness in a general sense I find the ravings of Karen Kingston informative, but the value of such information rather limited in that she assumes all the patent filings she scrutinizes to be efficacious enough to invoke when, by far, the bulk of that evidence would be neither practical, nor potentially even possible to weaponize.
What I find, is that the fear generated by the prospect of such things being not only useful, but in use, serves the purposes of those who create them far better than the devices themselves, hence, the sheer volume of such material is, to me, the most impressive thing about any of it.
I appreciate the sharing of information like this, (I will have a look), but I believe you will find far more value in something I am happy to introduce you to, if you have not yet been made aware of it. There is a great deal of advantage to be had in the knowledge of what has come, and gone, before, and of that, the history most overlooked is also the most recent.
Rather than looking to the future, I strongly encourage a more thorough review of the past, specifically, of events that transpired more or less around the turn of the last century, and no better accounting of those events exists, in my opinion, than in the writings of Gilbert Keith Chesterton, who passed in 1936. Were it not for his frequent references to the politics of his day which appear throughout his work, you would swear he was alive today, and furiously scribbling down impassioned objections to every modern threat we face.
I think, were you to invest the time to explore Chesterton's views, you would be thunderstruck by just how relevant they still remain today, and how astonishingly easy is it to forget that this man published these opinions over a century ago. This is because there truly is nothing new under the Sun, that the deceptions of old, all the way back into antiquity, all of which are mostly psychological, are as effective today as they ever were, and it is only when this truth is made clear through first hand accounts of someone having lived through the deployment of such repetitive tactics, that one come to see the allure that cyclical societal destruction has amongst those who deliberately cause that destruction. It is the elusive answer to the most often asked question… Why?
It was Chesterton that said;
of taking educated people seriously."
for they may be freeing him from being a camel.
Such wisdom is lost on the eugenicist. You will soon be able to recognize clearly exactly who they are.
Two free audiobook links I encourage you to get through are:
(This will require an investment of about 5 hours, but for the perspective you will gain, well worth the time.)
(Pay close attention to the first four chapters, after which you may continue as your attention span permits)
A bit of a spoiler here; the problem has not changed.
One take away that I think most important to not only be aware of, but to keep top of mind when planning your own responses to the challenges of today, is the fact that our common enemies, whose motivations are deeply rooted in eugenist rituals and beliefs, have no actual goals, nor even any sense of direction.
They do not conduct their experiments to arrive at any specific answer, but rather they experiment solely due to an expectation that such activities will surely yield the knowledge they most seek to possess. As Chesterton brilliantly explains, they do not know why they do as they do, nor what they will discover, but they are certain it is a thing worth finding, and that makes all whom they experiment upon victims of their collective, and colossal, ignorance.
Chesterton also laments, what to someone alive today should take as both reminder and a measure of reassurance, that the future they envision will never come to pass, because there is nothing to be gained that has not already been accomplished elsewhere in history, and both the significance and costs of those accomplishments, with the active involvement of said eugenists, we are all too easily encouraged to forget.
The reasons people assume for why any system of society or manner of doing anything was ever "reformed" had less to do with progress and more to do with "sustaining" the separatist arrangements that allow the privileged to forget their own evil acts, justify their self-proclaimed rank in society, and more effectively pillage every tangible scrap that remains of the wealth of others. Even by the standards of the day, the hoards of riches these criminals amassed can only be described as grotesque. Because as far as society is concerned, they have nothing of value to offer. This has always been the same wealth they have always, invariably used to enforce a universal acceptance of their impeccable judgment in all matters of ordinary men.
That we collectively permit such atrocities to continue is less about their potential for evil and speaks more of our own degree of cowardice and shame.
So Be Not Afraid.
And Be Well.
(Nothing infuriates them more.)
We can focus on the decline of our civilization, the collapse of our institutions that are supposed to represent us, the loss of truth in politics and public discourse, the caprice of tyranny, the assertion of godless philosophies, the unreliability of information, the loss of control over the daily matters of our lives, and the accompanying widespread despair.
Even the materialists who believe we began as an agitation in primordial slop are horrified to think that we might now be the agent to destroy the whole vat. The earth cannot be saved. They are as sensational as the fanatics who are preaching essentially the same scenario that the fulfillment of the apocalyptic vision of Christianity is about to come to pass. Even the less cynical humanist can fret over the imminent collapse of the environment, and the less-feverish economist can legitimately worry about the supply chain falling apart, and the less fanatical Christian who believes in the Final Judgment (the idea that we are responsible for our actions) can settle into the view that the end is near. The Judge is knocking on the door.
That’s one way.
And that’s all well and good. But there is another way of looking at things.
There is nothing new under the sun, and this has all happened before. We can reasonably make the case that our civilization has always been threatened by some sort of crisis, has always had to deal with leaders who behave badly, people who deal dishonestly, diseases that are disrespectful of individuals, enemies who are ruthless, and institutional stupidity that operates on a large scale. We are not the first to feel that our cause has been forsaken. Yet, a quick overview of history, both ancient and modern, will show that we have survived. Even progressives will admit it.
If we’ve made a lot of messes, we’ve also cleaned up a lot of messes. We have seen cities reduced to ashes. We have rebuilt them.
Part of our fear comes from idolatry, believing in the wrong things, trusting in the things we have made. G.K. Chesterton also points out that idolatry is committed, “not merely by setting up false gods, but also by setting up false devils; by making men afraid of war or alcohol, or economic law, when they should be afraid of spiritual corruption and cowardice.”
We also live in a society where people have become are afraid to do things for themselves, afraid of normal things like marriage and babies, afraid of strangers who can’t possibly be any stranger than we are. They are afraid of the past more than we are afraid of the future because the past, which is our teacher, is full of real things, living things, whereas the future is a blank, and even a blanket.
They have come to be afraid of an eternity of joy. They are not afraid of death so much as they seem to be afraid of life.
Which brings us to another, arguably better, way of looking at the world -- Be not afraid.
Be not afraid of the Truth that will set us free. And be not afraid to argue for the Truth. No one has to believe us. But they might. They might also try to silence us. And persecute us. And kill us.
Still, be not afraid...
If the world is falling apart at its very foundation,
take advantage of the earthquake...
and convert the guards.