On Jan 8th 2021, Merriam Webster changed the definition of 'Vaccine' to include mRNA types that did not, and still do not, qualify as vaccines under statutory law or by the FDA's normal approval process. This is being done to discredit people like me who understand that mRNA vaccines are being fraudulently promoted as vaccines when they are really experimental genetic therapies and that is the exact approval they got from the FDA. These shots were allowed under a different set of rules called 'Emergency Use Authorization'. They are NOT APPROVED, they are being allowed, because had they 'approved them' mRNA shots could not called vaccines because vaccines are defined clearly in state and federal laws with stipulations that define what a vaccine is by what it does. To be called a vaccine they must produce immunity AND negatively impact transmissibility, neither of which are provided by mRNA products. This is a game of semantics that is going on to support public assurances made by the organizations we are told to trust, who are lying to us when they sell these shots to us under an assumption, that they actively encourage we make, that these covid shots are vaccines in the traditional sense and that they provide protections they absolutely do not provide.
What's more shocking is despite the CDC getting called out for this obvious lie their response was to change it YET AGAIN to include more lies in which they added the statement that "herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not exposing them to it." THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!
THIS IS A LIE: Coronavirus vaccine side effects – and why being ill after jab ‘is good’
"Some of those who have had the coronavirus vaccine have experienced side effects, but that can actually be a sign of the jab working, according to experts" Yes, he actually wrote that! What experts Josh?
When it comes to pandemic lies, this is a worst case example
of negligence in journalism that will directly cause suffering and death.
Josh O'Brien is an accessory to MURDER.
Example #2 - Jessica Knibbs: Death is a good thing 'experts' say.