The story here is one of a very credible testimony given by Dr. Poornima Wagh in an interview with Dr. Lee Merritt on August 16th, 2022. This was a lengthy discussion that went on for two entire hours, and in it Dr. Merritt was getting the opinion of Dr. Wagh, who has for many years been working as a lab tech. Poornima disclosed much of what goes on in the labs she worked in, and because she has been doing this for a long time and has been involved in more than one virology investigation that sought to find the cause of various diseases, her experiences in these labs and the methods they prefer to use is extremely relevant and also revealing. I will include the link to this interview at the end of this piece as well as four pages of notes I personally made to transcribe for my own information, everything important that she said.
THAT'S how good it was!
We have been given a narrative to explain the pandemic and everything that followed, but this narrative relies upon a whole list of what can only be called belief systems, because they are not based in good science, but rather the type of science that has been going on for almost 3 decades now. This research and more importantly the methodology researchers have been following as a standard practice, from which many erroneous conclusions were made leaves a lot to be desired. Like the truth about a great many things.
Much of what Poornima said I already knew, but a few things confirmed suspicions I had, and many others who have far more credentials than I have find a lot wrong with what passes for science these days, and this is the end result of a slow decline in the quality of the research being done. Over time we have seen venerable institutions become the centers of this corruption. John's Hopkins for example is, in my opinion, the very heart of darkness.
Universities produce the people that do much of this labor an as a result, formerly trustworthy scientific peer review journals fill up with "pay to publish" research papers. Such papers are frequently financed by Big Pharma money, ghost written by Big Pharma, and fatally flawed in both their methodology and their conclusions. People who can tell the difference between good research and bad research have been complaining about this for a long time, because these are the same terrible papers that are then being cited by lay people and even doctors, to justify all kinds of sketchy drugs.
Politicians also use this work and float it out as evidence that suggests whatever policies they support are actually prudent policies. Unfortunately, more often than not they are just the opposite. The primary motivation, it seems, has been more about increasing revenues for the pharmaceutical industry. This money then finds it way into the coffers of politicians that look the other way when Big Pharma acts unethically, and so a vicious cycle is born with the means to flourish and spread like a cancer.
Today the problem is so egregious that the products coming out of the pharmaceutical industry are hastily approved without adequate or even proper testing, and almost every product they bring to market ends up being shockingly dangerous in numerous ways, each one worse than the last, all of them causing long lists of side effects that are far worse than the symptoms of illness they are later prescribed for. Many drugs even go through the entire development process without a valid reason that would justify the costs of developing them at all. And yet, the road to every approval is preceded by mountains of questionable research that appears to show they are effective treatment options, even if the illness they claim to treat is completely fictitious and without any actual target customers at the time it gets rubber stamped.
Today is has become clear what's been happening. The pharmaceutical industry is creating harmful products that later cause predictable illnesses they then prepare additional "treatments" for. They have figured out how to subvert checks and balances that are supposed to keep them honest and over time they have managed to completely capture regulatory agencies that were designed to protect the public from dangerous products. These two opposing entities have now merged and as a unified force they have now joined forces with politicians. The fox is in the hen-house, but these foxes don't just eat the inhabitants, they burn down the entire coop, and the chickens (us) are paying the ultimate price for what amounts to inattentiveness.
There are many sinister agendas afoot today, and this obsession with viruses, the repeated announcements of pandemic threats, the abuse of power in governments -- it all rolls up to a few people who have clearly been planning what you see happening today for at least the last hundred years! The main driver of all of these changes is fear campaigns woven out of whole cloth that seek to con entire populations out of basic human rights. Even for those who see through all the deceit, one only has to look around to see, this has clearly been an very effective campaign.
Tyranny has a new name: Healthcare.
The diseases we are told everyone is fighting are not real. If people are sick it is the result of all the poisonous foods and drugs they consume, contaminated land, sea and air, constant irradiation and stress, and legislative policies that replace everything healthy with another thing that makes this problem worse. Policies that outlaw anything thing natural or beneficial. Healthy people do not pony up gold, but sick people do and they are being fleeced for every last dime.
Vaccines are the absolute worst example. These products have always been bad, but now the danger is more than obvious when we see people drop dead within minutes of an injection. They have literally become instantly lethal to some, while others die within months or years, and there is now a militant, straight up inhumane degree of activity going on to cover up of this fact, to the extent that the problem of greed and the pursuit by some of a world dominating degree of power now threatens to wipe out everyone on Earth!
The worst part about this evil is it was not accidental, or even inevitable -- it was intentional.
Poornima Wagh gave people a glimpse inside the heart of this genocidal machine. Labs are a black box most people never get to see the inner workings of, labs they assume are full of smart, responsible, benevolent people. People they unquestioningly trust, even thought the work they do is barely understood. Its not as if the people crying out today that such deceitful work must cease were unaware of anything she blew her whistle on. Many of them were somehow involved even, but it was not that until that moment, that someone honest came forward with something that could change all of that. Someone who was actually questioning the work she was being given to do. Poornima also saw the level of apathy people had with doing investigations of their own and astutely reasoned that attitude resulted from two things: A lack of understanding about the work being done, and a lack of appreciation for how critical a thing it is that such work be done correctly.
When Poornima came out and clearly explained, in terms that were as close to lay terms as it is possible to use, just how flawed that work was it was a home run with average, un-scientifically familiar people. And it was because she was able to communicate these systemic problems so well that she instantly became an intolerable threat to the wealthiest, most profitable, and most powerful industry the world has ever seen.
Poornima didn't just fire a shot across their bow. She sank the entire ship!
Can you see now why someone like that was attacked so violently? The smear campaign that followed was devastating, she was humiliated, her career was destroyed and her credibility was ruined. Such was the impact of all this that she said in her final public appearance, a one time rebuttal, that after that she will never speak again or ever set foot in another lab. She took this beating without a single tear and defiantly refused to even give her accusers the satisfaction of watching her defend herself.
Instead, this incredibly brave woman chose not seek justice in her own defense, or even dignify the actions of her detractors with evidence she could easily provide that could prove them wrong, and instead, proudly told everyone who doubts her story to just go to hell.
What actually happened is these unwelcome 'fact checkers" were refused those records, because it is ILLEGAL to provide them without Poornima's permission, and they didn’t ask her for it. Unable to confirm her background, they simply slandered her reputation publicly, casting shade over her entire story, and accused her of being a pathologic liar. They never provided any evidence that disproved anything of a scientific nature that came out in the interview, they assassinated her character instead, implying that meant anything that followed was untrustworthy. This is an act that in days long past would have ended the journalist, not the scientist.
My Comments are in red below
6:55 Judy Evans Meyer (dead now, ovarian cancer in 2012) had problems with virology and biology, called them crapola. Wagh became a lab scientist in Judy's lab, took lots of classes and began teaching lab biology, cell biology and lab pathology. She is published. Wagh saw that was taught conflicted with what she saw in the lab with regard to bacteria and fungi .
8:38 Wagh cites problems with virology we already know. She says they do the same thing in microbiology. Most of pathology uses the same techniques and procedures virologists use with algar, antimicotics and antibiotics, so most of pathology is a scam as well.
9:47 Eyes were opened in 2009. 2.5 year long project looking at valley fever, a lung disease supposedly caused by spores that were never isolated. Never found anything.
14:34 Cause was determined to be methyl bromide. (a soil conditioner that is banned in Ca. but still used and this dust was getting into farmers lungs and causing symptoms.) Pointed out that academia does not accept lab findings, calling them inconclusive.
16:02 Discussion of what passes for science in pathology labs. They do exactly what virologists do in these labs. They never do Koch's postulates. They use bio-infomatics. Everything is done on a computer. Very little is done in a lab. Judy did work the old fashioned way, as would have been done in the 20's or 30's. Dr. Wagh was taught these procedures and uses them.
20:04 Merritt explains bio-infomatics. Basically you take a gene sequence convert it into zeros and ones, splice these sequences together to create genomes and then play with the whole genome if you like. Merritt explains that this is where she figured out what I already knew which was all these early PCR tests were searching for human sequences.
22:20 Did we actually sequence the human genome? Doesn't seem very likely they really did. We can't really do gene splicing, what we can do is delete genes. Wagh debunks CRISPER CAS9. "These people will never figure it out. They don't know how these things work."
25:28 Merritt discusses the non-existence of viruses, self-spreading sterility vaccines, and says this stuff was put together the same way the J&J vaccine was. They used a viral vector and an adenoviral shell to deliver it that destroyed the mice ovaries. This study she is referencing claimed this was then spread amongst the mice population via shedding causing population reduction before it petered out in nature. This cannot happen however, so what is more likely is the mice were simply given a toxic nanoparticle. Wagh agreed, saying this is what graphene oxide and lipid nanoparticles are being used for, that tweaking genetics is not possible. Wagh explains they cannot take a thing that is 70-80nm in size, hollow it out and insert a payload into it. THIS CANNOT BE DONE!
28:25 Regarding gene guns, what they can do is transmit plasmids. We can harvest plasmids and inject them into things, like bacteriums. Even the stuff one can buy from pharmaceutical companies are all plasmid based. We can do single nucleotide replacement. We CANNOT do precise insertions into the human genome. Wagh: "They cannot weaponize a virus"
30:33 Merritt cites a paper concerning something they supposedly did with the S-1 subunit of SARS-CoV2, injecting into the tails of mice. Wagh: "They can maybe isolate short sequences but I don't think those sequences do anything. Everything works in tandem with everything else. You cannot isolate a protein in something and put it someplace else and expect it to do some kind of magic." But it's possible it could act as a toxin. Thinking back to the work of Charles Richet, this reminds me of the unique apotoxins the body learns to create when any alien foreign protein is introduced directly into the bloodstream. He isolated these apotoxins that are able to induce lethal anaphylactic shock conditions. To my way of thinking it is likely this is the goal of these bioweapons labs, this is the "gain of function" they were after. Wagh: "once you isolate something and put it in something else it doesn't work, most of the time." But in the case of Richet's isolated apotoxins it most certainly did. Wagh: "this is why they use lipid nanoparticles and stuff, they can poison you chemically but poisoning you biologically is a whole other ballgame."
33:14 Discussion of proteomics - Wagh: "they haven't done anything with proteomics. These are pointless lab experiments." examples given included bio-luminescent proteins. Merritt cites a great Michael Creighton quote: "If it's consensus it's not science, if its science it's not consensus."
36:19 Merritt discusses a censored book about GMO potatoes that basically states all they did was removed the gene that produced melanin, and thus eliminated the thing that causes potatoes to look spoiled to fake extended shelf life, they still spoiled the same as they ever did. Wagh: "very crude experimentation."
38:00 Wagh discusses other experiments with fruit flies and zebra fish. "this is all nonsensical work. This is how they spend NIH grant money."
39:43 Wagh explains what graduate students and post doc's do. "They are all hoodwinked." They just do slave labor hoping one day to climb some ladder. Most of these people just try to become professors to have a cushy job with a lab, running others as slave labor. This is what has been happening all over the world for the last 50-60 years! This is a western model and the rest of the world just blindly follows it. "Science is a rat race."
44:50 Merritt mentions Arthur Robinson and Linus Pauling. The downfall of science was government funding. Wagh: "You can't do anything in a major university without gov't funding so they are beholden to the NIH and whatever it is they want you to do, if you don't do that you don't get any funding and the university will close down your lab." Merritt: "Fauci is the bag man in this mafia."
47:07 Wagh explains how she got into virology. "It was like swallowing a crown of thorns." Her thesis was AIDS does not exist and we don't even know that Malaria is caused by the plasmodium species. Everyone on the panel hated her and questioned her even being a scientist just because she questioned things.
52:11 Merritt: "Marburg is completely artificially created." All these diseases supposedly coming out of the jungle are bullshit. Wagh on the causes of malaria: Massive vitamin B deficiency. All 9 of them, but specifically B12, folate, and B6. Buried papers concluded correcting vitamin B deficiencies cured malaria. There are no conclusive papers showing the cause to be a protozoan.
55:44 Merritt on monkeypox: Pox is a response to toxic exposure, i.e. vaccines. Merritt on smallpox: She quotes an early professor who said "vaccines didn't stop childhood diseases, plumbers did." Smallpox is related to a potassium deficiency. Everyone was starving, everyone got sick but milkmaids because they were drinking milk.
105:24 Merritt discusses this frustrating and problematic trend of either censoring good information or hiding good medical research behind pay walls, i.e. ScienceDirect that wants to charge huge fees to read anything published there. A discussion followed of a paper from Indonesia that found increasing D3 levels to over 30 (not even that high) kept people off vent and out of ICU's. The paper was quashed and retracted, ZeroHedge was punished for reporting on it and all this came out of the American Academy of Microbiologists. Wagh wrote a protest letter and demitted from that association.
112:43 Wagh is testing vaccine vials and they are all the same. Novovax is the same as J&J. All the same platform, it is a hydrogel CPC adjuvant, they all use lipid nanoparticles. Pfizer uses PEG and Moderna uses SM-102, on top of reduced graphene oxide. No mRNA, no Spike protein coded to the mRNA, and massive amounts of heavy metal contamination, tungsten, osmium, silica, lots of silver and gold particles, nickel, some amount of lead, massive amounts of aluminum. All this stuff is very stable and all the graphene has a very weak Piezo electric charge. So because everything in the body has a negative charge this is short-circuiting everything and this is why you die. No biologics! 18 people working on this. This group is also testing the all foreign vaccines, even a few unknown homegrown vaccines. They have tested 2,300 vaccines in all and all are the same! These are not vaccines. They are NOT bioweapons even, they are all simply chemical poisons created the same way! Can you see now why the WHO and Gates is bragging about their goal of having a vaccine for everything, produced in less than 100 days without any clinical testing requirements? And also why everything they are allowing to proliferate in terms of how this mRNA platform works and even the "misinformation" about how they "actually work" is allowed to spread? It is because all this nonsense keeps smart people preoccupied! There is nothing to any of that.
118:24 What they have found is 35 different variations in the amounts of various ingredients, just a few ng difference here or there of this or that, so if you, for example, have a very high concentration of reduced graphene oxide in a particular lot you die within a few days or months. this is 100-120 years of cumulative vaccine damage on top of bad food, bad water, EMF, etc…
122:08 Merritt mentions a paper which analyzed the Quadrivalent vaccine that claims to have found a complete human male embryonic genome in that vaccine. Wagh said it's very possible, citing the MMR vaccine having aborted human fetal cells in it. Merritt: "So we can sequence stuff but we can't manipulate it" Wagh: "Yes, and the payload carriers are all bacterial plasmids, in every case. They have figured out how to use plasmids but nothing else. There's no viral vectors. Even mRNA, if ribosomes don't exist there is no mRNA. Basically the entire story about using a cell nucleus to tell ribosomes to make spike proteins is all bullshit.
123:30 THE CENTRAL DOGMA IS MOST LIKELY WRONG AS WELL! Discussion of transposons (little segments of your genome that jump to a new place) and the Nobel prize that was awarded to Barbara McClintock for their discovery in 1983, but she did this work in the 30's and 40's, and it has been ignored all this time in between. Wagh: Reverse transcriptase is really a reverse transposon. Very little work has been done on transposons it is all shoved under the carpet. Merritt: "this dark cult hides two things from us, how our minds work and how the world works. They just keep us busy with all these useless things so we won't notice how they are killing us" You see? This is what I have been saying forever. Merritt understands this! They were calling transposons "pro-viruses".
127:49 Merritt asks; How do exosomes figure into this? Wagh: I don't know, but it's probably part of this transposon mechanism, nobody knows how this works. Wagh said whenever she asks professors about transposons they say "we don't need to look at that. Barbara McClintock got that Nobel prize for no rhyme or reason." [LOL] McClintock is remembers as a "science heretic." Wagh: "Skin color is not a genotype it is a phenotype, and we don't even bother to look at it."
Merritt brings up Jean Baptist LeMark, who postulated that adaptation to the environment (evolution) is actually genetic and if suddenly that environment included something like EMF and you didn't have a million years to evolve, wouldn't it be great to just spit out a little bit of your genome and change our phenotype and this is what Wagh is saying here, and maybe this is a function exosomes perform. Wagh thinks that exosomes are transposons, they may be the same mechanism, which to her makes sense. Why have these things not been studied? Wagh makes an astute observation that "they don't waste time on anything they cannot weaponize".
Merritt brings up Jean Baptist LeMark, who postulated that adaptation to the environment (evolution) is actually genetic and if suddenly that environment included something like EMF and you didn't have a million years to evolve, wouldn't it be great to just spit out a little bit of your genome and change our phenotype and this is what Wagh is saying here, and maybe this is a function exosomes perform. Wagh thinks that exosomes are transposons, they may be the same mechanism, which to her makes sense. Why have these things not been studied? Wagh makes an astute observation that "they don't waste time on anything they cannot weaponize".
133:05 Merritt: "They have been trying to weaponize diseases for a long time. They tried it with anthrax, with ebola, etc. What they really wanted was an aerosolized hemorrhagic fever. They cannot bring off these aerosolized diseases" Wagh: "…so the next best thing is to simply poison us. " Merritt: "So what are they studying now? Arthropod vectored disease, so if they can't get us to inject ourselves they will get insects to do it." Wagh: "All the hard sciences have been corrupted."
135:40 Merritt: There are 90 different nutrients our bodies need and people are deficient in a lot of them but you cannot fix this with pills. She has her own regimen that can be adjusted a bit with supplements that is easier to follow. Merritt also discusses what she calls "Scalar for Dummies" She explains that we don't really know how cells communicate with each other but if they do it is a scalar imprint of DNA on water that gave water its memory. What Merritt is trying to explain here about the transference of chicken pox is the same theory I proposed in my 2nd book about exosomal function in the chapter called "Clarifying The Use Of Terms Such As Virus and Exosome". Wagh: What we are taught is just so mechanistic, there is nothing holistic about it. What Rupert Sheldrake said in 'The Science Delusion' makes complete sense." Merritt brought up a Nicola Tesla quote about everything happening is this narrow range of 6-8 hertz, paraphrasing as "once we understand this we can control the brains of all mankind."
The actual quote was: " Alpha waves in the brain are between 6 and 8 hertz, the wave frequency of the brain cavity resonates between 6 and 8 hertz, all biologic systems operate in the same frequency range. The human brains alpha waves function in this range and the electrical resonance of the Earth is between 6 and 8 hertz, thus our entire biologic system, the brain and the earth itself work on the same frequencies. If we can control the resonant system electronically, we can directly control the mental system of all of mankind."
146:50 What the hell is a bacteriophage? We are taught that a bacteriophage, also known informally as a phage, is a virus that infects and replicates within bacteria and archaea. Discussion then turned to 1880 and the cholera epidemic: Wagh explains the current understanding is that cholera is caused by a bacteria that get injected with a toxin called toxin B that is injected by a bacteriophage which then becomes a zombified bacteria that then causes Cholera. Wagh: "This is entirely crapola it doesn't even make sense." (I love this bit because I have always found these bacteriophages to be somewhat hard to explain, and now they're not, in fact, Robert Young and Stephan Lanka had this right from the start!) "So cholera isn't caused by a bacteria because that bacteria has been completely hijacked by a bacteriophage, which is apparently a virus, which it isn't by the way. The bacteriophage is not a virus because it has two phases according to conventional science, they defeat their own theory. In the dormant phase it is called a pro-phage. In the active phase it becomes a temporal-phage. So viruses don't work that way in virology, they take over, replicate and kill the host and whatever. What a bacteriophage really is, is a bacteria being pleomorphic. It is not a virus attacking the bacteria."
149:38 Merritt talks about Royal Rife who claimed viruses were a stage of bacteria. Wagh: "Right. So cholera is not caused by Vibrio cholera, it's just nonsense. Same thing with legionnaires disease…" and a discussion of that which debunked everything taught about that followed. "Everything we have been told so far is usually one truth and ten lies and everything else is window dressing. They took Koch's postulates and replaced it with Rivers postulates and they cannot even meet that criteria. That's how bad it is. It all comes from physics to chemistry, from chemistry to biology and from medical microbiology to pathology and that’s where you get virology. It is a steady decline is science, it's all bio-informatics and toxins." Merritt: "And parasites."
156:19 Wagh: "All of science is nonsense."
I just happened to have Eric Coppolino's contact information. He had emailed me some praise on something I wrote about a month prior to this. I learned from a brief exchange that he was a writer and had some aspirations of his own about writing science fiction novels. That's is what he share d with me anyhow. He also writes horoscopes. Beyond that I know nothing more about him.
When I read his accusations I took issue with his arguments and I told him I found them suspiciously flawed and openly hostile for no apparent reason. I saw no provocation or justification for the brutality of this spontaneous attack.
After a few emails back and forth I found him to be quite difficult, evasive and arrogant about his position. Below the end of an email exchange we had about this.
i.e. [Eric defending his actions] "If you use fake PhDs as a way to get credibility, all of your testimony is thrown out."
On Sep 1, 2022, at 6:33 AM, JL <[email protected]> wrote:
I have yet to hear you explain why this matters. C'mon, keep going. I need you to say it out loud, so you hear yourself compare apples and oranges.
(If you did that… thank you.)
I am not being dense Eric. My position here is that you are missing things, important things.
Name one or two science facts she lied about, please.
Can you? (I attached a transcript I made to help you do this.)
I think you should go through this exercise, because I only hear you attacking her. I do not hear you taking a position. I hear a preference to remain blind and avoid disciplined examination in favor of an easy route that allows you to avoid the conversation entirely, and this may possibly be due to a feeling of being unqualified yourself to challenge anything scientific. I can of course only speculate on your actual motives. If you do not feel unqualified, maybe you believe making comments on fields of study you are not familiar with is presumptuous without some credential that says you are allowed to do that, but the end result is you effectively have no position. I do not hear you dispute so much as one fact that is relative and important with regard to the larger questions pertaining to how science is done and what bearing that has on the sort of conclusions that are reached. I hear you reinforcing and defending your own cognitive dissonance. Are you really going to tell me again that you are unable to see that you and others that parrot your opinion are only attacking her and nothing she is claiming about lab procedures, or common practices, or what causes this or that, or anything at all that other similar people can and have said before.
I hear a person (Wagh) adding their voice and basically saying "I have practical relevant work experience and this is what I see as common in my line of work." She goes on to then elaborate on the effect those practices have on the advancement of science. Her testimony clearly shows she does do this type of work, because unless you do the level of detail combines with the reasoning given is well beyond a layman. Nothing you mention matters at all to me because I am very educated myself on these things and her statements about how the work she comments on is being performed are valid and accurate. I don't hear you saying she is lying about doing actual lab work someplace, only someplace specific. Does it really matter where it was? I know from my own investigations that bioinformatics modeling is flawed and has taken over. That is but one such example of the kind of information which is valuable in her interview with Lee. You are nitpicking things that will not contribute to even one life being saved or any systemic problem simply to advance an ad hominem argument. I do not see value in that. I see an operation, not an evaluation. Someone else suggested Wagh is part of some intelligence operation herself, simply because she had so much exposure so fast. Apparently such instant popularity, to him, is impossible to achieve, or improbable enough to support his theory, but all he has is a belief. I had the EXACT same rocket ride to the top over the last 3 months. I am not participating in the creation of propaganda, quite the opposite, I am exposing it. That happened because I am sharing my knowledge and that knowledge is relevant, strongly supported, well researched and provable by repeated experimentation. If you are going to dispute anything Wagh says you need to choose a hard science fact and present your evidence and position. You are fence sitting. This is not productive.
If you watch this you may think, as I did, that the person interviewing her had his own interest in mind more than hers, as he claimed over and over. But that is neither here nor there. The real fireworks is found in the comments section below the clip, where even I was attacked by this entire clumsy team of trolls.
I encourage everyone to do a bit of scrolling if you want to see how I handled their attempts to trap me in a similar fashion. All they got in return was a humiliating beating. The exchanges I think clearly put their ignorance on display. They clearly do not even understand the subject matter they were arguing.
Messing with me was a mistake, and I sent each one of them back to base on a rail.
I feel bad for Poornima, she didn't deserve this at all, but she took this terrible beating without shedding a single tear and went out like a boss. She just stood there, facing her attackers defiantly with a giant set of balls, and just stared back at them, without blinking. I greatly respect how she handled these people, and even more now, because even though she didn't win this fight, she never made it about winning. What she did was selfless and honorable, and she denied these puny personalities the opportunity they so wanted; to watch her weep and carry on, trying to struggle to maintain what they cruelly stole.
It was never about her "qualifications" Everything she said in that interview exuded confidence, knowledge and experience. As someone who understands her work very well I saw this right away, and I never had any doubts about what she was saying.
If anything Poornima came out looking even more credible to me after this.
The trolls didn’t win anything. And they got absolutely nothing out of her for all their trouble.