I want you to watch this very brief clip for two reasons:
First, I want you to see the person in this role "solve" a "problem".
Second, I want you to UNDERSTAND that the both the problem and the solution are a setup up.
I will explain.
Misinformation is spread by tweets. That is the stated problem. The solution Nina Jankowitz offers is to add what she calls "context". This is commentary on whatever you say, if what you say is something that goes against an approved narrative.
What must be understood is the purpose of this "additional context".
Comment sections and apps like Twitter have proven to be a bit of a problem for propagandists. Added "context" is a propagandists answer to to this problem. They are approved opinions that will be slapped on top of your opinions. If this idea is put into practice you will never be allowed to state any fact, or inform or correct anyone else, without a peanut gallery of doubting Thomas types talking over you.
It will be placed there to prohibit you from stating any fact, regardless of whether or not it is a true statement, and do so without additional information designed to automatically dilute, negate or obfuscate your statement.
I hope it is plainly obvious that Nina Jankowitz will not be personally adding comments to every tweet made in the future, although she expects you will not think about this concept long enough to question how this process is supposed to work.
So who decides what the peanut gallery says?
I'll give you a hint. Its not even the members of this peanut gallery. It is an AI program stamping labels on certain messages, that’s all it is.
Nina also wants you to believe that she will have some sort of control over what "context" gets overlaid on your tweet. I guarantee that ain't happening. Think about how much "context" will be needed! This is going to at least TRIPLE the length of every twitter thread! So, much like the CDC labels you see now, expect a few hundred or so canned context statements to be recycled endlessly, just like fact checks.
Nina wants you to just trust that whatever context is added will be wisely chosen, hence this public service message she is doing. Oh no, she reassuringly explains that this is an improvement of sorts over the current method of having a bunch of fake fact checkers following everything you type with the intent of making you look like a domestic terrorist, or moron, or like you are unqualified to comment. But that's exactly what it is.
Nina makes a reference to Wikipedia, as if this idea is a good one because, well, look at Wikipedia. There is a reason why researchers NEVER reference Wikipedia and students writing papers are prohibited from supporting their work with information found on Wikipedia. It cannot be trusted because it is edited by people whose expertise cannot be trusted, or even verified!
Now, here is why this is a setup…
Fact checkers have been exposed as nothing more than privately funded groups and programs running algorithms that create computer generated rubber stamps that are pre-selected based on key word lists. Fake fact checkers are already adding "context" This is also what troll farms do now, and someone (not her) wants to improve upon that, because vaccines will eventually reduce the population of programmers that write fact check bullets and trolls that harass you from those troll farms. To keep that ball rolling and add more of it they will need to further automate online persecution.
The activities and real objectives of both fake fact checks and troll armies are pretty obvious, and they are both examples of scams their creators knew would not hold up to scrutiny forever. Really, it was obvious from the start they were re-education tools designed to support approved narratives, but there are still people out there who think whatever a fact check says is true.
Fact "checks" are all propaganda. THAT is a fact. And there are rooms full of trolls paid to ridicule and shout over anyone blowing any whistle that can make it seem like a guy in the know is either a loon, or just a lone big mouth amidst an overwhelming majority of people you will be encouraged to side with, that disagree with whatever any person says.
These efforts can be summed up in a single phrase: Hey! Sheep! The herd is over here!
Currently, for every tweet that warns about vaccine risks there are a dozen or more tweets that say vaccines are safe and effective and one or more dubious fact checks. Combining algorithms, trolling centers and key word lists create force multipliers that enable a small group of shills to create the appearance of consensus and agreement with whatever the official narrative says. They are there to make you look, and more importantly, to make you FEEL small, unimportant, and in most cases, wrong, and they can create the appearance that you are a member of a tiny minority when you are not.
They exist to DISCOURAGE you.
is make a covert manipulation a transparent manipulation,
and you are supposed to approve of this
and CONSENT to it, by allowing this manipulation to occur.
(Because it saves lives, why else? Pfft.)
Just watch all the clips of her silly antics singing songs like weird Al Yankovic to Mary Poppins show tunes in which she replaces the lines with covid lyrics and you can see what a goofy personality she is. This is not anyone mature or intelligent enough to hold any public office. She was selected for this role the same way Biden was. To be an empty suit that stands in front of a camera and reads scripts written for him by someone else, and Biden is now is so senile he can barely do that.
She may as well be (and even could be) a computer avatar. You would never know if she was. She could be home watching The View every afternoon with a cat on her lap and a latte in her hand, while a bunch of taped appearances are played back for you on a daily basis. It not like you will ever meet this doofus yourself, and even fewer people will ever actually see her in person.
Be honest here and consider this, just for a second; I am not claiming she is, but IF she actually WAS a life-like representation of a real person YOU WOULD NEVER KNOW!