One of the most shocking aspects of covid insanity has been this transformation of hospitals into abusive, prison-like facilities that abandon all common sense and prudent medical practices in favor of absurd "regulations" that seriously endanger the health of people being admitted as "covid cases".
I keep seeing articles and watching videos posted by people, in which they describe their experiences in these places, all of which document instances of clear medical malpractice so outrageous it is hard to imagine many of them actually happening. And yet, they are happening, and these stories are multiplying so fast I can barely keep up with them.
You need to take this seriously. I have witnessed some of these practices first hand as I have accompanied my own mother to a few routine doctor appointments, so I can attest to the fact such accounts are not exaggerated. I have seen some of this with my own eyes. I also have a very large audience that reads my blog, somewhere in the neighborhood of 100,000 people each month, and they email me stories of their own. None of these stories made the headlines to my knowledge, but they are no less shocking.
When people are in need of a hospital that usually means a serious healthcare issue is involved. Whenever I have had need of a hospital in the past, and there have not been too many times thankfully, there was no other alternative. Today however, I personally would rather risk death, due to some injury or illness and just take my chances, than be admitted into any hospital in the United States right now. And I would advise you to do the same, and here's why:
There is no other place I can think of that enforces the religious practices of the "cult of covid" more militantly than hospitals. Just for refusing to wear a mask in an EMPTY hospital lobby, I have had hospital staff call police to completely remove me from the property, and not just the building, THE ENTIRE PROPERTY! Nowhere else are you more likely to be treated like a deadly bio-hazard for simply defending your rights than a hospital, and this level of panic is completely unwarranted.
I don't think many people realize that these covid vaccines are all extremely immuno-suppressive. All one has to do is read some of the published literature that documents the research that preceded the manufacture of covid vaccines, particularly mRNA type vaccines. If you do that you will learn that the mRNA in some of these shots is so fragile it would be largely destroyed by the immune system if not disabled. I intend to write about some of these papers in the near future and I will include the citations so you can see for yourself this is so. The people being admitted to hospitals with life-threatening "covid" issues have immune systems that have been severely compromised by these pointless covid injections, and they are either succumbing to any number of diseases as a result, or they are suffering severe adverse reactions as a result of being exposed to all the other toxic poisons and parasites that these shots contain. To make matters worse, the treatments being FORCED upon them universally make ANY condition worse, to the point that many of these people die as a result of receiving them.
I will remind you, that prior to all this manufactured pandemic nonsense nobody treated flu symptoms like any sort of deadly plague. It was widely believed, and expected, that every year people would experience flu-like illnesses, and that they were caused by relatively common corona-viruses and rhino-viruses that show up every year, and some of these people would come to a hospital for treatments. Nothing has changed, except how such people are being handled presently. Additionally, since the majority of people who buy into this scam know very little about health and medicine they also believe that a corona virus is now something new, something unusually dangerous, and they have been fed lots of medical misinformation and stories about leaky bio-weapons labs to make that appear plausible. None of these labs ever leaked anything. Not a single one of those claims stands up to serious examination. But even if you know the lab leak story is a sham, people are still left without answers, looking for some way to explain the severity of illnesses being reported by a complicit mass media. And that same mass media happy to float plenty of baseless explanations supported by illogical circular reasoning. The claim that unvaccinated people are spreading a sickness that is itself a direct result of administering poisonous vaccines is but one example.
Why are hospitals following such ridiculous covid protocols? There is clearly some serious top down pressure on these facilities to follow these procedures. Every worker in these places that has not already quit or been fired over objecting to some aspect of this heinous situation is either being ruthlessly kept in line somehow or is too ignorant to understand they are deliberately murdering patients in their care.
It's been all to easy to blame Tony Fauci for everything. I don't mean to downplay his contributions, but he is not the entire problem here. As it turns out, there are several factors contributing to this nightmare.
- The first is MONEY. Hospitals following these rules are getting paid -- BIG. How big? Upwards of A HUNDRED GRAND for every covid patient they kill with a ventilator. A whopping 84% of vented patients die within 3 days.
- The second is the implementation of the 2009-2010 “Complete Lives System” developed by Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel for rationing medical care for people older than 50. (Emanuel, best known for his involvement in the fiasco that was Obamacare, has been advising the Biden puppet on health policy.)
- The third reason is basically immunity to legal liability for committing medical malpractice, in the form of administering "approved" covid treatments. That was a shocker to me.
- The fourth reason is simply support from insurance carriers, that refuse to pay for anything not on the list of approved treatments. Typically, these companies also provide the billing platforms used by hospitals which administratively discourages alternative measures.
A recent article by Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD, of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons lays much of this out, so I am reprinting it below:
In a shocking departure from traditional hospital policies, a hospital admission has become like reporting to prison. Prisoners in America’s jails have more visitation rights than do COVID patients in America’s hospitals.
One family member, a professional psychologist with a career focus treating victims of trauma, said that in many hospitals COVID patients are treated “little better than animals.”
Shocking recordings of Mayo Clinic-Scottsdale and Banner Health System hospital executives have been released by an attorney on the Legal Advisory Council of Truth for Health Foundation, an Arizona public charity. Executives were discussing coordinated efforts to restrict fluids and nutrition for hospitalized COVID patients and to suppress all visitations for COVID patients.
The COVID protocol that hospital physicians must follow, in lockstep across the U.S., appears to be the implementation of the 2009-2010 “Complete Lives System” developed by Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel for rationing medical care for people older than 50.
Dr. “Zeke” Emanuel, who was the Senior White House Health Policy Advisor to President Obama and has been advising President Joe Biden about COVID-19, stated in his classic 2009 Lancet paper:
“When implemented, the complete lives system produces a priority curve on which individuals aged between roughly 15 and 40 years get the most substantial chance, whereas the youngest and oldest people get chances that are attenuated.”
“Attenuated” means rationed, restricted, or denied medical care that commonly leads to premature death.
In 2021, whistleblower doctors, nurses, attorneys, patient advocates, and journalists have exposed egregious hospital abuses, neglect of patients, denial of vital intravenous fluids and basic medicines to hospitalized COVID patients across the U.S.
The Complete Lives Protocol apparently derives from the 1990s UK National Health Service “Liverpool Pathway,” which in effect constituted euthanasia.
Now we see its malevolent manifestation in the “COVID Protocol.” Age-based rationing is happening every day on COVID units of our hospitals, since the overwhelming majority of COVID patients are older than 50, the age at which Emanuel claims that a life is “complete” and not worth the use of medical resources.
“Complete Lives System” and the “COVID Protocol” are pathways leading to suffering and premature death, mainly of older Americans. They achieve the government’s goal of reducing Medicare costs.
At the same time, hospitals make untold extra millions with extra incentive payments for COVID patients during their tortured path to death, while they are chemically and physically restrained and isolated from families, pastors, priests, and rabbis.
Once hospitalized in ironically named Resurrection Hospital, Veronica was given Remdesivir, which she had repeatedly refused, denied proper basic medical care that could have been life-saving, and was not allowed access to her family, priest, or healthcare power of attorney. The hospital blocked Veronica leaving the hospital when she and her attorneys demanded release. Her healthcare power of attorney was removed by hospital security. Veronica died alone as a medical prisoner in a Catholic hospital denied even a priest at the end of her life.
Unconscionable hospital violations of human rights, including even violations of the Geneva Convention codes established following World War II to prevent abuses of prisoners, are occurring daily across the U.S.
Patients are coerced to take rapidly approved drugs like Remdesivir, in spite of known risks of kidney and liver failure, and to be placed on ventilators, both of which bring in incentive payments and create huge profits for hospitals.
Patients are denied adequate fluids and nutrition, as well as vitamins, inhaled and intravenous corticosteroids, antibiotics, anti-virals, and adequate doses of “blood-thinners” (anticoagulants).
Patients suffer inhumane isolation with use of chemical and physical restraints, in violation of existing guidelines for patient protection.
Hospitals are using law enforcement to deny access to hospital grounds for family and advocates.
Patients and their advocates have been denied information on benefits of early treatments and denied access to such treatment. Autopsies have confirmed many patients died because of inadequate doses of standard anticoagulation, even after family members went to court to demand therapeutic doses to help save lives.
Doctors and nurses risk their careers, their licenses, livelihoods, and even their lives as they courageously speak out to inform their patients and the public with life-saving information. One ICU physician colleague posted this on social media recently:
"Just finished a 10-night stretch in the ICU. Patient bashing and blatant meanness have taken on a whole new level within our healthcare colleagues. How can we NOT spiral downwards towards despair when this behavior is allowed and is being normalized?? …I feel I’ve been thrown into a Mean Girls sequel. Making fun of patients and families for not being vaxxed is the cool thing now. …I don’t mind taking care of COVID patients. But this hateful vibe that has permeated my world is what’s going to end my career if it doesn’t end.”
Welcome to the brave new world of government-directed medical care carried out by obedient, profit-focused hospital executives eager for the government handouts of incentive payments for following the “COVID Protocol.”
Ali tells how even with a medical power of attorney, officially naming her as medical advocate for her father in-law, she was denied access to him while he was kept in total isolation for 24 days. She was denied access to his medical records, and on one occasion, literally handcuffed and removed from hospital property by police while the staff starved him for the last six days of his life! At the 13:25 minute mark Dr. Vlie also explains how hospitals that strictly follow this perverse system of covid procedures are legally exempt from all liabilities, if what they do results in injury or death when it involves a covid patient.
After her experience, what advice does Ali offer? First and foremost, do not be intimidated by any of the tactics these facilities use. If some hospital is sequestering a member of your family or someone you are advocating for you have to get in there. Such practices can violate state and federal laws. Ali's case occurred in Arizona, and laws vary a bit state to state, but any American held in this manner constitutes unlawful imprisonment. There is no way for a medical advocate to do their job if they cannot see the patient to assess his or her condition. If the hospital is denying nutrition, requested medical treatments, and/or administering other medications and treatments in direct conflict with the wishes of a patient or his appointed advocate, that result in a worsening of their condition, injury, or death, that can be grounds for felony vulnerable adult intentional abuse. Furthermore, a hospital cannot legally conspire with surrounding hospitals to establish similar procedures and limit alternative healthcare options.
If you already have some ailing loved ones that are likely to become ensnared in one of these places this is not the sort of situation you want to be caught flat-footed in. You need to get familiar with the laws in your state, get some legal assistance, and make whatever preparations you need to ahead of time, in case the worst happens. There is an excellent check list at the end of this post you can follow. Failing to do so may cost your loved one their life!
You need to expect that these people will lie to you, that they will not follow your instructions and even go against your wishes and do it covertly. They will employ various intimidation tactics using their own private security and place all manner of administrative obstacles in your path. They will even involve local law enforcement to the extent they are able, to protect this valuable revenue stream and preserve any legal immunity they benefit from.
In my second book, "What Now?" I cover the adverse effects of Remdesivir in great detail and I explain how acute kidney failure is the result of a rapid loss of calcium, a side effect of the drug, and how shutting down the kidneys results in pulmonary edema, where the lungs fill with fluid, which results in people poisoned by Remdesivir die, drowning in their own fluids. This will, of course, be blamed on secondary covid pneumonia. THAT IS STRAIGHT UP BULLSHIT.
As far as the "Liverpool Care Pathway for the Dying Patient,", the alleged model for covid protocols, you can do your own research on that. What I found in mine was a very dubious and thinly veiled attempt to effectively rid care centers of elderly and infirm patients that was sold as humane palliative care. This approach was roundly criticized by doctors, who blamed it for hastening the death of some mortally ill patients, and masking signs of improvement in others. This is all to similar to what we see going on now.
And Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel is not fooling anyone with his argument that he is the victim of a political assault that twists his positions on health matters. You will find him defending his positions in numerous articles, but you can read his position on bio-ethics, the euphemism currently being used to describe eugenicist beliefs, for yourself.
In a paper entitled "Principles for allocation of scarce medical interventions," he lays out his methodology for choosing who lives and who dies, and whose life is worth the expenditure of medical resources and whose life is not. I would pay particular attention to terms like "Maximizing Future Benefits" and "Instrumental Value" The paper is careful to state which of his four decision methods he recommends using when deciding whose life is preferable when it comes down to saving lives with a limited resource, like vaccines, (not that covid vaccines are in any way scarce), but it is clear that in actual practice he is only interested in saving people that can best be used later by the state. Adolescents over infants and young adults over the middle aged and up.
People are being treated like livestock, and there is nothing equitable, fair or humane about that treatment.
Whether you enter the hospital system with a serious problem, or just a runny nose, if you are labeled as a covid case your life is CHEAP! You are a number, a paycheck. Nothing more. And hospitals prefer to collect their money as soon as they possibly can. They will do everything they possibly can to label you a covid case, including testing you as many times as they need to with PCR tests that even the CDC has finally come out and admitted are worthless as a diagnostic tool, just rolling the dice until they get that false positive. Any condition you come in with can be considered covid, because covid has no clear definition.
Hospitals may refuse you treatment and send you home unless you are clearly on deaths doorstep. Because a severely ill admission is an easy, rapidly collectible payday!
They may also refuse treatment unless you are fully vaccinated, and reports are piling up in which many of them are being repeatedly accused of administering covid vaccines to sedated patients, and even covertly vaxxing patients that explicitly refuse them! They reason is obvious. Vaxxing people is a way of ensuring a consistent revenue stream!
Several healthcare workers have come forward and blown the whistle on co-workers that display an overt hatred for anyone in their care that is unvaccinated, and cite how those workers mistreat and abuse such people that are assigned to them.
This is a warning I cannot stress this strongly enough.
Hospitals have become extremely dangerous places.
There has never been a greater incentive to be healthy.
If you are forced into a hospital situation, go in prepared,
and have someone with you at all times!
Never allow yourself to be sedated or become unconscious
without the constant presence of a vigilant and capable health advocate!
You are worth far more DEAD, than alive.
Arrange to have medications and supplies in place before you get sick.
Make it effective immediately when patient is ill, not just if patient is incapacitated.
- Decide on whether to allow use of Remdesivir
- Decide on whether to allow intubation/ventilator
- POA or family member sign HIPAA form to access patient portal for medical records, fax to hospital, make sure to obtain log-in information.
- Engage ATTORNEY ASAP to send demand letter and seek court order to force access to PATIENT.
- If denied, seek court order allowing access.
- FILE report to state agency to investigate protection of vulnerable adult.
- Consider report to Sheriff for criminal investigation and help to gain access.
Contact [email protected] to engage our COVID Care Strategy Team to assist with strategies to assist home care resources: hospice, O2 vendors, home health agencies, TeleMedicine physicians/nurse practitioners. Arrange ambulance transport, backup generator for O2 equipment.
Every hospital has a discharge process. Find out what it is ahead of time and plan carefully.
- Prepare to deal with hospital threats "You will die if you leave." It is YOUR choice whether to risk death in hospital or risk death at home with family. You have right to decide your course of action.
- Patients have absolute right to reject medical treatment and seek discharge, even if against medical advice (AMA).
- Arrange Attorney presence at hospital (i.e., ON-SITE) during discharge process. Critical for attorney to be present to avoid threats of arrest of family seeking discharge.
- Consider arranging ambulance to arrive just prior to attorney and family so there is no delay for patient transport.
- Review carefully ALL discharge documents before ANYONE signs.
- Hospital AMA forms typically have blanket release of liability for ALL claims against the hospital. DO NOT SIGN THIS.
- Hospitals cannot stop discharge for failure to sign their AMA forms.
- Hospice care does not mean "death care." Hospice services are supportive, comfort care paid by most insurance. While hospice services do not pay for active treatment, it is the patient's and family's right to self-pay for any added treatment services the patient may want to continue.