Please send me some clinical reports.
Many folks are also sharing them further, posting the PDF's on other sites. There are even both Italian and German translations being passed around now.
Until now I have never solicited any feedback on the results people have had. I have had more than a few doctors that have identified themselves as such when requesting the books and I have asked every one of those people to please provide some feedback or evaluation, or even suggestions that might improve my advice. Sadly, not one doctor has done so.
However, after 8 months I am finally starting to get some thank you notes from regular people who were injured by covid vaccines, and I am happy to say they have all been overwhelmingly positive!
What I would now like to ask of those who are actively following my program for recovery is to please share with me your experiences with as much detail as you are comfortable sharing. I think there are now tens of thousands of people who are still out there looking for advice that works. I would really like to be able to give them some clinical evidence and possibly even gauge how people with various degrees of vaccine injury severity respond on my program. I would even like to hear from people if they had symptoms that did not improve. I would like to be able to share this with doctors I meet as well and use all such information to make the plan as effective as I possibly can for the widest range of injuries.
I promise to keep all personal identities confidential. Please know that your experiences are vital to my research efforts. Now that some time has passed I am certain many of you out there have case histories that would be valuable to know more about.
To send me a cash donation or gift:
Unfortunately, PayPal cancelled my account for the reasons you would expect, so I cannot use that anymore, but I did find another payment method that will work for now. If you want to support my work you can download CashApp on your phone [ ] and send a cash donation to me directly. It works just like PayPal does basically, you just identify me as the recipient by typing in this hash tag:
If you are someone like this, or a forensic pathologist, who works reasonably close to Northern Virginia and is willing and able to assist me, please reach out to me via email [email protected] or Phone - [leave a message on 949-929-9151]
Small donations add up and will allow me to purchase a digital optical eyepiece so I can post my findings online, which is something i have been wanting to do for some time now.
Personal Consultations:
I have been able to speak to a few people directly who have requested a personal consultation. I have to be a little careful with this, since these things can end up being very time consuming efforts, but I am willing to help people as much as I can. If you really need to speak to me directly I am happy to meet with you on a Zoom call. This way it costs nothing to chat for about an hour at a time even if you are on the other side of the planet. All I ask is that you contact me with your request first by email and provide me with some case history. Then you just schedule a Zoom call and send me an invite. If there are any scheduling conflicts I will work out a better time with you individually. I am currently doing this with three people, so not that many yet. I will give you all the advice I can. The most important info to have is your vaccination dates, brands and lot numbers. Also include as much as you can about what changed after each vaccine exposure. I don't need your name if you want to keep that private, but I do need to know your gender and age and any pre-existing conditions or allergies you have. I will also ask that you please read my two books prior to our chat and I will send them to you for free also.
New Alt Media Interviews:
I recently appeared on The Axiom World with Jack Campbell. Jack and I spoke for about three hours and discussed a range of current events. That recording can be found at the links below:
SGT Report will be having me back soon as well.
I am recording a show with Sean tomorrow afternoon, so that will be posted wherever you can find SGT Report shortly after. The content will be mostly on my vaccine injury recommendations, so it is a book interview.
I may also make an appearance soon on USA Watchdog with Greg Hunter. We have exchanged a few emails but that date has not yet been set.
I will leave it there for now, but I have another post coming soon that will have commentary on all the most important stories to keep abreast of, not the least of which has been the predictable rubber stamp by the FDA that made the US the only country on Earth to approve the murder of infants with lethal covid vaccines.
and don't allow it to be done.
Honestly, if you love your children, this is the worst abuse
you could possibly inflict upon them.
I don't want you to discover this the hard way.