The day I published the piece below my ENTIRE WEBSITE was mysteriously ERASED! Now I discovered this about 20 hours later and was able to restore everything but nobody could explain how this occurred. Believe me, I asked a lot of questions of a lot of folks I pay good money to. I admit I am not the most brilliant website developer around but I am not a complete dunce and there is no possible way I could have accidentally round-filed three years of efforts to make the best possible site on the lousy budget I have for what amounts to my only form of advertising. I have also documented in previous posts plenty of instances of web censorship and blatant deceit, boldfaced trolling and other forms of cyber intimidation designed to discourage opinionated people with the motivation and ability to self publish and I am not embarrassed at all to say I don't think this was a random accident. Based on some of the well funded and highly organized internet censorship efforts I am aware of I think it's highly likely this was done deliberately so if you are reading this and happen to be the guy responsible, well, you ain't gonna shut me up that easy. As for the rest of my audience, you might want to read what possibly triggered this unusual event. Just scroll down to do so.
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AuthorJohn Lukach - Former slave The information I provide here and in my book can save your life. If it did, or you just want to support my efforts, please download CashApp and send a cash donation to me with the hash tag:
$Had Enough Yet No pressure. But if you do that, THANKS! Categories |