The practice of broadcasting nearly identical stories on local TV stations throughout America, such as the one shown in the previous video, could be seen as a reasonable approach to profit maximization. One writer composes a story and it is distributed to hundreds of stations, which are all either directly owned by a single corporation or linked by affiliate agreements.
I might not be concerned if it was just junk food news that was distributed in this way, but when it comes to real news, this practice is truly frightening. When it comes to coverage of topics like healthcare, this type of control moves from frightening to life-threatening. If you get sick and you believe that Big Pharma and the conventional medical system are offering the only solution to your problem, and you must accept it or die, then you have become a victim of media
This is how the close-hold embargo process works. A select group of reporters from high profile media outlets are invited to a private briefing, for example, at the FDA headquarters, to learn about rules governing a new product. The reporters who attend must make a commitment not to publish their stories until a certain date and time.
They must also agree not to attempt to obtain reactions to the story from sources beyond the list of official sources provided by the FDA during the embargo, or to mention the existence of the embargo.
Each reporter has the identical set of information and the same amount of time to prepare their story. Since each reporter and their employer wishes to be seen as the one who broke the news to the public, they will all publish their stories at the moment the embargo has passed. They will not delay the publication by taking time to interview other sources who may have alternative points of view.
Once the initial set of stories is published by top-tier media organizations such as NPR, CBS, NBC, CNN, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times, then other media sources will use those reports as templates for preparing their own stories. They will also try to move as fast as possible, to avoid the appearance of publishing “old news.”
While all this rapid reporting of the official government controlled news is going on, the real story is often missed. The real story might lie in the deep controversy that was omitted or hidden by the FDA’s initial presentation. The truth may lie buried until the alternative media digs into the full set of facts and interviews the people who have dedicated their careers and even their lives to speaking about truth in a certain area.
When reviewing news stories from any mainstream media source, there are a series of steps that you can use to sort truth from the lies and the deceptions.
- Don’t allow yourself to be emotionally triggered. In order to analyze the news we must remain calm. If we experience strong emotions, then we are being manipulated and will be unable to identify the propaganda techniques that are being used to sway our opinion. The most dangerous emotion is fear, which is closely followed by anger.
- Strip away all name-calling words and words of glittering generality – these words are not the news.
- Replace euphemisms with the strong words they are hiding – Prophylactic adverse events are really vaccine injuries.
- Disregard the transfer of approval by the use of symbols such as flags, crosses, swastikas, etc. and focus on the actual message.
- Disregard the testimony of famous people when they are not a credible source of information.
- Disregard attempts of people in power to make you think that they are just like you – just plain folks.
- Don’t get on the bandwagon just because other people who share your views have already gotten on board.
- Test all logical statements. If you are told that because A and B exist, therefore C must be true; don’t take the bait. Carefully examine the situation and look for fallacies.
- Investigate all grandiose claims (unwarranted extrapolations) – Is it really true that if herd immunity through vaccinations is achieved that we will have no more communicable diseases?
- Disregard the opinions and research of astroturf organizations.
- Whenever a scientific journal article is cited, take the time to look it up on the internet. Be suspicious if you can’t even find an abstract for the article. Be suspicious if you do find an abstract and it is nothing more than a sweeping endorsement of a drug or a sweeping rejection of a natural substance or treatment method. Examine the affiliations of the researchers who wrote the article. Do they work for Big Pharma? Do they work for the CDC? Do they make specific suggestions for future research, or just say something general like “more research is recommended,” which means nothing.
- Don’t rely on information from Wikipedia when researching anything. Wikipedia has become a propaganda tool of government and corporations, especially in the areas of health promotion and alternative treatments for illness. Even though Wikipedia gives the impression that articles can be edited/updated/corrected by knowledgeable sources, this is often not the case.
Just stop watching it