I have been trying to create a kind of series here, so this post will continue where the last two left off. Consider this to be part three of a series.
This is going to be a little long but bear with me.
There is some really important information here.
Starting with what we do know about the covid vaccines; we know that they either introduce, or cause to be manufactured, a spike protein. Either the spike protein or the genetic instructions to make it are introduced into your body by injection.
The reasoning we were given for this treatment was that there is a covid virus out there that has as its signature a marker, on the outside of the viral shell, and that this "ID card" is a specific spike protein.
Everyone is familiar with the picture being used everywhere of this virus, which looks like a beach ball covered in littler 'trees' and we are led to believe that in the case of covid vaccines, what they are referring to is the same spike protein that sticks out of it like a barb.
Unfortunately, sometimes what is most obvious is also what is most overlooked.
What you may not realize is that nobody scraped a bunch of these spike proteins off a corona virus and collected them. The spike protein we are discussing here, unlike viruses in general that many people believe exist , is a stand-alone thing man created in a laboratory. It is not a naturally occurring thing, and for this reason accepting its existence presents no conflict with germ theory being credible or not, and it does not matter in a larger sense whether or not epidemiologists and virologists offer us any useful information.
Now, you cant simply eat or inject this spike protein because your body naturally neutralizes and destroys anything "not of the body" that it finds. Since most people are familiar with poisons we can use what happens when we are exposed to poisons as a good analogy.
If you eat a poison, and that's what this thing is, your body will immediately recognize it as such, and the acids and other bacteria in your GI tract neutralizes and destroys it. If it is injected it enters the circulatory system where material like this is destroyed, almost immediately, by your natural immune system, and if, for whatever reason they are not, typically such things breakdown all by themselves because they are inherently unstable structures. For these spike proteins to survive in the body for any length of time they need some protection, and this is where gain of function research has played a role. Stabilizing a biosynthetic spike protein is not a easy task, and decades of research went into how to do that. The various covid vaccines being offered accomplish this a couple of different ways.
In both the Astra Zeneca and Johnson and Johnson vaccines the methodology is to use a viral vector, meaning they utilize the shell of an adenovirus and introduce the spike protein material inside this shell. This package is attacked and, as the theory goes, the body then will recognize this new enemy if it ever sees it again and do the same thing.
In the mRNA vaccines being offered by Pfizer and Moderna they don't introduce the actual spike protein at all but rather they introduce a biosynthetic mRNA, which is coded to utilize a cell in the body as a tiny factory, to manufacture the spike protein and express it on the exterior wall of the infected cell. To successfully deliver these instructions they then surround the mRNA with lipid nanoparticles of fat and slip that inside an envelope made of polyethylene glycol, which all by itself is a terribly destructive toxic chemical. Polyethylene glycol is common automotive antifreeze and don't let any clever chemist convince you its not. There are lots of chemical combinations that are stable ways to create this compound, but they are all poisonous, they serve the same purpose and cause the same kinds of problems. So while its not likely there is a jug of Prestone in every vaccine production facility, what passes for Prestone is very much the same thing. This complex packaging shields the spike protein from the body so it does not identify it as an enemy in this form. Its kind of like wrapping it all up in Harry Potter's "Cloak of Invisibility". This disguise provides it with the protection it needs to escape being naturally destroyed by the immune system before it can do the job it is designed to do, because foreign mRNA would suffer the same fate as any free floating spike protein, because the bodies natural way of dealing with free floating mRNA is to immediately dismantle it and recycle the parts to construct other things the body requires.
But there are a couple problems with all this theorizing and experimentation.
The first problem is that the entire concept here relies upon the notion of germ theory being true, and because it has never been proven that problem is hard to ignore. It assumes we are dealing with a viral pathogen and everything that follows is a methodology for dealing with a thing that does not exist.
Having said all that, a good way to judge whether or not you are really paying attention and following along here is this: If you are, a reasonable question that would naturally come up has to do with what an adenoviral shell really is.
If viruses don't exist then this "viral" shell is not anything harmful, and they are used, we are told, to package up vaccine ingredients for this reason. Vaccine manufacturers are very clear about this because they do not want their choice of a viral shell to concern anybody. But if an adenovirus is not a virus container what is it?
That is clearly not enough however, not for me anyway. So in trying to answer this question the best way I can we end up researching another thing entirely, and that is called an exosome. You can look these things up yourself if you like and you probably should if you want to really understand this subject well. I won't spend a lot of time on them here because I want to impart more important information to you this time around, but suffice it to say that exosomes are more or less defined as harmless biological "junkyard parts", which if you think about it, does make some sense. When your immune system goes to work destroying things it does not like it leaves behind a bit of a mess and your body has specialized cells, like macrophages, that come around after the fight and sweep up the dismantled leftovers of whatever side lost that battle.
Not every scientist believes in exosomes, and many that do argue over whether or not an exosome is alive in the same way they argue over whether or not a virus is alive, citing things like the ability to reproduce as a criteria for classifying them one way or the other. If you are a scientist and you believe germ theory you tend to say one thing while another wiser scientist would offer a different explanation and definition. I credit the second scientist with being wiser here only because that guy knows germ theory doesn’t explain everything and he is looking for what does. In other words, he is conducting proper science and asking the right questions, whereas the first guy is easily satisfied with having been told what is true and what's not. Really it is a matter of choice as to where to begin your research, so while the first guy may actually be just as smart he may also ultimately fail to correctly answer the question here, all because he started his work with some faulty assumptions.
For our purposes lets agree that whatever adenoviral shells really are the right answer is kind of unimportant. We can see them, and they can be used as a practical receptacle, we can stuff them with whatever we can fit into them, and clearly we can use them as we would use a box to mail a package.
The second problem, and this is the big one here, is that the imaginary virus is not the pathogen that causes problems, IT IS THE SPIKE PROTEIN ITSELF! That is a HUGE mistake, and this whole idea of vaccinating people against an imaginary virus with this spike protein only serves to effectively place or produce the actual toxic pathogen, artificially, in the body! A vaccine is, by definition, a toxic concoction so the idea that the best way to remain healthy is by injecting yourself with poison is ridiculous on its face, and yet, people do it.
What we see in the symptomology of people who fall ill or have adverse reactions to the vaccines provides a clear picture of what the effects of that mistake are. If we lump all the covid vaccines together as a group for the moment and look at what we see happening in all the people who take them there are noticeable patterns of effects. For one thing, we see a lot of sudden and excessive bleeding. Women in particular develop all kinds of menstrual abnormalities and pregnant women lose their pregnancies and either miscarry or spontaneously abort. This is not misinformation. I am not just assuming this to be true and making up my own evidence because I am an anti-vaxxer looking for ways to convince you of something. The CDC's own vaccine adverse reaction reporting system, even with all its faults, does in fact provide a place anyone can go where one can read about the after effects of covid vaccine use and there are many, many reports that talk about this. It is actually happening with alarming regularity and other reports of this coming from both doctors and the women themselves is prolific and occurring at an ever increasing rate.
This bleeding is due to the fact that what this spike protein does when it gets into the body is it binds to the endothelial (inside) layer of blood capillaries causing an inflammatory condition that destroys the tissue and causes bleeding. If you imagine a blood vessel to be like a garden hose then this spike protein is like a garden hose full of little nails and nail holes. If you hook that hose up to a spigot it sprays water everywhere. The bodies response to this bleeding is to send platelets to the area. Platelets cause blood to clot. If you cut your skin it bleeds and later on a scab forms over the area. Platelets are the reason this scab forms, so anyone who has ever managed to cut themselves have seen platelets at work, but the spike protein also binds to those platelets, making the clot that forms excessively large.
So the presence of this spike protein not only causes an injury but also makes what happens after that injury a bigger problem than the injury alone. That is what these vaccines are doing, they are causing abnormal blood clots. This excessive build up of platelets in the affected area creates an internal obstruction to blood flow in that capillary.
Capillaries are very small, so small that some capillaries only allow a single red blood cell to pass so blood flows along inside them in single file. Given this limited capacity it does not take much for an obstruction to clog it up and that clog results in a backup pressure that eventually blows out another hole in the side of the capillary. This is what is known as an embolism and internal bleeding is a serious problem and very dangerous.
A pulmonary embolism is a bleed n your lings and that will kill you. A cardiac embolism in the heart will also kill you although just having a blockage is enough. That is what a stroke is, and the incidence of stroke in covid vaccine recipients is the leading cause of death in the reports I read. A cerebral embolism is a bleed in the brain and that can take you out so fast and with so little warning you might not even experience a headache before you die, you just go off like someone turned off a light switch and that has happened. Several people been reported to have died in a traffic accident after experiencing an embolism in their car driving home from a covid shot appointment. It doesn’t happen too often but the fact that it can happen ought to be enough to dissuade anyone from playing around with these shots.
This destructive inflammatory condition in the circulatory system is very dangerous, and both male testes and female ovaries are particularly vulnerable to this kind of damage, so that also explains both the sterilizing effects we are seeing in females and testicular pain and the reduction of testosterone being reported in males.
This next bit has to do with antibody questions:
Just like asking what adenoviral shells really are, another reasonable question vaccine advocates should be asking me is this: What then are antibodies?
If viruses don't exist why would we need antibodies?
Vaccine manufacturers and doctors that advocate vaccines will tell you that antibodies are a type of immune system response mechanism that the body uses and although they are commonly thought of by lay people as cells that is not exactly correct. Antibodies, like enzymes and other such things, are made up of proteins and the body has a custom designed antibody for every possible purpose and that purpose is always the same. It is to target and eliminate one kind of pathogen. The body sends whichever one is correct and keeps a master list of all the various kinds and makes them on demand whenever they are necessary.
If viral pathogens do not exist, and vaccines are rubbish, then does that make antibodies imaginary as well?
It turns out that it does not. Antibodies are real and we can see them, so if you believe in vaccines antibodies conveniently factor into the explanation that defends how vaccines work, but if you don't then all you poor anti-vaxxers are left with is to question our assumptions about what antibodies do. Maybe it is incorrect. They clearly do something right? So lets discuss what they most likely are.
Step 2: Kidney and Urine. You can't get the job done fast enough the first way and the toxin enters the bloodstream. Once that happens your kidneys also filter circulatory toxins and you pee them out.
Step 3: Respiration and Perspiration and Mucosa: If there are still toxins that remain perspiration becomes a way to excrete them. Your lungs also produce phlegm when you are sick and you cough that up and spit it out. You blow snot from your nose. You exhale and its full of waste products.
Step 4: Bacteria: Stubborn or excessive toxins that remain may accumulate in and subsequently infect healthy tissues, like tonsils for example, so having failed up until this point to eliminate them, your body then recruits bacteria to the area and you develop what is commonly referred to as a bacterial infection. It is this bacteria digests the dead and dying tissue. If you are told your tonsils need to be surgically removed then the infection you had got away from you and pretty much destroyed enough of your tonsils that they won't function anymore. They are then removed to prevent the infection going any further.
Despite what the pharmaceutical industry and the great many doctors that support it would have you believe, we all coexist peacefully with billions of different bacteria and they life in a parasitical relationship inside everyone. Many bacteria are involved in digesting foods and without them we would die, so they are not all to be considered bad. Certain kinds, like staphylococci, are not nice at all and if we are exposed to them and they have an opportunity to multiply enough we get a staph infection, and that is a very unpleasant illness.
Terrain theory dictates that the only time any bacteria become a problem inside the body is when there also exists a nutritional deficiency of something that keeps its ability to reproduce in check. So according to Terrain theory, all illness is caused by a combination of malnutrition and stress placed on the body. Now, even if terrain theory was entirely observational, which I don't think it is, it does explain a lot more than germ theory does. If you get sick and take a vitamin and 100% of the time, in every case the illness vanishes, that vitamin you took will be considered a cure and nobody can really argue with that. This is the type of observation I am referring to. You just don't see the same types of reliability in the observations that accompany vaccines. In one case a patent got better in the next case he got sick or died… its never just cut and dry cause and effect. Low vitamin D levels coincide with flu. You increase vitamin D, no flu. Vaccine observations aren't like that and include tons of excuses.
I feel very confident making a certain controversial claim which is based upon thousands of hours of research I have done on both side of this debate. People hate me when I say this, but it is a statement I make frequently and can back up without exception and that is; "No vaccine in the history of vaccines has ever done anything but cause the disease it was invented to offer immunity from". I say this because in every single historical account I have read about (and I am pretty sure I have read about them all), of any illness that was treated with a vaccine there is one story offered up by the makers of the vaccine in which they are heroes and another story that entirely refutes that assertion with literally mountains of verifiable empirical evidence to the contrary. People love to argue with me, and because few of them have a long enough attention span to consider all that evidence unless they are getting paid to do it, that makes them hard to convince, but the situation is very similar to the two scientists I imagined earlier in which one began with assumptions and the other didn't and because they started from a different place they got different results. If you are willing to look at vaccines really closely, you can't help but conclude they are all snake oil.
Step 4: Antibodies. (Finally!) It is only at this late stage in the process that we find a job for naturally occurring antibodies that they seem to be doing. When you still have toxins leftover your body creates protein antibodies that bind with the toxic proteins in such a way that they become neutralized. Once this happens those neutralized toxic proteins can then be handled by the kidneys or the liver.
Step 5: The cycle starts over again.
While all this is going on we may feel sick and depending on what symptoms we have concurrently we almost always have a name for the problem. This identification process is what is known as clinical diagnosis and getting that right is pretty much half the science of medicine.
Discussing all the possible health damage caused by covid vaccines would take a while. There are many things going on with them depending on which brand you examine and who you give it to, but one thing they all share that can be covered in a general way is this biosynthetic spike protein.
It was necessary to clear up some confusion that tends to get in the way of a proper discussion about what this pathogen is capable of by eliminating a few variables that cloud the issue and commonly prevent anyone from coming to any actionable conclusions. By addressing germ theory, epidemiology and virology first much of the confusion goes away, because the explanations being offered for certain events become clearly false or misleading, so with that information it becomes easier to filter it out and just look at the facts we can rely upon.
For some of that I look to the opinions of frontline medical workers. Mostly nurses, since they are quite knowledgeable but not as full of possible explanations as doctors are. The reason why the average doctor you look to for answers gives you bad advice or misdiagnoses illnesses he sees has to do with the fact that most of the medical education they receive comes from sources that are approved by the pharmaceutical industry and that industry is very corrupt. It has really done a number on the practice of medicine such that when you bring a problem to a typical doctor they always look to the pharmaceutical industry for a solution. Because they do that you usually leave with a prescription and a weak explanation of what's going on with you. Personally, whenever I have seen a doctor they rarely do anything else but figure out which quick fix gets you on your way. They don't really cure anything anymore and whether they even realize it or not they are not all that interested in curing you, because the industry that licenses them and provides all their goto solutions is not interested in curing anything either.
That entire system is profit motivated and what it is interested in is giving you a way to alleviate a particular symptom you prefer to not have and exchange that one for what turns out to be a bunch of others. Side effects, as they like to call them, are the price you pay health wise for the quick fix they offer, and taking these shortcuts frequently just leads to more, potentially worse issues down the road. That makes you a repeat customer. That and the fact that they can't patent anything natural, so the pattern of marketing has been to attack, discredit, and ultimately eliminate anything homeopathic as undesirable treatments, even if all they manage to do is make you think you would rather try their solution the end result is the same; another payment from you. This system of medicine goes to extraordinary lengths to steer you towards their products and if you actually take the time to deconstruct this pandemic crisis we are in its doesn't even take that much effort to see it is the worst abuse of health and human rights we have ever seen them pull off. If you were healthy to start with they will scare you with a whole bunch of baloney, to encourage you to get a vaccine in order to stay that way, but the opposite thing will happen and the truth is they know that.
What nurses will tell you is these vaccines are hurting people, because they see it happen every day, and those instances are really scaring them. They have less to lose if they openly talk about it. Maybe their job in some cases, but they don't have a half million dollars worth of student loans to repay. Losing their licenses to work in nursing is not as serious a thing as it is for doctors who have a lot more time and money invested in whatever they do. And they are less willing to risk their health and undergo an experimental treatment after seeing so many people die or complain of health problems they get immediately afterwards.
I have heard from a lot of nurses. What follows is a summary of what these nurses, in general, are saying in terms of patterns they see. It is their opinion that I really care about and while I realize they are not doctors I think their opinions have substantial credibility and merit. It doesn’t take much medical training to ascertain when a person is ill and even less when they are screaming at you about their illness. I think its time we all stop looking for reasons to discredit anyone who speaks their mind freely. Here's what they are saying, and these statements are all about vaccinated people so they are all covid vaccine related.
And...she was watching the news in the evenings about the panic and was not seeing the patients in the real world. It was all BS. She most likely realized she was killing people and got out of it.
If we look at the process that is going on in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine products we are injecting something that starts a spike protein manufacturing process and that process takes a bit of time to get going. If a recipient has an immediate and/or serious reaction that can usually be traced back to one of the four degrees of anaphylaxis because of a pre-existing hypersensitivity to any of the other protein ingredients in the formulation. This was the subject I covered in my first book, "Curious?" They may have also had some other chronic malady like cancer and had a re-occurrence, it may have come out of remission, or they may just have a sudden flare up of another chronic issue because of the shock of being intravenously poisoned so severely.
Almost all the covid vaccine recipients are having symptoms and the vast majority of those complaints that are being shrugged off as minor are coming from people coming down with covid of all things. So you have to ask yourself if taking a vaccine for covid is really a better way preventing covid or causing it.
Once again, I stand by that unpopular claim I make that I mentioned earlier, and this is the sort of evidence I believe makes it all the more relevant when it comes to covid shots. The question that still remains largely unanswered is; how long does this process take and how long does it continue? Because there is so much variability in what people report this timetable is hard to pin down.
In the Astra Zeneca and J&J vaccine products the effects caused by spike protein are quick to manifest themselves, because the vaccine recipient is getting somewhere on the order of 150 billion units of it injected directly into their bloodstream at the same time and that estimation comes from Michael Yeadon who worked for Pfizer for many years as their Chief Science Officer. I think his opinions are valuable and we should probably listen to him when he says these vaccines are extremely dangerous.
But if you choose to ignore his warning and the opinions of other eminently qualified doctors and research scientists that agree with him the only thing you have to consider are the observations that you can collect from patients and nurses, some of which are doing this work on their own.
- If you could only have one vitamin supplement choose Vitamin D.
- 70% of the worlds population are Vitamin D deficient.
- 70-80% of Americans are Vitamin D deficient.
- 82-88% of nursing home patients, 83% of African Americans, 70% of Latinos, 72% of Native Americans, and 47% of Caucasians are VITAMIN D DEFICENT!
- 80+% of all hospitalized patients are Vitamin D deficient
- Vitamin D deficiency causes immune suppression/dysregulation.
- In some states, like Idaho, most insurance companies will not pay for a Vitamin D levels test.
- Obesity decreases bio-available Vitamin D because it is fat soluble and 67% of Americans are obese.
- Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium and maintain strong bones throughout your entire life.
- Your body produces vitamin D when the sun’s UV rays contact your skin. Other good sources of Vitamin D include fish, eggs, and fortified dairy products. It’s also available as a dietary supplement.
- Normal Vitamin D level markedly decreases colon, breast, thyroid and other cancer rates as well as depression and suicide rates, making Vitamin D the best defense against everything pandemic related.
Of the nurses that I know of talking about Vitamin D specifically they are reporting that when Vitamin D levels are tested they are very low on all reported covid cases and especially low in the people complaining of covid vaccine adverse reactions. The opposite is true of people who have had even two covid shots and never get sick at all. Clearly there is a correlation here worthy of closer examination, but don't expect to see that being done by very many doctors. They have never been all that big on Vitamin D level testing before the pandemic and wave after wave of vaccine injury victims, and the industry that insists on promoting these poison shots can afford to effectively suppress the information I am providing here and even refute it, with more poorly done studies that they continually pay to have ghost written and published by some lackey. And they do this all the time, because having such rubbish with a doctors name attached to it gives them something to reference while they deny responsibility for this mass genocide.
The test for measuring Vitamin D levels involves measuring the levels of the vitamin in a blood sample drawn from your vein. You do not need to fast or prepare specially for the test. The collection of blood for the test usually takes less than five minutes. You can expect to get the test results within a day or two.
A 25-hydroxy vitamin D test is the best way to monitor vitamin D levels. The amount of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in your blood is a good indication of how much vitamin D your body has. The test can determine if your vitamin D levels are too high or too low.
Vitamin D exists in two forms:
- Vitamin D2: You get your vitamin D2 from vitamin D-fortified foods such as cereals, milk and yogurt.
- Vitamin D3: Your body makes vitamin D3 when it gets exposed to sunlight. It is also found in foods such as eggs and fish, such as salmon, sardines, tuna and mackerel.
Both the forms, vitamin D2 and vitamin D3, get converted to another form of vitamin D called 25 hydroxyvitamin D or 25(OH)D in your body. Doctors usually order the blood test that gives the blood levels of 25(OH)D. Another test measures the level of 1,25-hydroxyvitamin D, but this is used only in rare situations.
There are many so-called "experts" you can find that have different opinions about the levels of vitamin D that work for a particular person. Ignore them and listen to me. I am citing the best doctors in the world and what they are telling everyone about how to survive covid, covid vaccines, and all the pandemic lies coming out of the CDC, the WHO, the government, and in most cases, even your own GP. THEY ARE ALL SHAMELESSLY LYING TO YOUR FACE!
Vitamin D levels are measured in nanograms per milliliter. Healthy levels are above 50 ng/ml. Anything lower than that and you are Vitamin D deficient. Really, maintaining a level of Vitamin D3 in the 80-100 range is the best thing to do, especially if you were tricked into getting any of the covid vaccines and even higher if you feel sick. When you read a supplement bottle look for the number of IU, or international units, listed on the bottle to see how many IU are in each gel tablet. All the pills I have seen myself appear to be about the same size but there is a big difference between a pill that contains 1000 IU and a pill that has 5000 IU. I take two 5000 IU Vitamin D3 pills every day and I never, EVER get sick. I can't even recall the last time I had a cold or flu and I am 52 years old!
Some medications can cause your vitamin D levels to become low. These include:
- Steroids
- Laxatives
- Medications for seizures
- Cholesterol-lowering drugs
- Orlistat (a drug for weight loss)
- Rifampin (medication for tuberculosis)
One way to raise vitamin D levels naturally is to get exposed to the sunlight for 15 to 20 minutes at least three times a week. But its not enough, and in the winter time, even if you stood outside in the sun naked all day everyday, your body cannot naturally synthesize enough to make any difference. In all honestly, what we call the flu season each year really should be renamed Vitamin D deficiency season, because low Vitamin D makes people susceptible to influenza.
Covid is just overblown, over-demonized influenza and every possible shimy-sham you can think of has been done to confuse one with the other. And all that effort paid off, so well in fact nobody even counts flu cases anymore, just covid cases. The magical transformation process is now complete. If your Vitamin D levels are low, if and when you get sick with a covid/flu, the last thing you need are additional problems created by a hefty dose of pathogenic spike proteins that result in vaccine induced bleeding disorders!
But that is what they will offer to give you. Yet another vaccine. Or a booster, sometimes called a top-up vax. Or maybe even a extra special new-variant vaccine. What they won't do is offer you Vitamin D, or even test you for it unless YOU bring it up. And when that happens you will think of me and wonder if I was right all along.
Here's what we do know:
Vitamin D helps… a LOT. So if your have concerns take a LOT of it, every day, and see if you come through this without having issues. If you have been vaccinated with either the Astra Zeneca or Johnson and Johnson products there is a finite amount for that spike protein pathogen inside you now. MAYBE all you have to do is detoxify, and MAYBE all you need to do is maintain a high Vitamin D level to accomplish that.
If you have been vaccinated with either the Pfizer of Moderna products your situation is really unknown. Remember, you are now making this pathogen yourself and nobody will confirm whether or not that malicious process will go on indefinitely. IF it does, and IF Vitamin D is utilized to destroy spike protein, well, consider Vitamin D a new food group for the rest of your life. IF however, you can also eliminate all the cells infected with that mutant mRNA before they multiply enough to kill you with uncontrollable spike protein production you MAY possibly reverse the damage you caused when you got vaccinated.
I tend to believe in nature always finding a way to survive, but quality of life can be as important as life. At this early juncture, all I can offer you is the hope I have that many of us can beat the odds here. I certainly want to reduce the effects of the spike protein all the vaccinated people will be constantly shedding on me and if you got vaccinated I certainly hope Vitamin D will reverse the effects of a tragic mistake in judgment. Unfortunately it doesn’t cure stupidity. You have to do real research into these things and being lazy about looking into all this this vaccine garbage can cost you your life. I hope it doesn't, and that is why I do this work. Nobody pays me to do it. I wish someone would. But it doesn’t matter, because the world needs everyone to function at their best, or even their half-best. The world need people to maintain it, to keep everything going, and without them our civilization will crumble. Nobody I know wants that. Do you?
People who received the mRNA shots should not EVER get another one of those. Nobody should ever get any of them really, certainly not two or more, but mRNA jabs carry a lot of other damaging genetic instructions I have covered previously. Some really knowledgeable doctors and medical researchers have been claiming that the mRNA instruct the body to make a lot more than just pathogenic spike proteins.
It has been claimed that it also forces the expression of HIVgp120, something that causes an auto immune disease. This is bad news for anyone getting sick after an mRNA jab and we will find out the truth of that the hard way this flu season. If we see a massive number of deaths being attributed to the latest imaginary virus, covid-20, 21 etc… the truth about what that mRNA is making will be really clear then.
There is a claim out there it causes a bio-synthetic version of Syncytin-1 to be created. If this is true all the recipients of mRNA shot will become effectively sterilized, because Syncytin-1 is binding protein that is necessary to carry a pregnancy. It is responsible for attaching a placenta to the uterine wall, so if the production of fake Syncytin-1 ends up replacing natural Syncatin-1 all placentas will fail because the artificial version is destroyed by the bodies natural immune system. As a result of this we will see fertility issues becoming a serious problem all over the country in women of child bearing age.
If a lot of women are losing pregnancies after a covid shot that’s a pretty good indicator of what's ahead, and there are a LOT of those reports out there to look at in both the VAERS database and social media.
Well, there are a few things to consider that might account for those people that do not include them being incognito aliens or something outlandish like that. None of the covid vaccines have an FDA approval. They all fall under EUA, and it is not widely known that under an emergency use authorization they are not required to list all their ingredients or disclose changes to the list. We do know about the ingredients they don't seem to mind us knowing about, and all of those are in some way toxic, but nobody requires them to disclose what else might be in them. Even more crazy is the fact that there is very little quality control in actual production.
Who knows if there is any significant difference in the constitution of the formula from one batch to another? It's not as if the manufacturers have anything to worry about in terms of liability for injury suffered by anyone who they inject with this stuff. They saw to that. If you suffer an injury or die there is nobody you can sue for damages. That is enough for me to skip the opportunity. But think about this. There have been a number of articles written about unsanitary conditions at these vaccine production plants. Dr. Judy Mikovits has been sounding the alarm for years now about most all of the vaccines in production today being contaminated with XMRV due to a flaw in the process. I cover the problems caused by XMRV and what it is in other posts, suffice it to say it is contaminant that can harm you and it comes from mice and it jumps from culture to culture in the production process so its kind of everywhere now and nobody has ever done anything about that according to Mikovits.
And then there was that one time in California when a lot of people died suddenly immediately following getting a covid shot at one of California's outdoor mass vaccination centers. When that happened the response was to pull the batch in the event it was somehow bad. That’s all we ever got, the now famous "investigation". Apparently the results of that investigation are of no interest to anyone, so once they say they are looking into it that’s the last thing you ever hear. Was it a bad batch? Are some batches bad?
I read more than a few articles about claims of unsanitary conditions at vaccine production labs. I have never seen one. Have you? The articles mentioned lab tech that had to work in containment suits that took so long to get into and out of that they preferred to urinate and even defecate in their suits rather than take a bathroom break. I can't imagine doing that, but I don't work under such conditions so I really can't say. The articles also cited waste all over the floors and other health code violations that you don't want to see in a plant manufacturing supposedly sterile goods.
I read another article about a Walgreen's that got tagged for administering saline injections in place of covid vaccines. It seems they were calling some vaccine customers back and asking them to return to the store because they mixed up the vaccine with saline solution. What was all that about? Administering a covid shot involves attention to a lot of detail like the temperature of the solution, how long you can use an opened bottle, and how many doses you can get out of it. They need to dilute every injection and they get billed for any unused amount etc… With so many procedures to be mindful of accidentally mixing this precious tiny vaccine bottle up with anything else seems like a ridiculously negligent error to make. Where was this saline? Was it in a vaccine batch bottle or a saline bottle? Was the pharmacy employee giving people saline shots high? Stupid? Illiterate? Maybe he was trying to save the lives of stupid people. We will probably never know. But if it was a normal day at the vax clinic and everything was done properly by a competent clinician, then does that mean there are vaccine batches out there with nothing but saline in them? As I point out, either it is nobody job to check or checking really isn't such a high priority to the manufacturers, which which would make perfect sense if their goal was to kill you. If it really is then who the hell cares what goes in the vax batch bottles or even if the numbers on them mean anything? They might be thinking, "Meh... we'll kill a few and let a few slide, and those that survive will become vax advocates that laugh at the vax hesitant or vax averse and its all good right? If we want to at some point turn up the death heat we'll make sure the guy filling bottles starts paying more attention to his job."
There are so many unknowable and possibly un-managed aspects to this process. Any of those reasons might affect the experiences of the individuals on the recieving end of those shots and we would be none the wiser, and THAT is a bad situation anyway you look at it.
I am here to explain what it is you are doing. If you think I am a loon or my facts are lies go roll the dice and risk your health. Knowing what I know now there is no way in hell I would ever get any other vaccine. Even if all the history I read is just false "misinformation" and every other vaccine before these covid shots really worked as advertised, any trust they had is now lost.
If you are looking for my opinion, as a guy that does pretty much nothing else but cram pandemic related medical information I would advise you to just forget covid. Pretty soon everyone will know at least a few vaccinated people that have died and know a few more that either they or someone they know now have to be a primary caregiver for. When we reach that point, and it may come very soon, public opinions will shift again. I expect to see that. I am just ahead of the curve on this. Take everything I say here as a hint.
Getting a covid shot is not something you should do, but as always, its your call. I certainly won't stop you, but you may be missed by someone who cares about you more than I do, so if for no other reason than that think of those people in your life and if they matter enough to you, maybe just slow down a bit and read something you have to find yourself, instead of everything that is gratuitously shoved in your face everyplace you go.