The contradictions are everywhere, and both the DCMA and their new crypto currency just stink to high heaven.
These things just don't happen overnight, and yet they do. You don't just conjure a name like the DCMA and sell it with a venerable history like its always been there, and you definitely don't brag about all the expertise under its roof when what they are introducing is a thing that has never existed before and isn't even being used by anyone yet.
What are we to believe these nameless experts have expertise in? Sounds to me like what they have is a lot of imagination, and with a wave of a magic wand, all the funding they need to imagine our collective enslavement. And the reaction they are hoping for is one they have cultivated in so many people, this idea of just trusting authority.
Trust is earned, not manufactured out of thin air. This announcement is akin to me proclaiming on the world stage that I am your new king and the best ruler you could possible imagine. [cue fanfare]
So lets pick these claims apart a bit:, starting with the DCMA.
I tried to dig up some info. There isn't much on it. This is one thing I found.
Officially, the introduction included this:
"The Digital Currency Monetary Authority (DCMA) is a world leader in the advocacy of digital currency innovations for governments and monetary authorities."
"…that advocates for the advancement of digital currencies in central banks and money systems."
So it’s a lobbyist organization at best and a strong armed mafia at worst.
According to a press release, "its executive team has been working with governments and central banks on blockchain and digital currency cryptography since 2013."
Oh, please! How many crypto currencies were there then? This is a lie created to imply they have been involved with crypto since it was invented and that they know everything.
"It has “between 50 to 75 Human Resources at any given time,” continued Hubbard.
Human resources? Are those full time or part time? Apparently at least a third of the staff is consist of consultants. Once again, who are we talking about? Who makes up this executive team? They don't provide names.
“Our Board is from central banks and financial institutions.”
Now we are getting somewhere. Meet "The Money Changers". Not good. These are the foxes in the hen houses.
"The group aims to promote global trade by integrating international payments and settlements with digital currency."
So it’s a bunch of people with the keys to the city that will run a comparative AI sandbox side by side with the fiat currency system they use now to find every place this new thing falls short and write pages of flowery language to hide its faults.
"The DCMA is also a monetary authority."
Yeah we got that. Trust Authority.
“UMU is our monetary asset, and we back it,” said Darrell Hubbard, the Executive Director of the DCMA, and the chief architect of UMU"
Finally, a name. And a meaningless promise from a person nobody has ever heard of prior to today, who explains;
“Meaning, you can always redeem the value from us for the value paid to us. That’s the role of a monetary authority.”
So basically, they have nothing of value to offer, and they will accept worthless fiat and give you something else worthless in return. What an authoritative sales pitch!
"Currently, global banking recognizes two legal forms of cash: regulated e-cash and physical cash."
So they don't recognize this.
"Bitcoin’s electronic cash hasn’t been widely adopted in banking because it doesn’t cryptographically represent either of these."
And its nothing like Bitcoin, which they don't recommend you take seriously or use, because its not recognized either.
"However, the DMCA’s UMU/Unicoin currency is explicitly designed to work with financial and monetary institutions."
How exactly?
"According to the DCMA, UMU/Unicoin is designed to be suitable for central banks to create retail (for use by the public) and wholesale CBDCs (for use by financial institutions.)"
So its "new money" that nobody wants or recognizes as money.
"It is intended to function “like a CBDC.”
Stop. Heard enough. Keep it.
"However, it is legally a money commodity."
Another way of saying "this is the shady financial legal loophole the foxes created that gets us where we need to go."
“UMU functionally operates as a CBDC,” said Hubbard. “
So it’s a CBDC, that isn't a CBDC, until you close the loophole that defines it as some sort of innocuous commodity that is nothing, until its not. Are you seeing a familiar pattern here? Nothing to see here, except everything.
"According to the release, banks will be able to link UMU digital currency wallets with SWIFT codes and bank accounts to process cross-border payments similar to SWIFT but over digital currency networks. This will be done at wholesale foreign exchange rates and with settlements happening in real time. This contrasts with the traditional model, where international bank transfers can take days."
So like every other bad idea this one will be promoted for its "convenience", and approved by whomever will be needed to approve it, whose justification will be "convenience is a benefit".
"UMU will not be a legal tender for negotiating domestic prices or international trade agreements. Instead, it will function as a store of value, mitigate currency devaluation, and be used as a method of payment."
Did you catch that? It will be used to "mitigate currency devaluation". And they know that is something that will be needed how? Ahhh! Because the same people are causing that. But they promise not to act like dicks and hold anyone hostage.
"Additionally, UMU/Unicoin would function as a payment currency during settlement transactions."
And there you have it finally, the plan, which is to force migrate you over to this new money changer system by taking hostages, by making their cash disappear, and replacing it with this. So, who's first?
" Their proposed Universal Monetary Unit Model Law was developed in collaboration with central banks from Advanced Economies and Emerging Markets."
And what they mean by "emerging markets" is poor countries they can easily force into compliance, like African nations, typically. Just ask Nigeria how this partnership went.
I smell a bluff. i.e.
Sounds like everybody love you guys.
So, lets hear which emerging markets are participating? Anyone under your thumb as of now? Who are you going to announce as a success story? Who is going along with this? A better question would be what countries economies is the DCMA targeting for destruction?
"There are currently no confirmed partners, and the DCMA was not able to confirm which economies it has been working with. Because of politics, we’ve been asked to keep participation economies under NDA. In the near, we will be able to disclose our partners.”
Sounds like they don't want to say because they don't want anyone to know where they intend to strike first. It sounds to me like they need to infiltrate a bunch of governments with their operatives so when they knock on the door the fox can enter. And the proof of that can be found in the next quote:
“The DCMA is under NDA with these economies,” said Hubbard. “However, our access is either central bank governors or finance ministers. I can disclose our largest commitments are with the African Union, who are introducing us to all governors on the continent.”
Get Ready For A Litany Of Shitty CBDC Selling Points Like:
Huh? With what? More likes?
CBDC will provide financial stability.
Huh? not the same thing. You want stability? Hug a bridge. Stability is based on value. Gold has value.
CBDC will provide depositor protection.
Ya right. Will the gov't cover your companies payroll? haha. Maybe if you make vaccines or covid masks,
but even then I wouldn't hold your breath.
And the big one: It's "convenient".
Is there REALLY a big demand for more instant payment systems? Nah. Its more hackable that’s all. And avoiding that will meant biometric "security"
Ugh, just say vaccine passport already.
Also QR codes will become ubiquitous, more danger.
2nd Man agrees with me.
"Basically, it sounds like a secretive cabal of international banks and national governments is conspiring to push this new currency down our throats."
"We are being told that the “Universal Monetary Unit” is “‘Crypto 2.0”, and those that created it are hoping that it will be widely adopted by “all constituencies in a global economy”…"
"The DCMA introduces Universal Monetary Unit as Crypto 2.0 because it innovates a new wave of cryptographic technologies for realizing a digital currency public monetary system with a widespread adoption framework encompassing use cases for all constituencies in a global economy."
"I don’t know about you, but this sounds super shady to me."
And here is the most important points:
"The Digital Currency Monetary Authority is not the only one that has been working on a new digital currency.
The UK has also been working on one.
The same is true for the European Union.
Authorities will be able to track virtually everything that you buy and sell, and I am sure that they won’t hesitate to use that information against you.
Needless to say, the potential for tyranny in such a system is off the charts.
Of course in order for such a system to have real teeth, cash and other forms of payment will need to be phased out, and that is precisely what is happening right now in Europe. The following comes from the official website of the European Parliament…
To restrict transactions in cash and crypto assets, MEPs want to cap payments that can be accepted by persons providing goods or services. They set limits up to €7000 for cash payments and €1000 for crypto-asset transfers, where the customer cannot be identified.
Ultimately, they will just keep lowering the limits until the use of cash is almost completely eliminated.
Everyone will be slowly but surely forced on to the new digital system, and it will be a system that they control with an iron fist."
Help Me Figure Something Out If You Can:
Oh Shit. I didn't catch that either. Not sure if he's right, I thought FED NOW was described as a way to speed up bank to bank transactions. The announcement implies this is a response to mitigate sudden liquidity issues should there be a run on banks but I suppose they could share client transaction data with that as well.
That would be very sneaky indeed and just what I would expect. In theory, this guy is right. It would be a perfectly covert way to collect individual account activity information that would allow a bank to impose individualized cash or purchase restrictions on account holders who refuse, reject, or delay acceptance of CBDC. They could frequently trigger annoying account access problems they might fraudulently pass off as "security features" or "anti fraud protections"
I am kind of slammed with tasks or I'd do this myself. Does anyone know how to figure out for sure if they can, or do share individual client transaction data? If so, please email me @ [email protected]