I provided this information to rebut the people who believe in germ theory and to show that this is what all their supposed protective measures are based upon. Without proof of germ theory, none of them make any sense at all, and there is no reasonable evidence available to the contrary. I realize that germ theory is widely believed and accepted as evidence that germs and other pathogens cause diseases but simply having a plausible theory does not make it true. Proof of germ theory, based upon facts obtained through proper scientific methodology does not exist, and any study that says otherwise is fatally flawed in its methodology. I have seen many of them, but I have not seen one example yet where this was not the case.
Now we are going to cover two other professions held by the so-called 'experts' we are being shown constantly in the mainstream press, namely epidemiology and virology, because people widely misunderstand what these specialists do and what topics they are qualified to speak on.
Epidemiology is a very simple and quick one to address. The job of an epidemiologist is NOT to prove or assert anything. What they do is make observations about instances of illness and where it occurs, and they record this information. Their job is only to collect information and produce statistics that are then used by others, but lately what we have been seeing is the misuse of that information to support a multitude of otherwise completely unfounded assumptions that have been tirelessly pushed out as facts by a great many medical professionals and health bureaucrats, but also by virologists, who we have been led to believe have something of value to offer us in all this pandemic mess. They don't. And this clip does a very good job at explaining why.
THE FINAL REFUTATION OF VIROLOGY https://www.bitchute.com/video/WowKT0eopYR5/
I will summarize briefly what it says.
Koch's Postulates are a set of steps that must be followed by a virologist if he wishes to prove a virus or other pathogen is the cause of an illness. The first step is to isolate the pathogen, in this case SARS-CoV2. The next step involves separating this one thing from everything else around it and, using photo-microscopy basically taking a picture of the isolated pathogen. And the last step involves introducing that purified isolated pathogen into a host subject and confirming the host subject does in fact contract the illness or infection the virologist is trying to connect to the isolated pathogen. Only then, when all these things have been properly done, can the statement be made that there is properly obtained scientific evidence that one thing is the likely cause of the other.
For proper isolation to be done, the end result of such an effort MUST BE SARS-CoV2 all by itself in a petre dish, NOT in vivo, which is simply an assumption that it is there someplace in a culture full of other contaminants, and that is the only sort of isolation that has ever been claimed or every been reported. It is not a proper isolation so it does not count as one. Anything could exists in those cultures but without purifying the sample, which by the way is a proper scientific method, it's existence is, and remains, unproven.
Surprising as it may be to hear, in the case of SARS-CoV2, this has never been done. So everything you have ever heard about it is not based on any substantive proof. It is not science, it is just one unfounded, baseless assumption after another.
Where this becomes REALLY relevant has to do with statements I have made repeatedly that people have difficulty believing. Statements like: "SARS-CoV2 does not exist".
If it exists, someone has it and can show it to me, or any other professional that might offer some help in, just for example, creating a treatment for it. But there are no isolations of SARS-CoV2 anywhere on Earth and you can check this for yourself. People have sent FOIA requests to every health agency on the planet and I have seen these letters, I have copies of them and I have shown them in previous posts. Every FOIA request has been returned without the requested proof being sought after, the proof that that someone somewhere has a proper isolation of SARS-CoV2, and those responses confirm no such samples are in the possession of any of the agencies questioned, including the WHO and CDC.
If you are really thinking about this critically here it seems obvious that one surefire place this virus might be found in the body of a sick individual, but again, this is not how virologists obtain such samples, and it is just ridiculous. Instead they perform cell cultures in which they take a sample of lung fluid, which could contain anything, they then put that serum on vero cells, like monkey kidney cells, they starve the culture, add various poisons, antibiotics and anti-fungals, and if the culture dies they then claim the reason it died was because they found "a virus' in it. Death of the culture is the evidence, but that ignores everything else the add and do to it, which makes no sense at all. Even more outlandish is how virologists examine everything that is produced by the witches brew of garbage they ad to the culture and they photograph anything that they can get a clear picture of and offer that as proof the virus they claim is in that mess has multiplied. And that is where the virologist ends his investigation and makes his claims.
This methodology is standard procedure today in virology and it is the ONLY EVIDENCE EVER PRODUCED for the existence of viruses.
There is only one instance of anyone ever doing a similar experiment where the same procedure was repeated simultaneously on healthy tissues and with proper controls. This was done by Dr. John Enders in 1954. The results he published then, which are completely ignored today, were the same in all cases, proving that the cytotoxic conditions that led to the death of the culture were not caused by any virus but by the toxic conditions of the experiment itself!
These experiments virologists do are never done with control groups nor are they repeated on healthy tissue cultures. Why is this the case? Because doing them would lead to the irrelevance of the entire area of virology research!
Which begs the next question, having to do with the covid tests and experimental vaccines being used. Without the virus how can it be possible to prove it causes any disease or show any treatment vaccine is effective against it? The answer should be obvious. Both things are impossible, which I am sorry say, makes fear of covid just a cultish belief system. Nothing that must logically follow from a properly done isolation can possibly happen with out, this includes tests that detect it, treatments that kill it and vaccines that claim to offer immunity.
This mistake has been made repeatedly in history.
Scurvy is one example. Because scurvy was prevalent amongst sailors it was believe that it was a communicable disease and that it was spread between sailors confined in close quarters on ships when in fact it was later learned that the real cause of scurvy was due to their diets, which lacked fruits and vegetables that were hard to preserve on long voyages. Curing scurvy was a simple as eating a bag of oranges.
Pellagra and Baribari are two other examples, and proof offered to support both were caused by pathogens were offered by none other than Louis Pasture, and the entirety of his work, while still accepted today, was based on fraud.
Consider this: If the same logic being used to prove viruses cause illness was also used in the meltdown of the Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor then all those workers died, not of radiation poisoning, but from a virus, and all the epidemiologists would agree, since all they do is collect data that shows they all came down with a sickness, that it was the same sickness, and that they were all in the same place doing the same thing when they came down with it. We know radiation causes illness. That’s has been properly proven. But germ theory, epidemiologists and virologists would make the case that a virus was to blame and go looking for it with the same faulty unscientific methods they have employed for years.
Pneumonia is another interesting example of an illness that does have causes that have nothing to do with viral transmission. Over 600 medications can induce pneumonia including some that are very commonly used, like antibiotic, statins and in large does, even aspirin! Pneumonia can be caused by simply being bedridden for extended periods of time, which is why is is prevalent as a factor in death caused by old age. I have said this before, and there are some outspoken doctors that have said the same thing, that nobody really ever dies solely because of pneumonia but rather because of other diseases common amongst the very old pneumonia is simply the final event in a long slide of declining health and because it it the last thing that happens pneumonia it what ultimately takes them out.
On April 21st, 2021 German Microbiologist Dr. Stephan Lanka recently repeated experiments done by Dr. John Ender in the 50's to expose the reality of virology research claims.
This is irrefutable proof that virology is not based on scientific methods.
The other conclusions here involve the dangerous disease causing effects of spike proteins that are the current cause for concern. Lanka has shown here that they are not natural, that they are not part of a natural virus that exists only in a computer generated model. This means they did not come from a pathogen that jumped from some other species like a bat or whatever else to humans, all such things are not possible in nature. But what is possible, is the creation of synthetic bio-weapons, like this specific spike protein, and it is exactly these non natural pathogens that are being artificially introduced into human populations inside poisonous vaccines that contain mRNA that instructs the cells in a persons own body to manufacture them.
And what's worse, we now know that vaccinated people shed these toxic spike proteins which allow non-vaccinated people to be similarly exposed to them. Unvaccinated people are better off that the vaccinated people, who will most certainly die from the fact these vaccines have genetically modified them to be toxic spike protein factories, but BECAUSE they now do this, all vaccinated people have effectively made themselves carriers of the disease being called covid.
There are multiple bottom lines here after all this:
1) Germ Theory is unproven, so unless and until it is, viruses do not exist.
2) Which means, Epidemiologists and Virologists are not experts on anything really.
3) Covid vaccines ARE deadly, so DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE VACCINATED.
4) Vaccinated people pose a significant health danger to unvaccinated people.
This plan has been around for a long time and I have offered lots of proof of that. The clip below might be still more. It was on YouTube so if it gets pulled some time down the road it was an old- timey cartoon of today's pandemic.
(It might not actually be authentically old, so don't ask me to prove it is, but it makes the point well so I thought it was a cool thing to add at the end here to sum up this more serious post.)