And if you are not listening to me or worse, still clinging to the notion that people with opinions such as mine are to be taken with a shrug and a smirk YOU are NOT SERIOUS about taking any sort of stand against being treated like common cattle.
This is the WORST example in anyone's living memory or fascism taking hold in America and I will go on record here telling you I think it is APPALLING that the response to this effort is as lack luster as it is. That fact is really more shocking that the entire COVID scam-a-rama!
If you have any defense its that you have no access to any real information.
Let's look at what's really going on shall we?
You can no longer trust the following sources:
Wanna chat up your mom or friends over facebook and see what they think? Ya Right!
That just became FED-book.
Well, believe it or not his latest article posted on Liberty Report where he says Anthony Fauci’s statement that the coronavirus death rate is 10 times that of the seasonal flu is “a claim without any scientific basis." that went on to encourage people "to ask whether this corona virus pandemic could be a big hoax" was not only scrubbed from FED-book but PULLED FROM THE SEATTLE TIMES!!!
Watch that for yourself here:
(Rather than consuming the massive disinformation campaign to downplay and even discredit Ron Paul's most reasonable concerns.) Make up your own mind but at least hear the arguments first.
So... if you choose to be in a panic over anything...