that has prevented you from getting vital information that can save your life
if you have had any of these LETHAL covid vaccines forced upon you!
As many of my readers know, my first book was an instant best seller internationally – for all of three months. In 2021, Amazon violated a publishing contract offered through KDP Publishing and BANNED all sales of it, brazenly branding it as covid misinformation. There was no substance to this claim, and no basis for it. There was also no appeal. They removed my books sales page from their site, STOLE my royalties, and even continued to illegally allow Wal-Mart and Barnes and Nobel to somehow order a small number of copies for themselves each month, for which I was paid nothing. They not only refused payments to me, they destroyed my livelihood as an author and technically, even stole my book! Subsequent attempts to publish anything covid- or vaccine-related were similarly quashed or impossible to complete, regardless of where I tried to do it.
As the written word is furiously digitized, it has become all too easy to just manufacture any sort of "reality" at all. In yesteryears the same criminals hid their crimes with book burnings. Today it is too much trouble to bother with. Today they simply hit a delete key, deny access, or cancel an account. Important events that comprise history as it is being made, and reasonable solutions to problems that are representative of good ethical and moral values and sound critical thinking, can simply vanish into a digital mist.
I want you to know that I didn't have to print-publish anything.
Printing actual books yourself costs thousands of dollars. And I am also simultaneously giving the same books away for nothing in electronic form, which I hope should be proof enough for anyone that I didn't churn out a piece of rubbish to cash in on current events. I want there to be no risk to anyone to look at this, not even a retail price tag, so I just put it out there for all to see. If people buy these books I prefer they not think of the copy as a product, but rather a show of solidarity. It is a donation. That is what it is.
The proceeds will not buy me a new car or shiny motorcycle. Every sale literally feeds the author, who has no other income, and any extra gets rolled back into producing more inventory. If you can buy a copy, please do so. If not, that's okay too. I just want you to be healthy. The more books I sell, the more people we can help together. We are a team, all in this together, as the enemy’s crappy slogan goes. I will keep printing more every time they run low, until we beat this, or it is no longer possible to do so. Every copy sold allows me to pay this printer to print another one, so it will be there waiting for someone else in need.
Covid is a massive fraud and covid vaccines
are a genocidal atrocity.
I knew that the worst damage would come from a widespread epidemic of autoimmune dysfunction, a side effect that I discovered was deliberately baked into these toxic shots. I also knew this meant that when the annual flu season hit in winter of 2021, the death toll would be needlessly excessive. It would be blamed on a completely fictitious illness now known as covid-19. Due to the urgent need to get this vital information into your hands, and out to the world before that I was forced to resort to some very unorthodox publishing methods, I did the only thing I could to reach as many people as possible.
At the end of October 2021, I began releasing free early drafts
of this book privately, and very prematurely.
The response was overwhelming - and sobering.
I answered every email, and doing so had me tearing up at my desk more days than not. The pain, despair, profound feelings of betrayal, the anger – words fail me. Strangely absent from all this communication were doctors. Where were all the doctors, I thought? Over the course of the last five months, I heard from less than ten. If they identified themselves as such, or mentioned a specialty, I always asked for their opinion. I sought out several to review my work to see if there was anything I might have missed, or anything I could have done better.
Outside of those I worked with on this,
a vast medical community was completely silent.
If you have already read my book and the date on your copy is any earlier than February of 2022, please, email me for a replacement file or download the finished second edition from this blog page. I encourage everyone to spread this work as widely as possible. Post it everywhere. It belongs, not to me, but to the world. All I ask is that you, please, share the finished second edition with others. They deserve the best information available.
"What Now? Recovering From a Tragic Mistake"
please click this link:
- If you happen to find the printer is out of stock when you try to order I can restock in about a week.
- If you wish to buy more than one copy, or need to ship internationally, you will need to place a call to my printer directly to get the correct postage.
- To reach AA PrintShop either send an email to: [email protected] or call them at (813)-886- 0065. You must include the title of book in all communications with AA PrintShop.
"What Now? Recovering From a Tragic Mistake"
"Covid-19 Vaccines and Induced Anaphylaxis"
please click the download file links below:

what_now_-_recovering_from_a_tragic_mistake-second_edition.pdf |

covid-19_vaccines_and_induced_anaphylaxis_-_final.pdf |
The advice offered in my book is fairly easy to follow.
For these reasons I felt it to be important to go the extra mile for you and put some effort into finding a good place to obtain everything you will need. The supplier I chose and the products offered on the "countermeasures" page have been vetted by me personally. These products can be trusted, the price is reasonable, and the owner of Biofield Expert, Jayme Westrom, is a good person who shares the same values I have myself.
Jayme Westrom is very knowledgeable and she worked very hard for several months, not only to acquire everything I recommend, but to make obtaining what you will need as simple as possible.
Some ordering FAQs:
- Bromelain is currently missing from this list but will be added soon.
- Bottles contain approximately one month’s supply of each nutrient.
- You should expect to follow my plan for a minimum of three months. This is a conservative estimate which will vary case to case based on severity and the specific health concerns of each individual.
- Auto-purchasing is an option at checkout. This option will place a new order each month until canceled. Cancel at any time. Customers are sent email notifications to approve or decline automatic orders before they are charged.
- Jayme Westrom guarantees your satisfaction with her products and will personally handle any customer service issues.
Please consider purchasing any nutritional supplements
you need to follow my advice from Biofield Expert.
the nutritional shopping list in my vaccine injury protocols.
If you have a media platform and want me to speak to you or your audience, my personal contact information can be found on my homepage
Please call the mobile number provided and leave a message for a prompt response.
Be Well,