Some guy recently left a comment on a thread I shared some links on comparing me to Ed Snowden. I laughed out loud when I saw that. I mean, thanks, whoever you are, but I'd rather not have anyone thinking I deserve that much respect.
I spent 20+ years in high tech startup environments, always swimming in a shark pit on the bleeding edge of things with some product or another where 20-30 million bucks was a typical net return or total loss, and there just came a point after which I said "Nope, that’s enough for me. From here on out I am just gonna polish the shiny black box with the rest of the senior citizens."
So I am not enjoying being yanked out of early retirement to back track through all this technobabble again, and Ed Snowden I am most definitely not, but even back then my role was more of a visionary than a nuts and bolts guy, and that’s the kind of mentality one needs to grasp this sort of concept.
It's not "what you can do" as much as "what you can do IF…"
The danger I clearly see here is too many uber wealthy, psychopathic eugenists thinking in those terms, all of whom have been investing their billions equally in both building out this technology AND hiding it. And what a brilliant job they have done at both!
This is the only conversation topic that is relevant today. Everything else is a misdirection, with the debates surrounding all of that providing cover for this core project. 100 YEARS in the making! The level of swarm collusion this took is impressive to me. These people are Nth level dangerous, and they have nearly succeeded in what they have been trying to do. This is the end game we are in now. If this is not exposed and the criminal motives driving it acknowledged, we are all toast. They can start turning us off at will now.
This is just another proof of concept type field test: They dropped people on the street in Wuhan with this, suffocated fans at a Travis Scott event in Texas, and walked people off the roof of sky scrapers in downtown Singapore during covid lockdowns like remote control lemmings. Every time you see a "spinner" drop dead there is a guy somewhere doing a demonstration for some other guy he is blackmailing.
Nah, we are well beyond the experimental stage here. We need people that are a lot better than I am digging into the available material, so please help me get this overview into the hands of such people. There is very little time left.
"Electro – Bio Transduction Unit converts the electrical signals, received from external devices into biochemical signals, and transmits them to intra-body nanonetwork for further processing. This unit consists of a decoder, a drug storage unit, an external physical effect source, and an injection chamber. The decoder receives the signal transmitted from an external device and derives logic gates. The logic gates are binary commands that produce some physical effect in the environment like thermal, optical or magnetic radio-frequency (RF) signals. The physical effect source (thermal, optical or magnetic field) placed around the drug storage unit, stimulates the nanomachines to release their content in response to external changes in the environment. The injection chamber injects the released molecules into the blood vessel network."
Here the "environment" being referenced is the one inside your body, so the triggering stimulus for this internal nano-system to do something can be initiated with heat, light or RF frequency signals, and since this system includes a drug storage area, whatever that contains can be released into your bloodstream on demand.
All throughout the various literature I have been reading the last three years one thing that kept popping up as a recurring theme was mental health and there were endless opinion pieces about how to deal with people who are tagged with some mental health diagnosis, more troubling than that was how psychiatrics was being used to herd people into various groups that courts were deciding had to be forcefully administered some sort of treatment that ran the gambit from re-education classes to mandatory medications. Imagine how this capability streamlines all of that.
"The drug storage compartment of the bio-cyber interface contains nanomachines that are fabricated with materials sensitive to external physical effects like changes in light, temperature, pH or enzymes [65]. The injected nanomachines traverse the blood vessel network and are anchored at the targeted site due to high affinity. The nanomachines are equipped with ligands (i.e., signaling molecules in the MC channel) that bind to reciprocal receptors (i.e., receiving molecule) and are only expressed at the targeted site [63]. The process of electromagnetic to bio chemical signal conversion is depicted in Fig 5 [63]. Bio and non-bio materials can be used to engineer nanomachine, like liposomes that are drug nanocarriers fabricated with a coating that is sensitive to external environmental factors [64]."
This paragraph simply explains how this is achieved mechanically, but what it makes me think about are what people have been calling "spike proteins" and how these things attach to a vessel and cause blockages because platelets would get hung up on them. Here it seems these objects have been something else all along.
"Photosensitive materials release encapsulated molecules when stimulated by light at certain wavelength emitted from an external laser source [66]. The process of photoisomerization destabilizes the bilayer membrane of liposome upon light illumination and allows the release of photoresponsive molecules. For example, caged compounds release molecules by bond breaking [67] and gold nanorods generate heat as a response to their conformational change [63], [68]. Temperature-sensitive materials release their contents upon a nonlinear sharp change in temperature of the environment such as temperature-sensitive liposomes [69], [70] and dendrimers [71]. Such a sharp change in temperature triggers the thermo-responsive liposomes to release encapsulated molecules in the environment. Thermoresponsive liposomes should ideally maintain their load at body temperature (37◦C) and deliver the encapsulated drug only upon an increase intra-body temperature [63]."
So hit you with a laser, something happens, raise your body temperature, something happens. "Caged compounds" stand waiting for orders. I don't like where this is going, do you?
And then additional examples of the nuts and bolts of this process are given.
This is how information travels in the opposite direction, from your body to the medical server.
" The bio electro transduction unit detects the concentration of received molecules and converts the molecular signals into electrical form. According to [63], this unit employs a cell structure to be used as a bioluminescence bioreporter. The bioreporter works on the principle bioluminescence reaction that produces a reporter protein upon excitation from an analyte."
An analyte is a part of the nano-biosensor used to "report" on you.
" The connection of the human body with the Internet is the basic notion behind the IoBNT paradigm. bio-cyber interface can be used as a module for connecting the human body to the Internet. bio-cyber interface must possess the capability to wirelessly transmit the aggregated intra-body data to the healthcare provider. Bio cyber interface is responsible for communication with the intra body nano networks as well as with the internet. Therefore, it must contain two communication units i.e., one for intra body communication and one for external communication with the internet."
There's your 6G frequency applications.
So information travels around inside the body via "an aqueous medium that allows the flow of molecules towards the destination" (i.e. blood) or by zipping around with "molecular motors".
[19] L. Felicetti, M. Femminella, G. Reali, T. Nakano, and A. V. Vasilakos, ‘‘TCP-like molecular communications,’’ IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 32, no. 12, pp. 2354–2367, Dec. 2014.
It's all about drugging you against your will by slipping you electronic mickeys!
" most of the work in nanocommunication and IoBNT domain is dominated by MC."
"The THz spectrum is less vulnerable to propagation effects such as scattering, which makes it ideal for intrabody communication due to its safety for biological tissue i.e., non ionization"
The only thing they like here is "less vulnerable to scattering". Non ionizing has nothing to do with this being harmless. It is the constant modulation and phase shifting of these frequencies that causes harm. This is how you keep signals separated so commands sent to your nano network of cooties don't interfere with commands sent to mine and it produces an effect like an EMF jackhammer that is breaking everything it touches.
Here's all the specifics:
That’s enough for Part Three.
Part Four will cover each of these technologies, explain where the power this system runs on comes from, and summarize the entire section.
If you are just finding my blog please be sure to also check out two other contributions I made: